Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 399 Real CS

There’s no denying that the cute pets are attracting tourists’ attention. In addition, Honghu Village was very noisy in the early morning during the finale of BRIC. Many tourists didn’t forget to call their friends while taking photos. It seemed that the excitement was still there. It will last for a long time, but latecomers will not be able to see the gold bricks.

It’s so comfortable to come home. After a leisurely morning exercise, the millet porridge prepared by my mother has already cooled down when I return to the villa. It’s the kimchi and millet porridge again. This combination is perfect for meals. I haven’t tasted it in 20 days. After seeing these things, Gu Hongyu ate 4 bowls in succession before he was done.

Seeing his son gobbling up the food, he was also very pleased with the mother who made the food. She smiled brightly and said to Gu Hongyu, "Don't choke. There is still a lot of porridge in the pot, and no one is trying to compete with you." Eat slowly."

Gu Hongyu Xili swallowed the porridge and said vaguely: "I will go to the county and town later. The leaders usually support the projects I carry out. This time I will also follow They came back with some gifts."

The father put down the bowl and nodded: "You should go there. There were leaders from the county who came to see you a few days ago. I just happened to go over today to implement it clearly. It seems that there are preferential policies to take care of us."

"Yes, I understand." Gu Hongyu said and walked upstairs.

But the plan didn't change quickly. Just as he was changing clothes, the phone next to him rang. At first glance, it turned out to be Chen Luofeng calling. Brother Chen is also quite busy these days. He doesn't know what he means by calling now.

After answering the call, the voice on the other end of the phone came over: "Xiaoyu, I heard that you are back from your honeymoon?"

"Ah, yesterday Minghao went to the airport to pick me up and Mei Ning back!"

"Haha, are you at home now?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Gu Hongyu didn't know why.

Regardless, Gu Hongyu understood what he said. Chen Luofeng continued: "Then you wait at home, we will be here in half an hour at most."

As he said this, the other party hung up the phone.

What's going on?

By the way, today is already the weekend, and it seems that Chen Luofeng and his gang of brothers are here again to fight against the autumn wind.

It's a pity that if they come, the gift giving will have to be postponed again.

Shake his head. Gu Hongyu casually put on a T-shirt and went downstairs.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, didn't you say you were going to the county to give gifts? Why are you so casually dressed without bringing anything?" The mother who was cleaning up the dishes felt a little strange when she saw Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "It looks like we can't go today. Mom, Chen Luofeng and his gang are coming over later, so we need to cook more!"

"Ah, Xiao Chen and the others are coming to the village again, okay. I understand..." The mother sighed and continued: "Nowadays, a meal in our family basically requires more than three tables. I couldn't think of it before! "

When Mei Ning heard her mother say this, she quickly answered: "Mom, I think our family should hire two dedicated cooks. You see, you get up early and stay late at night. You are so busy all day long that you hardly get any rest!"

"Xiao Ning still knows how to love people!" her mother praised: "But I am a person who can't sit still. Although I am a bit busy now, at our age, we should all move around, which is equivalent to exercise. I found that this I have been healthier for a while than when I came here.”

Mei's mother also said at this time: "That's right, I haven't noticed it at ordinary times. Some of my old problems have almost never recurred. The environment here is beautiful, the air is fresh, people are in a very good mood, and they eat green and ecological food. This disease is so painful Naturally I will stay away from you!”

Having said this, Father Mei and Father Mei, who were sitting on the sofa preparing to play chess, recalled their days in Honghu Village. Compared with the past, his physical condition has really changed a lot. My father used to have a lot of white hair on his temples, but now there are a lot less of them. If you don't look carefully, you can hardly see the white hair.

Next, everyone in the family lamented that the environment is nurturing, and only Gu Hongyu knew the truth. Without the Xianyuan Space, no matter how good the environment is, it would not be able to achieve such amazing changes. It can be said that the Xianyuan Space not only changed the fate of Gu Hongyu, but also changed the fate of the whole family.

While chatting, there was a commotion outside the house. Listening to those familiar voices, Chen Luofeng and his brothers arrived.

"Xiaoyu, this honeymoon lasts for more than ten days. Are you trying to relax?"

"Did you bring us a gift? Take it out quickly. If you're not satisfied, I won't leave at your house."

"Haha, Hongyu, I admire your speed very much. You will be a father in a few months."

"Don't fight with me, I'm waiting to be this child's godfather."

"Tch, you're already out, how can you talk about your godfather and wet daddy?"

"Since he is not the godfather, then Hongyu's child is destined to be my son's wife. There is no problem in that!"


As soon as Gu Hongyu opened the door, the group of elders started gossiping. When he heard Peng Minghao say that his unborn child had been booked by them, Gu Hongyu suddenly said dissatisfied: "Hey, hey, now boys and girls are... I don’t know, are you so enthusiastic?”

"Minghao, I'm not talking about you. When will you be able to pinch me? You still know that my family must be a girl and you are a boy?"

Peng Minghao chuckled: "Aren't we now relaxing the policy on the second child? If the first child doesn't work, we can have a second child. Anyway, we have a great chance of becoming in-laws!"

"Minghao is too insidious. Let's deal with him at noon."


There was a quarrel before they even entered the door. The two fathers who had set up a fight also laughed at the casual talk of these young people. They couldn't help but feel in their hearts: It's great to be young!

"Tell me, why did you come to Honghu Village today? You are all busy people?" Everyone sat down on the sofa. Gu Hongyu added tea to a group of brothers and asked with a smile.

Liang Qinghui said in surprise: "Hongyu, isn't the real-person CS in the Military Fans Club open to the public? You don't know, right?"

"Are you here to play with this?" Gu Hongyu suddenly realized.

"Yeah, don't you want to play with such a fun thing?" Gu Lin smiled playfully.

Which boy doesn't yearn for playing with guns? Gu Hongyu scratched his head: "Didn't you just come back? Yesterday, I walked around Honghu Village. I haven't even finished my inspection, and you guys rushed here in a hurry."

"By the way, I originally planned to go to the county and town today to deliver gifts. Since Minghao is here, you should take the gifts from the town leaders back when you leave. I'll deliver them in person to those from the county!"

"Don't look at me with such murderous intent. We all have gifts. As for whether you are dissatisfied or dissatisfied, I will not be responsible."

The gifts for these brothers were saffron, cordyceps, and other local specialties from Tibetan areas. In addition, Gu Hongyu also got some ordinary honey from the space and kept it so that these young men who had eaten delicacies from all over the world would have an incomparable aftertaste after eating it. (To be continued...)

ps: 20150806 Thanks to book friends "Crying Guying", "Eldest Young Master of the Li Family", "Emperor Queen and King of Earth", "God's Will Crazy" for their reward support, and thank you "Pretty Nancy" for your monthly ticket support. i1292


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