Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 400: Gu Hongyu's Cheating (Part 1)

Let me tell you, if I am on a business trip over the weekend, I will take one day off tomorrow. When I get home the day after tomorrow, I will type and upload new chapters on time! Thank you for your support, book friends, and please understand!


Everyone was very satisfied with Gu Hongyu's gift. Only Liang Qinghui pulled Gu Hongyu to the corner and asked in a low voice, "Hongyu, can you give me more of these cordyceps?"

Gu Hongyu looked at Liang Qinghui strangely: "Brother Liang, you are young, your liver and kidney function will not decline, right?"

"In that case..." Liang Qinghui lowered his voice immediately after speaking: "Am I living like this? Cordyceps sinensis was given to my former company commander who was a soldier. He was injured by shrapnel in the liver during an exercise. This thing is good for It's very useful to him. Hurry, do you still have..."

In the end, their true colors were revealed and they started to grab.

Gu Hongyu did have Cordyceps sinensis. When he was visiting the local medicinal materials market, he came across many of them that had just been collected from the mountains. At that time, Gu Hongyu used wood magic to detect that the Cordyceps sinensis was still alive, so he bought a lot of them directly. These were all taken to the mountains of the Immortal Source Space by him. With the ability of the Immortal Source Space, these Cordyceps Sinensis should be able to reproduce well.

Liang Qinghui is a kind and righteous person. It is very rare for a second-generation red generation to do this. In addition, his brother always supports him no matter what. Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu nodded: "I don't have much in stock recently, but I can still get this thing later, you give him these to eat first, and the rest will basically be there!"

"Good brother, can you give me some more of the pills you gave to my old man? Don't worry, I will give them to you no matter how much it costs." Liang Qinghui was moved and made a request.

"What are you talking about? We've already met each other, so there's no need to talk anymore!" Gu Hongyu said pretending to be angry.

Liang Qinghui thought about it and didn't mention the money again. Nowadays, these people are really not short of money. Talking about money hurts feelings.

"What are you muttering about? Come over and eat!"

The morning was spent chatting and spanking, and after a sumptuous lunch, everyone suggested going to the Army Fans Club to play real-life CS, and Gu Hongyu, a novice, was also forcibly brought in.

Now that the weather is starting to get hotter, the indoor events at the Military Fans Club are still crowded in the afternoon. But the few projects in the open air are a bit deserted.

Chen Luofeng and his brothers should be pampered on weekdays, but they are not afraid of these outdoor activities, such as hunting last time, real-person CS this time, the scorching sun above their heads and the stars under their feet.

There are deserts, grasslands and forests now available in real-life CS, but the trees in the artificially planted "forest" are obviously not yet lush, and the swamp area is still under construction. As for the snow scene, it cannot be played now that the season is wrong.

Wearing professional protective equipment and laser weapons, Chen Luofeng and the others chose the grassland scene.

With the addition of Gu Hongyu. The number of people was an odd number, so Gu Hongyu wanted to quit, but Liang Qinghui said with a smile: "Hongyu should team up with Minghao and the others. Anyway, if there is one more of you, it will be easy to eliminate you all!"

This time, the relatively weak ones such as Peng Minghao and Gu Lin were grouped together, while the strong ones on the opposite side, Liang Qinghui, Chen Luofeng, Jiang Zhe, etc., were grouped together. Now Liang Qinghui felt very jealous because there was one more student. Tegu Hongyu is not a piece of cake for them.

"Damn, don't show off. This is not a game that relies on personal strength, you have to cooperate with each other, you know. I'll show you later!" Gu Lin is a tough talker, and he won't lose even if he loses!

"Then let's meet Zhen Zhang on the field!"

"I'm afraid of you..."

While talking, the players from both sides walked to their respective positions. Gu Hongyu's group was relatively weak, but the shorter one was taller. The slightly stronger one was Gu Lin. It goes without saying that he is the captain of this team.

"Brothers, you saw what Lao Liang was shouting just now. We must be careful not to attack blindly. We will cooperate more later..." Gu Lin began to arrange tactics after he became the captain.

In the cs area of ​​this grassland. In fact, they are two small hills with dozens of acres. The two teams stand at both ends of the hills, with thigh-high weeds growing in disorder. If one side is the first to seize the high ground, it will be heavy for the other side. of blow.

As a novice, Gu Hongyu enjoyed Gu Lin's individual guidance: "Hongyu, you have fired a real gun. In fact, the sight is quite accurate, and you run fast. In this operation, I think you will be the first to run to the hill." Find a secret place to ambush at the top, and don’t let go of the opportunity to kill the opponent.”

At the end, he said: "Protect yourself well!"

After saying this, Gu Lin waved and left!

What is the situation, are you going to single yourself out?

Maybe they really don't think highly of themselves. No matter which team they are in, one more of him is not more, or one less of him is not more. They cannot play an important role. The most important thing is that they have no sense of teamwork. If they take action later, they may be exposed or Not helpful.

Although Gu Hongyu is the first brother on the battlefield, his wisdom is not bad at all. He quickly figured out this truth, but after thinking about it, this attention is actually very good. Isn’t what Gu Lin said is his advantage? Just use your few strengths to compare with them.

Good physical strength is good!

Gu Hongyu ran quickly towards the top of the hill according to Gu Lin's request. Even with a slight slope, it was still like walking on flat ground for him.

Gulin and the others were still formulating tactics. At this time, Peng Minghao looked at the running Gu Hongyu and screamed: "Fuck, Hongyu is really an animal. Now he has actually run to the middle of the mountain. It seems that he doesn't even take a breath."

"He can't stop at all!"

"Go, go, go, maybe he can really give us a surprise. We can't hold us back."


The top of the hill is also very flat, and there are several obvious piles of earth on it. Gu Hongyu ran to the top of the hill without blushing or beating his heart. Looking at the earth pile, his eyes opened wide, and he came up with a plan.

Gulin's team was not slow, but the team led by Chen Luofeng was faster. Soon, a pioneer Liang Qinghui came up from the bushes, wiping sweat with his sleeves, panting and muttering something.

Gu Hongyu hid on top of a mound, covered himself with some space grass and didn't shoot. He was waiting for the enemy's main force to come up, but when his own team was about to arrive, no one from the other side came. What was going on?

Oops, no, the enemy also adopted a strategy. Could it be that they were flanking them from the side, and Liang Qinghui was just a bait up there.

No, we have to fight quickly up there, but at this time Liang Qinghui found a place to hide. (To be continued...)i1292


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