Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 410: Strange Stone Marrow

"Persist, you must persist!"

Gu Hongyu kept reminding himself in his heart. He had just crossed another invisible pressure line. Now he was only two meters away from the mysterious place. The success that was so close must persist.

Gritting his teeth, Gu Hongyu slowly moved towards the mysterious place. Now his breathing had begun to become rapid, his eyes began to be full of bloodshot, and the veins on his neck also emerged. In order to find out the truth, he was willing to go all out this time.

After finally passing the last two meters, Gu Hongyu did not immediately step into the last meter. He adjusted his body's breathing. He must not waste any of the little air left in his lungs. If he missed the harvest because of this reason, he would not be able to cry.

After easing up for a while and waiting for his body to reach the best state at present, Gu Hongyu resolutely took a step. There was only the last meter left, and he must reach the end.

Sure enough, just after he took a step, a stronger pressure suddenly squeezed from all directions.

Gu Hongyu staggered, and the feeling that his body was about to be squeezed and burst surged into his heart.

Yes, Gu Hongyu had no chance to see his appearance at this moment, otherwise he would definitely be shocked by his current appearance.

Two meters away, Gu Hongyu's face was just a few blue veins popping out, and his eyes were bloodshot, but now the organs on his face were squeezed and deformed, the muscles on his face were twisted, his ears were up and down, and his mouth was crooked... If this image was taken in a photo, no one would recognize that it was Gu Hongyu himself.

Before Gu Hongyu moved forward, his bones all over his body rang. Was this a sign that his body could not bear it?

No, I will not give up!

It was only a short distance of one meter. Gu Hongyu crawled on the ground towards his destination, moving little by little towards the mysterious center.

Fortunately, although all the bones in his body seemed to be split, the "crackling" sound did not develop in a worse direction in the end.

Normally, a healthy person can easily run a distance of one meter. Some people who run regularly may have to run many meters a day. But now this short distance of one meter has left an indelible impression on Gu Hongyu.

After half a meter, the distance to the finish line is closer. At this time, the mysterious center that was originally in the haze suddenly began to become clear.

Gu Hongyu looked up at the center with great effort. There was a platform in the center of the mysterious place. There was nothing on the platform that could make people's eyes shine. Suddenly, Gu Hongyu felt that it was a mistake to take the risk here, and his heart was empty.

It shouldn't be. Could it be that this place was originally a gravity mutation field, and there were no other treasures or things that were beneficial to space. Then why did the mark on the wrist have an abnormal reaction? Even now, the mark on Gu Hongyu's wrist is glowing, and the closer it is to here, the rounder and brighter the glow is.

He glanced at the mysterious central platform again. From Gu Hongyu's crawling angle, it was still empty. He couldn't hold his breath in the water for much longer. Just when Gu Hongyu was disappointed and wanted to turn around and leave, a bright light flashed on the empty platform again.

There must be something on the platform, and I don't know where the power came from. Gu Hongyu supported himself with both hands and slowly raised his head.

This time he saw that there was really something on the platform.

A square stone that was not much bigger than a thumb was quietly staying on the stone platform. Because this thing was too small, Gu Hongyu's head that was almost touching the bottom of the lake just now really couldn't find it.

The stone looked very simple, but it was so different.

Gu Hongyu didn't see it, but as long as he was not stupid, he would know that in such an environment, the thing placed alone on the platform was a simple and ordinary thing?

He almost tried his best. Gu Hongyu stood up tremblingly, then he no longer paid attention to the stone on the platform, and directly held it in his hand, and began to return.

However, before Gu Hongyu left, the strange gravity here disappeared for no reason.

Gu Hongyu did not think about this problem at first. Now he has almost exhausted the air stored in his body, and he can no longer waste any time under the water.

After such a toss, the lake surface became even heavier at night, and even the low humming of frogs in the water disappeared. The lovers hiding in the bushes and woods also left with a smile on their faces. They had done what they should do, so why should they stay outside to feed mosquitoes!

The night sky was still dotted with stars. At this moment, there was a "splash" on the lake surface, and a black shadow just lay in the water, looking up and breathing rapidly.

After a while, Gu Hongyu finally had some strength in his body. He struggled with his arms and paddled to the shore. Then he lay on the grass for a while. When his body recovered to the point where he could walk, he got up and looked around. Then he returned to the lakeside cottage, changed his clothes and walked back to the community in a leisurely manner.

In the study room on the third floor, under the bright desk lamp, Gu Hongyu looked at the square stone in his hand.

Once Gu Hongyu took this stone in his hand, he almost never put it down. Although the stone is not big, it is surprisingly heavy. Even a matchbox weighs at least two or three pounds. Compared with it, the same volume of gold is simply a small witch compared to it.

The weight of two or three pounds is nothing to Gu Hongyu. The reason why Gu Hongyu can't let go is that this stone is very comfortable to hold in his hand, with a slightly cool feeling, which seems to make the whole person's soul feel rare peace.

Under the desk lamp, Gu Hongyu can see that the surface of the stone has many confusing patterns, which feels very round and there is no trace of artificial carving on the surface of the stone. He concluded that this should be a natural formation.

But this is not surprising. The material of the stone is actually somewhat transparent. Gu Hongyu can vaguely see that there seems to be some liquid flowing in the stone.

Judging from the weight of the stone, this is obviously not jade, and it is completely different from the chalcedony discovered by others in the legend. It is not chalcedony, but has a higher density than gold. What on earth is this?

Gu Hongyu simply put down the stone and searched for the massive information stored in his mind. Whether it was passed to him by the Xianyuan space or passed down to him by the ancient giants, Gu Hongyu was searching for information about minerals.

God helps those who work hard, or maybe Gu Hongyu was just lucky enough to find the name of a species that was very similar to the one under the lamp among the mountains of information. If I'm not mistaken, the stone on the table is called stone marrow, an ancient wonder.

But none of this matters. The most important thing is the function of stone marrow. It can actually...


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