Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 411 Great Changes in the Space Environment

Gu Hongyu was ecstatic after discovering the effect of stone marrow. The effect of stone marrow was too amazing and unheard of. However, such a strange object was quietly placed in front of him.

The incomplete Xianyuan space has never had the sun and the moon. Although it has evolved twice and there is wind flowing in the space, the strange atmosphere still makes Gu Hongyu, who is used to the sun and rain, not very accustomed to it. There is always a feeling of depression in his heart.

The effect of this stone marrow can actually make the Xianyuan space generate a natural environment. If such a small piece of stone marrow is placed in the space, it can make the terrain in the space change more dramatically.

The first thing is that it can form a lot of mineral vein resources. As long as the stone marrow is placed in it, perhaps in the near future, the Xianyuan space will be able to produce n various ores, accompanied by minerals more valuable than gold, which can make the mountains more upright and majestic, and also make the mountains and rivers more beautiful and wonderful.

This temptation is too great...

According to the information obtained by Gu Hongyu, the stone marrow is not a product of the earth. It is unknown where the ancient great power hunted this thing. Now it is actually left in the Red Lake and Gu Hongyu found it by chance.

To a certain extent, Gu Hongyu's luck is really jaw-dropping.

But then again, just like the environment where the stone marrow under the Red Lake is located, not everyone can easily approach and collect it. To be frank, there are people on the earth who can be compared with Gu Hongyu in terms of physique, but they are rare.

Could this thing be the real stone marrow?

Looking at the small stone that still has nothing strange even under the illumination of the desk lamp, Gu Hongyu now can't believe it and doubts.

Who cares, let's get this thing into the space and see if the Xianyuan space will produce a corresponding reaction.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu picked up the "stone marrow" and consciously entered the Xianyuan space.

Then a magical scene happened. The stone that was originally held in his hand had entered the space and disappeared for no reason.

Just when Gu Hongyu was still wondering if the stone had fallen into the study, the space suddenly began to shake, shaking violently...

Will it be repelled by the space again this time, Gu Hongyu thought helplessly in his heart.

But this time was an exception. Although the Xianyuan space felt like a landslide, Gu Hongyu could still clearly feel that it was not upgrading. The spiritual energy inside still did not change much.

Not being repelled to the outside world by the space, Gu Hongyu was surprised to temporarily freeze his body and use his consciousness to observe all the changes in the space.

After a short shake, the Xianyuan space returned to normal.

The animals that ran out of the forest in the shaking just now began to return to their nests. Gu Hongyu, who had not carefully observed the space for a long time, was surprised to find that the changes in the animals in the space during this period were so great that Gu Hongyu could not name many of the running animals at all.

He remembered that there were no animals on land in the space except poultry. By the way, the earliest animals living in it included a group of purple bees, a black snake, a blue snake, and a prairie tortoise that was sleepy all day. Could it be that those strange animals now are also the result of space upgrade and mutation?

Gu Hongyu guessed correctly. The current space has evolved twice, and because of the abundant spiritual energy, many animals and plants in it have undergone great genetic mutations. The poultry originally raised in it are basically not the original appearance.

Even purple bees, which originally only appeared in places with abundant spiritual energy in ancient times, have more or less mutated under the impact of several spiritual energy upgrades in the space. They are divided into several groups in the space, and their living habits are gradually changing.

Needless to say, the animals in the water, the aquatic animals in the space have been continuously worked hard by Gu Hongyu. There were originally many species, and after the space upgrade, the number and variety of fish are countless and there are too many changes!

If Gu Hongyu put some animals in the space into the outside world. Maybe it will cause some researchers to go crazy, and it will certainly cause a sensation. It is inevitable that the influence of Honghu Village will rise with it.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu smiled silently. If Honghu Village needs a gimmick in the future, he can really do this.

But before he could be proud. The space shook again.

A feeling of the end of the world immediately emerged in Gu Hongyu's heart. Fortunately, Gu Hongyu could control the Xianyuan space with his consciousness, but the next scene frightened him. With his ability, he could originally control the area within a few miles and even change its rules. The ability has inexplicably diminished. Now he can only barely control the area less than one meter around him.

It's a blessing in disguise. At least he can still control a little place, otherwise Gu Hongyu should have drilled out of the space without thinking.

Just as he controlled his body to leave the ground in space, the sky and earth suddenly changed color, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the wind and clouds changed, and lightning and thunder roared. The calm lake in space was now surging and the water was flowing backwards...

It was indeed the end of the world. Gu Hongyu had never experienced a serious earthquake himself, but the situation at this moment was more severe than the earthquake he had seen on TV.

Who has ever seen a whole hill suddenly crack from the middle, and then a huge mound of earth rose in the middle of the fracture, gradually getting higher and higher, and finally a straight peak appeared on the original hill.

Well, at the top of the hill, Gu Hongyu saw the upright stone tablet.

Below the stone tablet, the spring on the mountainside has now formed a waterfall, like a dragon spitting water, and a spring has formed a stream with a large flow. There is a small pool below the waterfall, and the water is deep and bottomless. Around the small pool are a few blue grasses with a bunch of light blue flowers. When Gu Hongyu floated to the front of the mountain, a refreshing fragrance spread in the air.

As the gushing water fell into the small pool, the splashing water around quickly formed a white mist, and then these white mists gathered together. Gradually, the middle of the mountain was surrounded by white mist, the waterfall appeared from time to time, and the fragrance in the air. Unfortunately, no one can appreciate this fairyland-like scenery.

In less than half an hour, the hill with the stone tablet in the space changed into the current mountain, and Gu Hongyu was immediately immersed in the beautiful scenery of the mountain.

But the change in space was just the beginning, and soon Gu Hongyu was stunned by other changes.

Floating to the top of the mountain, standing next to the more mysterious stone tablet, Gu Hongyu looked down at the changes in other places, and for a moment he didn't know how to describe it...

And the root of all this was a small piece of stone marrow!

ps: Thanks to "Tianyi Kuangwei" for rewarding support, and thanks to "chen8365" and "Li Xiaogou" for monthly ticket support!


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