Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 42 Lake bottom scenery [Please recommend and collect]

Thanks to Xie Zhixiu and book friend 141220155323837 for their support~ Tomorrow is New Year's Day, the first day of 2015. I wish all book friends a happy new year and all their wishes come true~~~~~~

The power of the space spring water is really too great. After Gu Hongyu collected some of the different species of fish he saw in the lake into the space, he saw that there were more fish swimming here and he decisively dived into the depths of the lake.

This lake has not been thoroughly fished for a long time. A natural ecosystem and food chain has been formed in it. With the appearance of those huge fish just now, there must be ferocious carnivorous fish at the top of the food chain hiding. He doesn't want to become food for other big fish later.

However, during the dive, I still thought that this big lake should not exist independently. There must be a larger water system underground, otherwise even such a vast lake cannot withstand the growth of large fish on such a scale.

It seems that after landing this time, we should plan the breeding plan of this big lake. Should we buy some big fishing nets and a few fishing boats to catch some big fish in the lake? Otherwise, all the small fish we raise will become their food.

Just as he was thinking about it, after a long time, Gu Hongyu finally dived to the bottom of the lake. He was immediately attracted by the scenery at the bottom of the lake.

At this time, the bottom of the lake was no longer illuminated by the sunlight above, and it no longer looked blue, but it was not dark and lightless, only deeper. Gu Hongyu could still distinguish the situation around the bottom of the lake.

Standing at a place on the bottom of the lake with his feet on the ground, Gu Hongyu did not feel the situation of being trapped in the mud. The bottom of his feet was a very hard rock. He was standing on a valley at the bottom of the lake. There was a cliff next to the valley, and on the cliff grew some algae floating with the water.

Gu Hongyu occasionally saw a few fish swimming by at the bottom of the deep lake, some of them were elegant, some were panicked. With a whoosh, a long creature that looked like a sea snake passed in front of him and ran straight towards a small fish. It seemed that the small fish was targeted by this creature.

The clear water quality allowed Gu Hongyu to find some new aquatic animals at the bottom of the lake as much as possible, but he still felt a little regretful that he was not well prepared when he came down. If he knew that the bottom of the lake had such a colorful appearance, he would definitely bring more equipment into the water.

However, regretting at this time is useless, and we can only look forward to making preparations next time we come!

Fortunately, the water pressure at the bottom of the lake did not have a negative impact on Gu Hongyu, who was unprotected. He did not feel any discomfort after staying at the bottom of the lake for so long. He could also feel that he could stay in the water longer. All of this was the transformation of the water fairy magic on him.

Since he was fine in the water, Gu Hongyu still planned to explore the dark canyon at the bottom of the lake. He was full of curiosity about the wonders at the bottom of the lake and decided to take a good look at the situation at the bottom of the lake. Even if he encountered an unknown danger, he could hide in it immediately to avoid it.

With something to rely on, he immediately swam towards the deep valley. As soon as he entered the canyon, Gu Hongyu felt a current flowing in one direction, just like the ocean current in the ocean, pushing him to the side. However, this was just because Gu Hongyu was not prepared. He quickly stabilized his body and continued to dive down.

The valley bottom did not have a wide view like the valley at the bottom of the lake. Gu Hongyu could not see far because of the depth of the water, but with his good eyesight, he could still see the scene a few steps away.

There was still not a lot of silt like the edge of the lake. Standing at the bottom of the valley at the bottom of the lake, the silt below only covered the instep. There was almost no water grass growing at the bottom of the valley, only fine stones, and only the water grass at the top of the cliff grew densely.

At this moment, Gu Hongyu felt something passing by his feet. He thought it was a fish at first, but then something flashed past his upper body. Now he saw clearly that these things were shrimps, which looked very similar to lobsters.

The reason why Gu Hongyu didn't dare to say it was a lobster was that the shrimp he saw just now was quite large. In the moment when it flashed in front of his eyes, Gu Hongyu could only judge that it was about several dozen centimeters long, but it still scared Gu Hongyu. There are no such large shrimps in freshwater.

Let's call it "lobster" for the time being. Seeing this situation, Gu Hongyu didn't intend to let it go. He wanted to see if there was a chance to get a few "lobsters" into the space. For this purpose, he had been tossing in the canyon for a long time.

Before he could take a closer look at the lobster at the bottom of the lake, Gu Hongyu grabbed the lobster and found that it looked exactly like a freshwater crayfish. Gu Hongyu was surprised that all the fish in the Red Lake grew bigger. Could it be that shrimps, crabs or other aquatic animals were also like this?

It was hard to imagine. It seemed that there were too many secrets in this lake waiting for him to explore. The clear and blue Red Lake was not as simple as people imagined. It was just that the villagers did not have modern equipment to explore it in the past.

He continued to walk deep into the canyon at the bottom of the lake. During this time, Gu Hongyu found that there were crabs in the gravel. They were really big. According to his estimation, most crabs weighed only one pound. Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs were really weak in front of them.

According to the method of attracting lobsters, a little space spring water was released in the place where crabs appeared, and some crabs nearby were caught by Gu Hongyu. Not bad, not bad. After two days, when the space purifies these guys, the fish, shrimps and crabs that were brought into the space will reproduce some offspring, and Gu Hongyu will have an inexhaustible supply of high-quality ingredients in the future.

After collecting the crabs, Gu Hongyu did not regret his trip. He went to the bottom of the lake and brought a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs into the space. He also saw the strange scenery under the lake. I am afraid that this section of the lake bottom is also the first time Gu Hongyu has set foot on it alone!

It's time to return. Gu Hongyu, who began to feel the limit of holding his breath underwater, began to swim upstream. Along the cliff wall, he saw a lot of water plants and small fish swimming in the water plants. Although Gu Hongyu still didn't recognize many of them, he no longer had the idea of ​​collecting them at this time.

Climbing to the higher part of the lake bottom, this is not the place where he just went down. Just as he was about to continue diving, he suddenly found that this area was different from the other lake bottoms. The algae here grew vigorously and the colors were different. It was not as monotonous as what he had seen before.

When he got closer, he could see that the stones they were attached to were also different among the algae, just like coral reefs. The surface looked rough, but Gu Hongyu felt it was relatively smooth when he touched it with his hand. However, he reached the limit of holding his breath, so he didn't think much about it and moved a few pieces into the space, and then quickly jumped up!

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