Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 43 Village meeting [Happy New Year to everyone]

(On the first day of the new year in 2015, I wish everyone all the best in the new year! Thank you book friends for your six-star reward support! In the new book issue, I hope book friends who like this article will click, recommend, and collect. If you are capable, you might as well reward me, Jiangnan Thirty would like to express my gratitude!)

When he came to the surface, Gu Hongyu realized that more than 2 hours had passed. As he swam desperately back to the cabin and approached the lake shore, he heard Uncle Aza's grandson Xiaohao calling out to his uncle.

Oops, Xiao Hao is calling him to come over for dinner. Although the wooden house has been built, there is no fire for cooking yet. Xiao Hao's voice is crying at this time. Maybe he hasn't heard Gu Hongyu for a long time. I felt aggrieved by the answer.

He quickly approached the lake shore and responded loudly to Xiao Hao's call: "Xiao Hao, uncle heard it. Just now, uncle went to the lake to catch fish. Look, I caught two big fish in my hand. Tonight Let’s just eat it, okay?”

In order to comfort Xiao Hao who was about to cry, Gu Hongyu immediately grabbed the swimming fish that had been in the space for a long time. The fish was very uncomfortable with the outside environment after leaving the space. At this time, it was still struggling in his hands, but Still to no avail.

When Xiao Hao saw the big fish jumping in Gu Hongyu's hand, his face suddenly turned cloudy and he became happy. Children are like this. As long as they are coaxed and coaxed patiently, nothing will happen. However, unless they are your own children, you should stay away from children who are particularly clingy!

"Uncle, will you let me touch two fishes?" Seeing Gu Hongyu coming ashore, Xiaohao could no longer control his excitement and ran over.

Gu Hongyu found him a big wooden basin, put two big fish in it and said with a smile: "Keep an eye on them, let them run away and there will be nothing to eat tonight!"

"Okay, uncle, I won't let them slip away!" Xiao Hao promised.

Gu Hongyu went into the house and changed his clothes, then he and Xiao Hao took the big fish and walked to Uncle Aza's house. Xiao Hao insisted on grabbing one by himself, dragging it with both hands and struggling to walk in front of Gu Hongyu. It looked like Although he was very tired, there was no trace of tiredness on his face.

"Xiao Gu, was this fish caught in the lake?" Uncle Aza saw Gu Hongyu nodding and continued: "I haven't seen such a big salmon for a long time. You are really capable!"

Gu Hongyu rubbed his head: "Hey, this fish is salmon. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't know what kind of fish it is. Catching them depends on luck. I just wanted to take a bath in the lake!"

Uncle Aza had his own opinion on the luck issue that Gu Hongyu mentioned, but he did not comment on this matter. He took the two fish and turned to Aunt Aza and said: "Old woman, take these two fish quickly. Go to the back room to take care of it, let’s all enjoy Xiao Gu’s good luck tonight!”

"Uncle Aza, I'm afraid none of us can finish these two fishes. I think we should save one for later. Just eat one today!" Both fish weighed eight or nine kilograms each, and he was only four of us. , I can’t even finish the fish without cooking other dishes.

Uncle Aza ignored Gu Hongyu's stop and said with a mysterious smile: "I don't know how many of us are here tonight. With these two fish, I don't have to worry about not having enough food. It's really good!"

Gu Hongyu asked in surprise: "There are still guests at Uncle Aza's house tonight? How about I just have a meal at my house today?"

"No, tonight's guest is still related to you." Uncle Aza still said with a smile.

Pointing at himself, Gu Hongyu asked curiously: "It has something to do with me, so uncle, who are the people you treat?"

"Stop guessing, it's just some of the more prestigious old men in the village. They mainly use the opportunity of dinner to discuss things with you in the evening." Uncle Aza finally told the truth.

Looking at Gu Hongyu who still didn't understand, he continued: "That's right, since you came to the village, this wooden house has been built, and the vegetable greenhouses and irrigation facilities being built over there are nearing completion. Even the cars are now After buying it, all the villagers are moved. These old men who came in the evening want to ask you, when will the land you grow vegetables need manpower? "

Gu Hongyu suddenly realized this, patted his head and said: "Oh, you said this, those hundreds of acres of land will definitely need manpower in the future. You see, I wouldn't have thought of it if you hadn't reminded me."

Just when the two of them were planning to discuss the details of this matter, the invited six or seven prestigious villagers in the village who were almost over fifty years old came. Seeing Gu Hongyu arrive, these villagers all greeted him with a smile. .

"Xiao Gu came so early..."

"The little old man is looking good lately!"

"Is the development of several projects going smoothly?"

"Xiao Gu's new car is really beautiful."


Some simple and unpretentious compliments made Gu Hongyu dumbfounded. In fact, these villagers understood the progress of the project better than he, the client, and they were just polite words. As for saying that the pickup truck was beautiful, how could he talk about it? Oh, if they go out and even walk around town, they can see cars that are much better than pickup trucks.

However, the villagers' goal was achieved. Gu Hongyu happily accepted their kind compliments and said very affectionately: "Thank you uncles for your concern. Everything has been going well recently. The next step is that the vegetable fields need labor. I still need everyone’s help.”

Knowing that everyone was here for this matter, Gu Hongyu simply took the initiative to speak out.

You must know that sometimes the self-esteem of villagers is stronger than anyone else. Gu Hongyu was worried that it would be embarrassing for the villagers to say it because of their face, so he refused to say it. Besides, he really hoped to have vegetable growers to work for him. The best of both worlds and Why not say it first?

Hearing what Gu Hongyu said, some of the villagers who came here suddenly laughed. At this time, Uncle Aza walked out of the house and happened to hear this: "I said Xiao Gu needs to find some help, but there is no such thing. Question, what else do you have to worry about?”

Seeing those old friends from the same village who were still immersed in the news given to them by Gu Hongyu, they ignored his words and Uncle Aza said unhappily: "Okay, the food is ready, let's go in and eat. Let’s discuss with Xiao Gu what to do after dinner!”

Entering a large basin of fish soup in the house, all the villagers who came here sighed. One villager said: "Brother Aza, this time Nicks has given up his old job and entertained us with such a big fish. Let us I can’t bear it!”

"Stop showing off, these two fish were sent over by Xiao Gu. Today's fish is very strange. I have never smelled the fragrance." Uncle Aza clicked his tongue in surprise.

"My sister-in-law's skills have improved, so we'll be in for a treat tonight!"

"That's right..."

In the end, even Uncle Aza began to murmur to himself suspiciously: "Is it possible that my wife hasn't fished for a long time, so she performed extremely well today?"

Only Gu Hongyu was holding back his laughter. He knew that this was not a problem with Aunt Aza's craftsmanship. The space's production could be worse!

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