Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 433: Alternative Scalpers

Chapter 433 Alternative scalpers (please subscribe)

"Boss, if you want a seat, why don't you come to my place? I'll trade with you!" While the middle-aged man was feeling annoyed, a lean and mean man at the front of the queue asked with a smile. ,

"Change, why don't you change? It's 200 yuan, right?" the middle-aged man replied hastily, clearing away the gloom.

But the wretched man was unwilling: "Boss, didn't you just say 500 yuan? Why have you lowered the price now?"

"Brother, isn't your position a little further back? How about I give you an extra 1300 yuan?" The middle-aged man is also a shrewd owner.

The wretched man looked at the insistent middle-aged man and nodded after thinking: "Just 300, give me the money, and the position will be yours!"

After handing over the money, the middle-aged man immediately jumped into the queue to buy fruits. He completely turned a blind eye to the other people in the queue who were unhappy with him.

After the wretched man got the money and left happily, the middle-aged man learned from some people in the queue that this wretched man was actually a person who specialized in occupying positions and then selling them for profit. He immediately moved towards Looking at the back of the long queue, I saw that the wretched man was at the back of the queue again.

Mr. Wang and his companions were completely shocked when they saw the scene in front of them. One of the companions sighed and said: "I can't believe that the seats here can actually be sold for money, and there are even professional people queuing up to take the seats. ”

"The world is full of wonders..."

"You can see from here how popular the fruits in Honghu Village are. I really want to taste the fruits here right away."

"I've learned a lot, but I just don't understand, what will happen if the little guy's position can't be sold?"

Just when Mr. Wang and the others didn't know how to answer, a tourist standing next to them said: "What else can I do? Of course I go into the orchard to pick some fruits and resell them to some people who are eager to leave. The price difference is the same as the transfer." The price of a position is about the same, and that little guy is not the only one in this queue to do such a thing!”


"This has really become a good job!"

"I'm just confused. The owners of the orchard don't know how to stop them. Why don't they pick the fruits and sell them to you? It will be much more convenient for you soon!"

The talkative insider just now didn’t seem to mind revealing more inside information: “With such a large orchard, the owner of the orchard cannot handle the manpower he has hired. There is also another major factor, the number of tourists who come to visit. Didn’t they also want to experience the joy of picking firsthand? Several factors combined led to what it looks like now!”

At this moment, a middle-aged woman picked a basket full of fruits and walked out with a smile. She waited for her to pay the money and did not leave. She squatted next to the entrance to the orchard with the basket as if waiting for something. The insider continued Said: "Did you see, this person is also a person who specially queued up, but he picked these fruits before anyone came to buy a place. You can see it later. These fruits will be resold by them at a high price in a short time."

As expected, Mr. Wang and the others were stunned. However, not long after the insider finished speaking, someone came up to ask the middle-aged woman. Upon seeing this, Mr. Wang and the others also rushed nearby. The middle-aged woman Thinking that Lao Wang and the others were fruit buyers, he immediately asked, "Are the bosses also in a hurry to buy fruit?"

Lao Wang wanted to find out and nodded silently, but an old man who was traveling with him asked: "Sister, the watermelon in your basket is probably about 100 kilograms. What's the price?"

"Watermelons are all priced at fifteen yuan per catty, and apples and pears are priced at twenty yuan per catty!" the middle-aged woman replied quickly.

"Can you make these fruits cheaper? Watermelons are 50% more expensive than picking them in an orchard yourself, while apples and pears are 100% more expensive..." A tourist who just stepped forward to inquire about the price asked after deliberation.

But the middle-aged woman had no intention of compromising, and continued with a smile: "Boss, you have also seen it. Now we have to wait in line for a long time to enter the orchard. Even after entering the orchard, we still have to pick fruits, including watermelons. The kind that is made of mature sand. This price is already very favorable. You are all big bosses. You can’t spend more than this every minute, so don’t bargain with us!”

"Hey, the eldest sister is always talking the same thing. I don't know about you, but you make a lot more money this day than when we go to work. How about if it's cheaper, I can buy more?"

"This boss is really good at cutting prices. We just want to make some hard-earned money. Okay, since you said it like this, if you ask for the unit price of all the fruits here, I will give you two yuan less. Is that okay?" The middle-aged woman said This time I finally gave up two yuan, which seemed like a huge advantage to the tourists.

This tourist was probably really in a hurry and was about to leave. After checking the fruit condition for a while, he quickly bought all the fruits. After passing the scale, he took out a wad of money from his bag, counted it, and handed it directly to the middle-aged woman, and then stood next to the tourist. Two tall and strong men who looked like bodyguards carried the fruit basket and left.

Watching the customer walk away, the middle-aged woman hurriedly put the money into the pocket on her waist. The corners of her mouth turned up, revealing the unique charm of a middle-aged lady.

"Widow Xu, you made a lot of money this time by finding a good guy, right?" When the middle-aged women started queuing up again, the wretched man who was selling his position suddenly joked.

"Lao Gan, weren't you in line behind me just now, ten people behind? How come you are in line behind me now? You are so lucky. You sold your place to someone else outside, right?" Widow Xu retorted without giving in.

Seeing the two people talking and laughing, many people around were shocked. Everyone saw how Widow Xu sold fruits. Watermelons, apples, and snow pears were only about 100 kilograms. They were sold out in less than a pack of cigarettes outside. The total profit reached more than 50%. In this way, Widow Xu made 700 or 800 yuan in one trip.

Many people's hearts were already in turmoil at this moment. Many white-collar workers in big cities only earn 5,000 or 6,000 yuan, but if the group of people just now had better luck, they would earn more than this amount in a day. How embarrassing it is for those tourists who have worked hard for a month and finally found time to travel!

Some people even began to waver in their hearts, otherwise they would do this almost guaranteed profit business for a few days in Honghu Village where they were unfamiliar with the place!

Do it or not...

ps: Thanks to the book friends "khaki mo", "皇天后土之王", "0 bite香一花0" for their reward support, and thanks to "水~半月", "enen" for their monthly ticket support !


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