Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 434 Solving the Problem

Uncle Qin, who came to Honghu Village with Lao Wang and the others, had a different experience. Uncle Qin was now crazy for food. ∈♦

When he entered Honghu Village, he felt like he had arrived in a food paradise. Many of the food materials in Honghu Village are now taken from the village, such as poultry, livestock, aquatic products, vegetables, fruits... Of course, many of them are produced by Gu Hongyu's family, and many are produced by several surrounding mountain villages.

The biggest feature of these ingredients is that they are all pollution-free green foods and crops irrigated with organic fertilizers.

It goes without saying that eating the products produced by Gu Hongyu's family is natural. Even if you eat vegetables, fruits and poultry and livestock grown by other villagers, these ingredients are also more original than many places. Besides, Gu Hongyu spent a lot of effort in Honghu Village. Even the grasslands and vegetable fields of other villagers in the village were quietly sprinkled with a lot of space spring water. Otherwise, how could the greening in the village have the current effect.

Uncle Qin was in pain and happiness when he entered Honghu Village.

What makes him happy is undoubtedly that there are too many delicious foods, and the same is true for painful things. When his stomach was full, he only ate a small part of the delicacies in Honghu Village, and there were more delicacies constantly tempting him.

As a last resort, Uncle Qin could only rely on exercise to digest the energy in his stomach.

He went to the military fan club and formed a team with others to participate in real-life CS. As a result, this exercise of digesting food made him have a lot of fun from the beginning. He almost forgot the purpose of coming to Honghu Village, and even forgot to visit Gu Hongyu!

The sunset gradually set in the west. When Gu Hongyu learned about some bad things that happened in the orchard, the whole family looked bad after knowing the news. The mother was still muttering in her mouth: "What happened, what should we do..."

"Mom. Don't worry, we will definitely be able to come up with a way. These people are just taking advantage of our negligence and taking advantage of this loophole to make unscrupulous money." Gu Hongyu hurriedly advised.

Father sighed: "This will have a bad influence after all, and others will blame us for it."

"We have to think of a solution as soon as possible. If this continues, the reputation of Honghu Village will be tarnished by these people." This is the voice of Mei's father.

"I think we should put up a notice at the entrance of the orchard from tomorrow. Remind everyone not to buy fruits from scalpers, and prohibit those who often resell fruits and positions from continuing to appear there!" Mei Ning thought for a while and made a suggestion.

"Well, this suggestion is good. At least we have reminded tourists. If people do this again, it can't be blamed on us." Mother nodded in approval.

Gu Hongyu shook his head gently: "This is not right, we have no right to prohibit others from buying and selling and queuing. Besides, they reached a deal voluntarily, not forced buying and selling at all. Doing so will be caught by people with ulterior motives."

At this time, Uncle Azha's voice rang outside the villa: "Is Xiao Gu at home?"

"Uncle. What do you want to see me for now?" Soon Gu Hongyu opened the gate of the villa and invited Uncle Azha in.

"Xiao Gu, do you know what happened in the orchard now?" Uncle Azha said anxiously as he walked.

It turned out that Uncle Azha also came for this matter. Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly and said: "We just got the news not long ago, and now we are discussing countermeasures!"

"Are there any results?" Uncle Azha asked hurriedly.

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "This matter is still quite tricky. I think the orchard can only send more people to maintain order."


When Uncle Azha walked into the living room, Gu Hongyu's family was already very familiar with him and greeted him cordially: "Good evening, Secretary Azha!"

"Brother Azha is here!"

"Have you had dinner? Let's eat here later!"


"Well, you are all good. I think we must think of a way to deal with the situation in the orchard now. This thing can't be allowed to continue. If it doesn't work, I will find the villagers in the village to drive these people out of Honghu Village. I don't know where those people came from. They completely tarnish the image of our Honghu Village." Uncle Azha said stubbornly.

"Brother Azha, this won't work. If you force it, it will give others something to talk about. Think of another way!" The father persuaded Uncle Azha instead.

"Really, seeing that Honghu Village is on the fast track of development, the villagers are about to live a good life, and some evil spirits have come out. It's really worrying." Uncle Azha took a puff of dry tobacco and said irritably.

"Hongyu, I didn't hear what you said outside just now. Can you say it again?" At this time, Father Mei suddenly asked.

"I, just now outside..." Gu Hongyu thought for a while: "Oh, just now I suggested to Uncle Azha that the orchard should increase the manpower to maintain order."

"Then can Honghu Village still recruit employees to work in the orchard now?" Father Mei continued to ask.

"This..., now the villagers basically have something to do. If we go to the neighboring village to recruit, it may take a longer time. Far water cannot quench near thirst!" Gu Hongyu analyzed slowly.

"In this case, I have no way to do it. If I really need manpower, I have a way!" Father Mei said regretfully.

At this moment, Uncle Azha was anxious: "I will find a way to deal with the manpower. This matter is related to the reputation of Honghu Village. Our village temporarily finds some people to help. They dare not listen!"

"Okay, then I'll tell you my humble opinion." Father Mei didn't forget to show off his knowledge at this time. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he coughed and said, "In my opinion, this matter can be easily handled with manpower. The main reason for this kind of thing is that some tourists are in urgent need of fruit from the orchard. Isn't it enough for us to meet their needs?"

"After the orchard has more manpower, let the additional employees pick some fruit overnight for backup. In this way, when we encounter tourists who are in urgent need of fruit during the day, our orchard will directly sell them at the original price. In this way, there will be no more selling positions and reselling fruits!"

"This is a good idea. It can completely prevent such things from happening again in the orchard." The father agreed immediately.

"We just need to add some manpower. In this way, our monthly salary will be much higher!" Although he is now rich and Gu Hongyu has become a billionaire, his mother still lives a tight life.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Mom, this cost is nothing. The image of Honghu Village is more important. This is a good idea. Let's do it this way."

"Xiao Gu, you guys get busy. I'll go back and find a few strong guys to pick some fruits in the orchard tonight. Tomorrow, those scalpers will be helpless!" Uncle Azha agreed with the suggestion and immediately suggested going home to find help.

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