Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 466 The Crisis Facing Space


"Xiao Ning, don't be angry. I really have something to do when I go to Guquan Village!"

In the living room of his villa, Gu Hongyu was fawning over Mei Ning in a soft voice. After going to Guquan Village for more than ten days, Mei Ning was very angry, and the consequences would be serious!

Mei Ning still looks angry, maybe it's because of her pregnancy, but now Mei Ning has lost the weakness she had before marriage and has become a bit stronger. (800)

"Brother Yu, what on earth do you think? You are so cruel that you leave me alone at home while you run outside to be cool. Do you think I should be angry with you?"

Gu Hongyu said with a thoughtful smile: "It should be, but isn't there a reason for this? You don't know how difficult the living conditions are in Guquan Village. At least there are water sources in Honghu Village and neighboring villages, but drinking water is available in Guquan Village. It's only a distance of ten miles and eight miles, and there are wind and sand everywhere. I have been helping them solve this problem these days. Didn't I come back as soon as it was done? "

Listening to Gu Hongyu talking about the situation in Guquan Village, Mei Ning immediately asked: "Are you really that serious over there?"

"Of course, otherwise why would villagers from their village come to Honghu Village for speculation last time? This time I inspected their village on the spot, not to mention that there are no conditions for development and utilization. It was not until the night before yesterday that I discovered what? "Gu Hongyu made a mistake.

However, when Mei Ning stared at her eyes, Gu Hongyu continued: "There are some good stargazing spots in Guquan Village. At that time, I had a flat tire and it was dark outside. I thought I would be bored waiting for the rescue vehicle. , but looking at the starlight in the sky, you will slowly be immersed in it and unable to extricate yourself. "

"Night sky, stars, you wouldn't suggest that the project developed by Guquan Village should be that starry sky, right?" Mei Ning guessed Gu Hongyu's plan at once. txt full set download/

The thinking of modern people is indeed not comparable to that of the villagers of Guquan Village. Gu Hongyu nodded: "Smart, you have never seen that starry sky. There are so many stars, like the fairy constellation, the Sagittarius constellation... I only know a few of them. The constellations can be clearly found in the sky.”

"I heard from the villagers that you can enjoy meteors falling from the sky every few days there. It must be a paradise for astronomy enthusiasts, and it is also a place that some romantic people yearn for. You said that if couples hold hands there and make a promise, Would it be particularly different if a shooting star suddenly passed by while I was wishing?”

"It's true. As you talk, I want to go over and have a look!" Mei Ning was obviously moved by Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu immediately said solemnly: "Dear wife, why don't we go there together in two days and take a walk with you under the starlight? This is also a good choice!"

"Well, I must go, thank you Brother Yu!" After the rain, the sky cleared up, and Gu Hongyu finally calmed down Mei Ning's explosive emotions.

Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning finally hugged each other tightly, quietly enjoying the rare warmth.

I don’t know when, my mother, my father, my father, and my mother gently opened the door of the villa and walked in. The two of them were still immersed in that happiness. The four of them felt a lot when they saw the scene in front of them. Maybe they all felt it in their hearts. Sighing, Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning are a match made in heaven!

Mei Ning cared about Gu Hongyu, so she paid special attention to his trivial matters and wanted to keep him by her side every moment. However, as a young and wealthy young man, Gu Hongyu wanted to get rich overnight but still He is so gentle and elegant, and his whole nature has not changed at all, which can't help but make the Mei family sigh.

"Dad, Mom, you are both back!" A soft greeting rang out.

The four old people who were still standing by the door suddenly became embarrassed: "Ah, I just went out for a walk. The tomatoes we just picked in the greenhouse today are so sweet."

"Yeah, the orchard is still so lively. I went over and picked up a watermelon. I'm going to take it and chill it for you to try later."

"I'm going to wash the vegetables now. Hongyu has lost weight from outside during this time."

"It's better to be thinner, but I still look energetic, which is good!"

A group of people chatted loudly, and then everyone went about their own business. Mei Ning and Gu Hongyu were finally left in the living room. They looked at each other and smiled. Their parents were so funny!

After eating exquisite Chinese food, although I often went to the space for extra meals in the dead of night in Guquan Village, the meals cooked by my mother were still so delicious.

In the afternoon, Gu Hongyu chatted with his family for a while before entering the space. The space at this moment gave him a different feeling.

Gu Hongyu, the spirit of life, placed it halfway up the mountain with the stone monument, that is, in the pool below the spring outlet. Gu Hongyu, the green you, did not let it go either. He planned to focus on the river at the foot of the mountain. cultivate.

Unexpectedly, the green space that is difficult for humans and animals to enter has been fiercely competed by space aquatic creatures as soon as it appeared. Many of the creatures in the space waters may have been transplanted from the outside, but at least the creatures have also undergone an upgrade in space. Almost All living things have undergone more or less mutation and evolution. Those that have not evolved are either eliminated by the natural law of the jungle, or live at the lowest end of the food chain because of their strong fecundity.

Gu Hongyu couldn't restrain his excitement when he thought of luring the life elves into the Xianyuan space. He didn't know what was going on. When he opened the space to let the life elves in, the spirit stone mine was completely empty on the day the life elves survived. Being completely pulled into the space.

Suddenly, Gu Hongyu in the Xianyuan space felt the existence of the spirit stone mine, and he also found that the spirit stone mine in the Xianyuan space seemed to have a momentum to continue to grow. What kind of situation can make the spirit stone mine grow? Gu Hongyu was puzzled.

In the end, the life spirit who kept shouting that he was deceived told him that the spirit stone mine can indeed grow, but that requires the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, or the condensation of mountains and rivers. Now the spiritual energy in the air in the Xianyuan space is very sufficient, so it is natural for the very withered spirit stone mine to grow.

Gu Hongyu knew that this situation was painful and happy. What made him distressed was that the spiritual energy of the space seemed to be emptied all of a sudden, and the original rich spiritual energy dissipated a lot. What made him happy was that in the future, as long as he got a strange object full of spiritual energy, the spirit stone mine would grow after absorbing it, and the quality of this space would be improved.

But thinking of another thing, Gu Hongyu smiled silently. The reason why the life spirit cried out that it had been deceived was that it found that this space was not complete after it entered the Xianyuan space. As long as Gu Hongyu could not find the strange things that could keep the space going in a short time, the fate of the life spirit would be quite tragic.

However, it was a good thing for Gu Hongyu. Now that the life spirit had joined, it would help Gu Hongyu find more strange things in the world, or the remaining fragments of space fragments, so that the Xianyuan space could be continuously upgraded!


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