Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 467: The corridor along the lake is completed


In the same way, Gu Hongyu told Chen Luofeng about his idea for Guquan Village and asked him to find a professional design institute to make a plan. Of course, money is indispensable. The design fees for the projects in Honghu Village alone add up to several million!

"Hongyu, I think you should set up a special architectural design institute. My friend's design tasks are almost all done by you.txt novel download/" Chen Luofeng joked on the phone.

Gu Hongyu also laughed: "Brother Chen, professional things should be done by professionals. I don't have that ability. Besides, I can't steal your friend's job, right!"

"Haha, when I heard you talk about the beautiful night sky in Guquan Village, I immediately wanted to go there to appreciate it. I haven't had a holiday for a long time. I have decided to take my family to your place to play for a few days next week."

"Come on, Xiao Lele called last time to ask about the foal. You tell her the news and she will jump for joy." Gu Hongyu's family likes Lele, a cute child.

After the matter was explained clearly, the news was told to the old branch secretary of Guquan Village, Gan. In the next period of time, the villagers of Guquan Village had a lot of things to do, at least to rectify the current situation of the village's dirtiness and mess. In addition, the design institute would send several employees to Guquan Village for a field investigation, and the village representatives would follow up and accompany them in real time.

The project construction in Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village was very smooth. During this period, the two branch secretaries stayed on the front line. When they were not indecisive, the two branch secretaries did not inadvertently disturb Gu Hongyu.

The lakeside viewing corridor of Honghu Village has been completed, connecting the cabin where Gu Hongyu and his family lived before, and the other side was built to the bird-watching platform for several kilometers.

The corridor faces the Red Lake on both sides, one section is adjacent to the aquaculture circle on the Red Lake, and the middle section is a wide lake. Several docks that can berth large cruise ships have been built in this section of the corridor. This is a change based on the strong demands of tourists. Many netizens on the Internet advocate that there should be several sightseeing cruise ships in the lake. When Gu Hongyu insisted on not using fuel motor boats, the last more professional netizen suggested building several antique building ships. This kind of ship relies on the principle of pulley combination and is purely artificially driven. A building ship can also accommodate hundreds of tourists.

The last section of the corridor facing the lake is the reed marsh, which is only separated from the wildlife reserve by a net. At the end, the corridor extends nearly 20 meters toward the lake. A large pavilion has been built on the corridor on the lake. Visitors can stand on it and enjoy the wild birds in the reed marsh. This will be another good place for bird watching.

On the other side of the corridor, there is a path leading to Gu Hongyu's grassland. Visitors can see the sheep raised on the grassland. Beyond the grassland is a fantasy garden. The trees are all strange or rare species in China. There is a fork in the corridor. If visitors are willing, they can walk directly to the garden to enjoy the scenery.

On the last section of the back, there is a stone road connected to the bird-watching platform on the hill, and there is another road that leads directly to the antique building. Visitors can easily go to the antique building to appreciate the ruins of the Song Dynasty border town and learn about some humanities and history at the end of the Song Dynasty.

When the corridor opened, the county and town leaders did not come. It was not that they were indifferent to this. On the contrary, they originally wanted to come to support it with great fanfare, but they were rejected by Gu Hongyu. Xianyuan Hotel will be built and put into use soon, and it will not be too late for these people to come at that time. Popular novels

After setting off a string of firecrackers, the corridor along the lake was opened to the public. Tourists were very interested in this corridor that connected many scenic spots. It was crowded for a while, and many tourists were expressing countless exclamations in the excitement.

"This corridor is so majestic and domineering. It is more than three meters wide. The top is all antique wooden roof frames, and the glazed tiles are all on it. Look, the guardrails on both sides of the corridor are all solid wood. The whole pillar is inlaid, and there is a layer of grille inside. This way, the safety performance is much better than the corridors of some domestic scenic spots!"

"The boss here is very courageous, and there is more than that. See, there is a row of seats on both sides of this corridor every ten miles. There is a shop less than a hundred meters away from the lakeshore, and there is a toilet at the back. These are really humanized considerations!"

"It's really good. Standing on the corridor and looking at the lake is different..."

"There is also a pier over there. There is hope for a lake cruise in the future. I really want to take a turn on this big lake now and take in all the beautiful scenery on the lake. The whole view is in sight. "

"I heard that that's where Mr. Gu raises fish. These fish are all rare species, and they are all purely ecologically raised, without any feed added. How much do you think these fish will sell for per pound?"

"I think it will be at least several hundred per pound. Do you know how much Mr. Gu sold the fish for last year?" Ignoring the answers of others, the tourist said to himself: "More than a thousand pounds is almost one million, and the price of a pound of fish is almost one hundred yuan. You know, those fish are just ordinary fish species in the lake. This year, these farmed fish species are more precious. It would be strange if these fish are not expensive."

"Tsk tsk, now there is such a large area of ​​breeding waters, how many fish will be caught by the end of the year, Mr. Gu will be rich now!"

"Tch, what's the point here? The orchard is now Guban's biggest source of income. As far as I know, the orchard covers tens of thousands of acres. The watermelon with the largest output now costs ten yuan per catty, and other fruits cost at least fifteen yuan per catty, and more. There are some in their thirties and forties. I have gone in to pick them many times, and the fruit trees bear so many fruits. I was shocked to find out that the amount was at least several billion!"

"Hiss..., how many billions?"

"Oh my god, are there any people left alive?"

"Comparing people with others makes you want to lose money!"


"But let's not be jealous, because even if we are given this place, who can guarantee that he can develop to this level? The old man himself has the strength. In fact, he is actually prepared for such people." The man who spoke is not very old. , looks to be less than thirty years old, wears a pair of wide-rimmed eyes that are not too thick, and is dressed neatly and neatly, giving him the appearance of a learned man.

When Gu Hongyu heard this dear friend's comment, he took another look at him and remembered his appearance deeply. Many people are confused and jealous when they see superficial things, but few people can analyze them rationally. The nature of the person, and the calm and undisturbed look of the person I just commented on can still be remembered freshly in people's minds.

The continuous release of consciousness made Gu Hongyu finally unable to hold on and took back his mental power. It was not that Gu Hongyu wanted to monitor what these people were saying, but that Gu Hongyu used this release of mental power as a way to exercise his spiritual consciousness. One way, continuous practice can make spiritual consciousness more familiar and powerful.

However, Gu Hongyu was still very excited when he heard that so many tourists were shocked by the corridor along the lake. Even Uncle Aza, who was standing next to him, blushed and murmured to himself with a rosy face: "It's really not true. I didn’t expect that Honghu Village could be built so beautifully. I don’t know what it will look like after the outdoor leisure center is built in the future..."

"Uncle, don't worry, this place will definitely get better and better. I'll go buy a boat and come back in two days. Then I'll go up there with you to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Red Lake and have a drink. It's not in vain." It’s a waste of time,” Gu Hongyu said with a smile.

"Well, okay, okay, I didn't expect to see such changes in Honghu Village when I get old. Even if I die now, my life will not be in vain..."

While talking, a group of old men and a middle-aged fat man came from a distance. The old men were gourmets represented by Mr. Wang, and the middle-aged fat uncle was with Gu Hongyu at Kanas Lake. I know Uncle Qin.

As soon as they arrived here, they were attracted by the natural scenery and unique things of Honghu Village. After finding Gu Hongyu, they stayed here with no intention of leaving soon.

Uncle Qin is an outgoing person, and he soon shared the same hobbies with this group of like-minded old men. They became acquainted with the like-minded old men. After visiting the beautiful scenery of Honghu Village, eating the delicious food in the village, they went to Ma'aozi Village together. Visiting Haojiawan Village was really refreshing for a while.

"Hey, Xiao Gu and brother are here!" The leader, Mr. Wang, was like an old naughty boy. He was out of shape all day long, with a hearty laugh hanging almost from the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Gu, your place is so comfortable. It's so comfortable!" After Uncle Qin came to Honghu Village and came into contact with the delicacies, his figure expanded in a straight line, but he didn't care. In his own words, "When I met Naturally, you can’t treat yourself badly with delicious food, just wait until you get back to lose weight!”

Gu Hongyu just chuckled a few times after hearing this fallacy. Although he didn't agree with it, he couldn't interfere with his way of life.

Facing this group of old men and Fat Uncle Qin, Gu Hongyu couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Wang..., Uncle Qin, weren't you in Haojiawan Village a few days ago? Why are you back today? What should you expect from the scenery over there? Haven’t you finished the reward yet?”

"Yeah, yeah, we just went to the black pottery making workshop in Haojiawan Village. Everyone here made a pottery pot by themselves. We were about to go to Xingxingtan. Didn't I hear that the corridor here opened today? "Well, Xiao Gu, you didn't tell us this news. Isn't this too unreasonable?" Mr. Wang pretended to be angry.

Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly: "Mr. Wang..., won't you be able to see the same corridor here in two days? You don't mind coming just from Haojiawan?"

"This..., how can this be the same? You don't understand how crowded it is. Besides, after we get tired from shopping here, won't you be there to entertain us? Last time we went to Xiangjiang, you gave us a guarantee that you would have food and accommodation here. No problem!" Lao Wang said again.

Now Gu Hongyu understood it all. They came here specifically to go to the corridor and view the scenery, but they came here to satisfy their cravings. Speaking of which, these old men are all gourmets. The current food in Haojiawan Village is still the same as that in Honghu Village. There is a certain gap. The most important thing is that the vegetables and fruits grown by Gu Hongyu seem to be not enough to divide, and there is nothing to forget about Ma'aozi Village.

Going to Haojiawan Village aroused the greed of several old men and Uncle Qin. For the sake of delicious food, they decided to give up and go directly to Xingxingtan. They stayed in Honghu Village for two days before going back there.

Gu Hongyu didn't expose their lies. These old men were still very respectable, so Gu Hongyu said: "Uncle Aza took Mr. Wang and Uncle Qin for a walk in the corridor. I will go home right away." Make arrangements..."

Before he could finish speaking, Uncle Aza hurriedly said: "Xiao Gu, it's better for me to go over and talk to the eldest brother and the others. You stay here with Brother Wang and Xiao Qin."

After saying this, Uncle Azha walked quickly towards Hongfu Community without saying anything, leaving Gu Hongyu shaking his head and smiling. Although Uncle Azha's personality has become much more cheerful, he said a few polite words to Wang Lao and the others. Due to his different knowledge and vision, he couldn't answer the rest of the questions. It felt like he was talking to a deaf person. He always felt uncomfortable talking about food with Wang Lao and the others.

After waiting for Uncle Azha to leave, Gu Hongyu finally led Wang Lao and the others to the end of the corridor, to the pavilion on the lake. Here, they were facing a large reed bush by the lake.

Perhaps it was because humans had never been so close to birds here before. Many birds living in the reed bushes were disturbed by strange humans. From time to time, some flying birds were startled out of the reed bushes by the noisy crowd, screamed a few times, and then slowly fell back to their nests after finding that there was no danger.

Faced with this situation, Gu Hongyu was helpless. The pillars in the corridor clearly stated "Please do not make loud noises", but the quality of tourists varied greatly. Some people completely ignored this sign, or even if they knew it, they did not take it seriously.

Let's wait for the wild birds to adapt themselves. The reeds next to the Red Lake are the best breeding ground for birds. In addition, there is now a lot of food, and there is a factor that makes them feel close to it. Even if there is a noisy person nearby, they will not leave here easily.

Looking at the situation around the corridor, Wang Lao and others sighed: "Xiao Gu, these are all designed and planned by you, this handwriting is second to none!"

"That's right, the corridor is almost unprofitable. I don't know how many years it will take to recover the cost of building the corridor from the profits of those few stores, but Brother Gu insisted on building this corridor. I am ashamed of his courage." Uncle Qin also said on the side.

Gu Hongyu smiled faintly: "I am bold. In my opinion, this corridor can connect several scenic spots in the village into a whole, so that tourists can walk between several scenic spots without feeling irritated or disgusted. In fact, after the corridor is repaired, it will become a landscape, which will not only facilitate tourists but also increase the viewing spots of our Honghu Village. Such a thing will be beneficial to the long-term interests of Honghu Village, right?"

"Your brain is really fast..."

"Awesome, I can only give you a thumbs up!"


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