Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 483 Aboriginal Cook

Gu Hongyu's flight destination this time is Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, which is the third largest city in Australia. ∷

Queensland is one of the six states in Australia, and its name is to commemorate Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

Queensland is located in the northeast of the Australian continent, bordering the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Northern Territory and South Australia to the west, New South Wales to the south, and the Gulf of Carpentaria to the north. It covers an area of ​​1.7272 million square kilometers, accounting for about 22.4% of the area of ​​the Australian continent, and is the second largest state in Australia. About 54% of Queensland's area is located north of the Tropic of Capricorn, with little rainfall, warm climate and sunny weather, and is known as the "Sunshine State".

Queensland has many famous scenic spots, such as the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef. Queensland has many theme parks and national parks, and is a famous tourist and holiday resort in Australia. It is rich in mineral resources and has developed agriculture and animal husbandry. Mining, agriculture and tourism are the three pillar industries of the state's economy.

After getting off the plane, Gu Hongyu, his second cousin, and Qiang couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It was still hot in China, but Brisbane was cold. Gu Hongyu couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard the answer he got from the Internet. Although he knew it was winter in Australia, the daytime temperature they learned was more than 20 degrees. Gu Hongyu's perception was only 10 degrees at most. It was not until then that Gu Hongyu suddenly realized that the other passengers on the same plane looked at them with strange expressions.

Let me explain here. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. Although the time difference with China is only two or three hours, its seasons are completely opposite to those of China. December-February is summer, March-May is autumn. June-August is winter, and September-November is spring.

Australia has unique geography and characteristics. Australia spans two climate zones. The north has a tropical climate. April-November is the rainy season, and November to April of the following year is the dry season. Due to its proximity to the equator, January-February is the typhoon season.

The southern part of Australia has a temperate climate with four distinct seasons. The inland of Australia is a desert with few people, dry and rainy, high temperature and large temperature difference; on the contrary, in the coastal areas, there is abundant rainfall, humid climate and obvious oceanic characteristics.

Although Australia has four seasons. But the temperature difference between seasons is not very large. The temperature in summer is about 25c to 35c, and the temperature in winter is about 10c to 20c. Many cities in Australia are concentrated on the seaside. Even if you come here in the highest summer, the cool sea breeze will bring you a cool mood.

Facing the cold climate, we made full preparations when we set off. Gu Hongyu's physical fitness has always been strong and he can still withstand the low temperature. However, his second cousin Qiang Ge opened the box and found a thick coat at this moment.

Just after putting on his clothes and leaving the airport, the mobile phone in Gu Hongyu's pocket rang. Looking at an unfamiliar phone, Gu Hongyu asked casually: "Hello, who are you?"

But a chattering foreign language came to my ears. It was slightly different from standard English, and seemed to be the language of a minority ethnic group in China. Gu Hongyu smiled at this time. He was now abroad, and he should speak English when communicating. It would be strange if the other party could understand him.

He asked the other party to speak slower on the phone again. Then Gu Hongyu understood what the other party meant. It turned out that the person who spoke to him was an employee recruited by the old Hall family in Australia. Now another member of the Hall family was sending him to greet Gu Hongyu and his party.

The Australian race (australoid) has brown or chocolate skin; black, wavy hair, thick beard and developed body hair. The face is low and narrow, the forehead is tilted, the brow ridge is very high, the eyeballs are dark brown, the nose is very large, the nose bridge is not high, the nose wings are wide, the lips are quite thick, the chin is very prominent, and the stature is medium or tall. This race is distributed in Australia, New Guinea, Melanesia in Oceania, and parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia.

Australians have many similarities with Negroes and Mongoloids in physical characteristics, so some people classify them as Negroes and Mongoloids.

Following the prompts from the other party on the phone, Gu Hongyu and others slowly walked out of the platform. Soon he saw a middle-aged man of authentic Australian race, wearing a loose gray-brown shirt, a pair of bleached jeans, and a pair of sneakers on his feet, standing next to a Ford pickup truck.

Seeing Gu Hongyu coming out of the platform, the bearded man who seemed to be in his middle age walked straight over, with a minority English flavor in his mouth. Fortunately, Gu Hongyu did not return English to the teacher. He was familiar with ordinary English communication, and could barely understand this minority English, but he also asked the bearded man on the other side to speak slowly.

The bearded man was very happy to receive Gu Hongyu and the other two. He drove the pickup truck on the road and glanced at them from time to time. Gu Hongyu slowly chatted with him and found out that this guy was called Cook, nicknamed Black Bear.

Although the bearded man looked very enthusiastic, the careful Gu Hongyu could still see some unnaturalness in Cook's expression.

Indeed, Cook was a local hired by the member of the Hall family, but seeing that the customer of the Hall family was about to leave, the new boss Cook wanted to make a good impression on Brother Liu, at least to let Gu Hongyu and others continue to employ him.

With such thoughts, Cook, a big and strong man, drove carefully, fearing that he would do something wrong and suffer dissatisfaction from the new boss.

After taking a flight for almost a whole day, he ate something in a hurry on the plane. Looking at the time on his phone (the time on the phone has been adjusted to the time zone), it was already past noon. Gu Hongyu complained to Cook in the cockpit.

This guy is really bad at being human. Didn’t he see that it was already noon? He came all the way here and didn’t even ask if they had eaten. He wouldn’t just take them to the farm. It’s nearly 300 kilometers from the airport to the farm near the Gold Coast. It would take at least more than two hours to reach the destination. Gu Hongyu didn’t want to continue to starve like this.

As the car was on the way, it seemed that there was a small town next to it. Gu Hongyu hurriedly stopped it: "Cook, you haven't eaten yet, come pick us up today and I'll treat you to a meal at noon."

"Boss Gu." A strange voice came out of Cook's mouth: "Food is very expensive around here, or drive forward, there will be food similar to yours in less than 2 kilometers."

This bearded Cook was saving money for the boss before he even said he would keep him. Gu Hongyu immediately decided to keep this big guy after taking over the farm.

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