Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 484: Finally Arrived at the Farm

A meal of black pepper beef made Gu Hongyu and the others full of emotions. What the hell kind of food is this? The taste in their mouths was really hard to swallow. The second cousin and Brother Qiang also frowned and held up their knives and forks. He plucked at the plate randomly, trying not to put the so-called steak into his mouth.

However, the native Cook and Gu Hongyu were completely opposite. They flipped the steak skillfully with the knife and fork. In a short time, he swept two steaks and a bottle of dark beer into his stomach. Wiping his mouth, he seemed to still feel a little unfinished.

"Have you eaten yet?" Gu Hongyu looked at Cook and said with a smile.

Cook scratched his head shyly: "I'm already very full."

Fortunately, Gu Hongyu was fully prepared before arriving in Australia. Chen Luofeng helped him exchange 100,000 Australian dollars. After paying the bill, Gu Hongyu walked out of the store. This is the most luxurious and high-end store in this town. I heard from Cook that the restaurant and surrounding restaurants can’t compare to this one in terms of taste, but Gu Hongyu doesn’t plan to come here again. It’s really deadly if he comes here twice.

After eating and drinking enough, a glass of dark beer with a very low alcohol content had no impact on Cook's driving. Most areas in Australia are vast and sparsely populated, and drunk driving is not as strict as in China. Gu Hongyu followed Cook. I didn't see many vehicles passing by during that half hour.

On the way to Queensland, the road was relatively spacious at first, but after an hour and a half, the road began to become bumpy, and there was even a lot of water. People who were not familiar with the road conditions would not know the depth of the puddles.

Cook is quite familiar with roads, but on a road that is not very spacious, he drove a pickup truck as if he was driving a car rally. When he waded through the water, the water splashed high, and when he needed to go around the bend, he just drew a S shape comes out.

At first, the second cousin was still angry that Cook drove out in a pickup truck to pick up people, but now they don't think so. Thanks to this pickup truck with a relatively high chassis, if the car came over dozens of times, it would definitely get stuck in the mire and be unable to climb out.

After almost three hours of stumbling driving, the last section of the road was almost entirely driven through deserted grassland. There were no roads in this land at all, and Cook drove carefully along the traces of traffic.

Just when Gu Hongyu wanted to ask what was going on, Cook seemed like a prophet: "Boss, our farm is coming soon. However, a lot of land here is ownerless, and the state has not built infrastructure. "

"Damn, our farm is in such a desolate place." After hearing what Gu Hongyu said, the second cousin was completely stunned: "If I had known, I wouldn't have come."

Gu Hongyu slowly explained: "Didn't Cook just say that this land has been put up for sale? I checked online in China and found that there is indeed a lot of farm land for sale in Queensland. Maybe this is it."

"It may be a little harder in the early stage here, but after a year and a half, it will definitely become lively here. Maybe the surrounding farms are also bought by Chinese compatriots, and you will have company by then."

"Oh, I hope so." The second cousin came out of fantasy and recognized reality.

Brother Qiang, who is usually taciturn, suddenly asked: "Hongyu, can I go back with you now?"

"Brother Qiang, I despise you very much. You strongly requested to come here. Why did you start to retreat before we even arrived at our farm?" Gu Hongyu became excited. It's not a good sign for them to be like this.

But Brother Qiang immediately said forcefully: "Okay, it's okay if you don't know how to go. But we don't understand the language here. At least you have to send us a few people who understand the local language to act as translators. In addition, you have to send a group of people from home. Just treat it as an employee, otherwise I won’t be able to stay with all these gringos.”

Gu Hongyu thought for a moment that this was indeed true, so he nodded: "Okay, I'll find a way in this regard. When I go back this time, I will first recruit dozens of people from neighboring villages. Translation will be more difficult. But now we don’t have much to do with the outside world, so it shouldn’t be a problem if we take it slow.”

"Okay, let's arrange it like this first. If I can't figure it out, I'll come to you directly." Brother Qiang smiled with a smile that succeeded.

Damn, this guy is not thinking about going back. He is clearly negotiating terms with him. I didn’t expect that an honest and strong brother would actually do something like this. It’s so shady.

With a wry smile, Gu Hongyu rarely paid attention to his second cousin and brother Qiang, who looked embarrassed. Now the two of them were almost happy to high-five each other in celebration.

"Cook, how far is it from our farm now?"

"Boss, we are almost there. We still have a few minutes at most. Check whether there is a hill in front of us. After climbing over the hill, our farm will be on the other side." Cook shook his head as he drove.

Taking a closer look, with Gu Hongyu's excellent vision at the hill pointed by Cook, he could clearly see a dense forest on the top of the hill, separated by a fence made of barbed wire on the edge of the forest. The grass and trees on the other side of the fence were obviously much better than the conditions on both sides of the road where their cars were driving now. It seemed that that side was the farm of the old Hall family.

However, in a few hours, that vibrant farm would soon change hands, and Gu Hongyu couldn't help but feel excited when he thought about it.

The pickup truck jolted towards the grassland. As he got closer, Gu Hongyu discovered that there was an obvious driving lane beside the fence. Not long after the car drove around the fence, a two-way lane paved with cement asphalt was found. Present before your eyes.

Cook introduced happily again in the cab: "Boss, this road is the route from Queensland to the Gold Coast. There are many more vehicles than the one we passed before. A section of our farm is right next to this road. In the future, if the beef, vegetables, and fruits produced by the farm are of good quality, they can be sold there."

As he was talking, the pickup truck got on the concrete road, but soon the pickup truck turned a corner and passed through an obvious iron gate. After driving less than 500 meters, several people in the car saw a gray-white building in the farm, and several people heard the sound of the car coming out of the house.

With a creak, the pickup truck stopped steadily in the small courtyard of the building.

"Excuse me, who is Gu?" Just as Gu Hongyu got off the car, a voice came out.

The person walking in front of Gu Hongyu was a middle-aged man. Like Old Hall, he had golden hair and a clean face, but he had two thick golden beards on his lips. He was tall, had a straight nose, and had a pair of dark blue eyes, but his face had a sense of relief. To be continued. .

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Ren Yijie", "Yangzhong", "Huangtian Houtuzhiwang" for their rewards and support, and thanks to "Wu Ren Hai" for the monthly ticket support


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