Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 534: Employees' gossip

"Have you heard that Boss Gu has negotiated a big deal this time!" A bent-over employee in the farm vegetable field whispered to another person. △

"Tsk, need I say that? Didn't you see that we are picking vegetables now? A car will come to take them away later." Another employee picked vegetables and responded casually.

"Damn, I'm telling you business. Do you know how much Boss Gu paid for these ten acres of vegetables?" The person who spoke at the beginning kept it a secret.

"I say Kuizi, where did you hear the gossip?" someone else asked.

The man called Kuizi said proudly: "Where else can I get it from? Didn't Boss Gu's cousin also come to Australia? He was so happy when he drank at dinner last night that he couldn't help but reveal a lot of information to me."

"The source of the information is fine, tell us quickly." Another employee carrying a vegetable frame came over and asked curiously.

"Lao Jia, didn't you just not listen? Why are you still here and not working now?" Kuizi is very young. Lao Jia obviously didn't believe what he said just now, but now he is really serious.

"Kuizi, you've been keeping us in suspense. Tell us now, or we'll ask Boss Gu ourselves." said the employee who put down the basket full of vegetables and picked up the empty basket.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you, but don't say I spread it to others, okay?" Kuizi looked around and continued, "I heard from Brother Dong that the vegetables in this vegetable field can be sold for millions of yuan!"

"What, millions, did you hear that correctly?" Someone obviously didn't believe it.

Kuizi was anxious: "This was told to him by Boss Gu himself, and this is not Chinese currency, but Australian dollars. A few million Australian dollars is worth tens of millions of Chinese currency."

"Oh my god, in just less than two months, Boss Gu has made tens of millions."

"Tsk tsk. This speed of making money is even faster than robbing a bank."

"You guys only see Boss Gu making money, why don't you see Boss Gu's investment? Not to mention other valuable vegetables, there is no cost, and the farm does not cost money to buy. It takes a lot of money to support us employees!"

"It seems that people here in Australia are really rich. How many vegetables can be produced from these ten acres of vegetable fields? If they can really sell for tens of millions, how much does this vegetable cost per kilogram? They are not eating vegetables, I think it's money."

"Now I understand why Boss Gu invited us to come here to grow vegetables with a high salary. It turns out that people in Australia are rich and stupid. I used to worry about the salary being too high, but now I feel more balanced after hearing about the value of these vegetables."


Just when the employees were chatting heatedly. A voice rang out: "What are you doing during working hours? The truck will be here soon, so you have to make good use of this time!"

"It turned out to be Brother Qiang. We just talked casually for a few minutes, and we will get to work immediately, and get to work immediately..." The employees scattered.

However, one or two people approached Lai Qiang with a worried look and asked: "Brother Qiang, I heard that the vegetables here really sold for tens of millions of Chinese yuan?"

Lai Qiang said seriously: "Don't ask around, such a good job is not easy to get. You must seize it well. After working for a few years, you can go home to live in a mansion and marry a good wife who is one in a hundred villages."

A smart employee asked again before leaving: "Brother Qiang. It seems that this news is true without a direct answer?"

"Whatever you think, you have to do your job well, otherwise I will not be partial." As the team leader of the employees, Lai Qiang now cherishes this hard-won situation, and in his heart he is even more grateful for everything Gu Hongyu has brought him.

Soon, several people came out from the other side of the vegetable field, including Gu Hongyu, the second cousin and Lin Feiyu.

Gu Hongyu and the others had heard the conversation between the employees just now. At this moment, Gu Hongyu looked at the second cousin and said, "See. What is drinking and causing trouble? Why didn't you control your mouth?"

"This..." The second cousin scratched his head and looked embarrassed.

"I was thinking about telling the employees about this in a few days. Now the gossip is spreading like wildfire. Now there is no need to tell everyone, but at the end of the month, give a bonus to all the employees on the vegetable field. We should all be encouraged for their hard work in the past two months." Gu Hongyu thought for a while and said to Lin Feiyu.

Lin Feiyu always does things neatly: "Okay, I'll remember this."

When the morning mist over the farm dissipated, several trucks drove into the farm with horns honking, and quickly stopped next to the pile of frames under the guidance of the farm employees.

"Bosh, are you coming to pick up the vegetables yourself this time?" Gu Hongyu greeted Joyce Bosh who jumped off the truck with a smile.

Bosh looked very excited: "Gu, have you picked the vegetables? Two large trucks should be able to load them, right?"

"Haha, no problem at all. Hendry actually delivered the test reports of all aspects of the vegetables to the farm last night. I made several copies. You can take one later." Thanks to Hendry's help in the test report, Australia's efficiency is also very fast. It took less than a week to get the test results.

The test data is also very good. Hendry said that some of the values ​​of the vegetables sent for testing were even unbelievable to the inspectors. In short, the elements that are beneficial to the human body are much higher than those of ordinary vegetables. Until later, the remaining vegetables that Gu Hongyu sent for testing were taken away by the inspectors.

Of course, as a meritorious person who helped the farm, Hendry did not treat him badly when he came last night. Before leaving, he sent him a few baskets of vegetables. Gu Hongyu also gave him a few bottles of fruit wine made from pure space fruits and space spring water. When he drank it, it was definitely an unexpected surprise.

After two hours of work, the truck finally left with the vegetables. Bosh took the test report and looked at it, but he couldn't turn his eyes away. As a major member of the agricultural product trading company, he basically knew the content of various elements in vegetables. Now the test report given by Gu Hongyu also made him happy. With these test reports, the Joyce family will have strong support for opening up the market channels for top-quality vegetables.

After the vegetables were taken away, the vegetable field employees did not rest. They still had to tidy up the vegetable fields and plant new vegetable seeds. In addition, it would be urgent to open up more vegetable fields. There were things for them to do next.

After lunch, Gu Hongyu walked a distance on the trail of the farm next to Mei Ning. As a pregnant woman, proper exercise is very necessary.

After returning home and waiting for his wife to take a nap, when Gu Hongyu was about to enter the space to study the magic of talismans, a call came in. It was Bosh's number. Didn't this guy just leave in the morning? Is there something wrong with the vegetables?

Before he answered the phone, the other party said excitedly: "Gu, Gu..., the vegetables grown on your farm are sold like crazy once they are put on the shelves!"

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Liu Lijin, Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County" for his praise and support, and thanks to "Xinzai おlang" for his monthly ticket support.

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