Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 54 Giant carp appears [Please recommend and collect]

It was past noon that Gu Hongyu wanted to buy the excrement that the villagers had kept away from. Uncle Aza conveyed the news to the whole village, which caused a huge sensation and made them unbelievable. Many people even rushed to the wooden house by the lake. Get to the bottom of things.

"Little old man, do you really want to buy the poop from our animals?"

"I heard that you bought all the livestock excrement in our village?"

"Is it true to buy poop? How much money do you spend to buy poop?"


Many villagers have gathered on the grass in front of the wooden house, and many villagers are rushing here under the scorching sun.

This is no small matter. Who knows that if a family grazes one or two hundred cows and sheep, it will produce a lot of excrement in a day. It turns out that it is worthless and there is always one's own land that needs farm fertilizer for irrigation, but no one can use it if there is too much excrement. There’s so much I can’t use up.

Now it’s good, there is Gu Hongyu who also buys manure for free. If the price is good, those families who raise a lot of livestock can get a lot of income in a month just by relying on manure. They heard Uncle Aza After receiving the verbal notice, he immediately rushed to Gu Hongyu to ask for explanation.

Some of the villagers felt unreasonable about Gu Hongyu’s actions and whispered privately: “Do you think the old boss is stupid because he has too much money? Why would he use money to buy excrement? Even if he said he needed it, which one would still give it to him? Don't send it to him quickly. Whose house doesn't have mountains of feces everywhere? Now that there is a place to deal with it, everyone in the village is happy!"

"You are right. After several contacts with the old boss, I feel that he is just a big boy with no temper. He is very kind. Is this because he does not want to take advantage of us?"

"Why don't we just give him our own feces? Even if it's free, we still have to thank him!"

"No, this won't work. He stuffed money into our pockets so hard that we couldn't push it out. At best, we can sell the feces to him cheaper in the future!" The person who spoke was a villager who was obsessed with money and accepted death.


With his sharp ears and eyesight, Gu Hongyu listened to everything the villagers said. Most of the villagers were simple and mellow, and he had nothing to complain about the petty villager Gu Hongyu.

Seeing that there were many villagers standing on the grass, most of the people in the village must have arrived. At this time, Uncle Aza followed several villagers and walked in front of Gu Hongyu, and said with an apologetic look: "Xiao Gu, Look at what this has done, I’m still looking for trouble on a hot day!”

Gu Hongyu smiled softly and said: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect the villagers to be so enthusiastic and eager to know the exact news."

"Haha, the village is used to being poor. Now that they hear there is such a way to make money, why don't they worry!" Uncle Aza said straightforwardly.

After chatting with Uncle Aza for a few words, Gu Hongyu turned to face the villagers who were looking at him expectantly and said sternly: "Actually, you don't need to make a special trip for the New Year. Do you still believe it, Party Secretary Aza? Now I Let me tell you clearly that I buy all the excrement in the village. If you are willing to go to other places to get excrement, I will also buy it. The price of excrement will be calculated according to the small town. In addition, it is true to recruit a retting master with a high salary. You know If the fertilization business is not easy to do, I will announce the salary in advance at 5,000 yuan a month and temporarily recruit five people. Those who are interested in doing this can contact Uncle Aza privately later. "

"Wow, this is true!" Many villagers immediately started booing again.

Someone in the village obviously knew the price of manure. He calculated it silently and said loudly: "Now there are people selling dried chicken manure in the town for 200 or 300 yuan a ton. If the old man buys it for 200 yuan, my family will only buy chicken manure in the future." The feces produced by sheep can earn hundreds of dollars!”

"A few hundred yuan a month, did you calculate correctly?" The people next to the villager still couldn't believe it. Many villagers here went out to work for this little money!

The villager who just spoke said angrily: "You don't know how much useless cow and sheep dung is piled up in your home, do you? Do you need me to talk about such a simple question?"

A burst of discussion made the villagers very excited. Those who raise more cattle and sheep can earn hundreds of yuan more in a month. Even if they raise less, a hundred yuan is not a problem. There is another benefit of doing this. Gu Hongyu Help them get rid of these annoying feces. In the future, even mosquitoes and flies will be reduced a lot in the village, and the environment will naturally be much better.

After seeing off the villagers who were extremely grateful to him, Gu Hongyu had a rare moment of leisure. After being exposed to the scorching sun for a long time, he felt dripping with sweat all over his body. He turned around and looked at the calm lake. He planned to go down to the lake to take a cold bath to cool off.

However, there were a few little ones who had not left yet. Several village children headed by Xiao Hao rushed towards the wooden house from the woods. Xiao Hao was still shouting: "Uncle, we are here to play with you again." !”

When they walked in, Gu Hongyu scratched Xiao Hao's nose: "Didn't you go back just now and run out again without telling your grandpa? Why don't you go home to cool off when it's so hot outside?"

"No, I brought Xiao Shitou and Xiao Qi here specially to come to you this time. You can't drive us away." Xiao Hao is very familiar with the wooden house, and he used his eyes intentionally or unintentionally in the gaps between his words. I glanced inside the wooden house.

Gu Hongyu understood what Xiao Hao wanted to do. He just bought the computer back to the village a few days ago. Xiao Hao was fascinated by the various games on the computer. The village did not have access to the Internet. Gu Hongyu installed many stand-alone games when he bought the computer. Unexpectedly, he himself didn't play much, but he was worried about Xiao Hao.

Gu Hongyu thought for a moment: "Okay, take your friends into the house to play computer games. I'll call your grandfather, but you can't run around!"

He was going to take a bath later and had no time to take care of these half-grown children. Seeing the children nodding excitedly, Gu Hongyu took out his mobile phone and called Uncle Azha to explain the situation of Xiaohao and the others to him.


After making arrangements, Gu Hongyu turned around and jumped into the water in a beautiful posture.

The cool lake water wiped away the heat and made Gu Hongyu feel comfortable. After soaking in the water for a while, he thought of the giant carp yesterday. He didn't know if he could summon the giant carp in broad daylight.

Gu Hongyu thought curiously in his heart and put it into action at the same time. He began to use the water system skills and sent the idea of ​​simple communication with the giant carp yesterday to the lake. In a short while, the fish in the lake began to gather around Gu Hongyu and surrounded him tightly in the water as usual.

But this was not the result Gu Hongyu wanted. After trying to speed up the operation of the technique and release some space spring water, the fish around him in the lake suddenly became jubilant. At this time, Gu Hongyu began to smile, because he had already felt the familiar fluctuations of thoughts. It was the giant carp from yesterday.

The benefits of daytime are self-evident. Gu Hongyu could see the scale of the carp school under the lake at this time. After waiting for a while, the giant carp happily swam towards Gu Hongyu, and its huge mouth kept opening and closing. If the giant carp could speak, it would definitely express the joy of reunion!

Gu Hongyu patted the giant carp's head and touched its dorsal fin. Suddenly, the giant carp jumped up and its whole body flew out of the lake, and then hit the lake heavily, soaking Gu Hongyu thoroughly.

But Gu Hongyu didn't care about these at this time. He was shocked by the scene in front of him again.

Gu Hongyu could only see the giant carp's giant head and dorsal fin underwater. When it came out of the water, the whole body of the fish was completely presented in front of him. Gu Hongyu didn't know how to describe the appearance of this giant carp.

It was so amazing. The scales on both sides of the giant carp's body were actually golden, the fine scales under the belly were silver-white, and the caudal fin and tail were also fiery red. It looked like it was wearing a suit of armor and reflecting the light when it was in the air facing the sunlight.

A huge golden giant carp, this color and body shape should be unique. Gu Hongyu was still immersed in the dazzling leap of the giant carp, and he regretted not bringing a camera to freeze this scene.

At this moment, screams came from the lakeside. Gu Hongyu looked in the direction of the sound and found that it was a group of children who were also looking at the giant carp in the lake in surprise. The sound was made by one of the children.

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