Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 55: Shepherding sheep and growing watermelons [Please recommend and collect]

(Thanks to ‘Qi Zhu’, ‘Xie Zhixiu’, ‘aquatic’, and others for their support!)

"Aren't you guys playing computers in the house? Why did you all run out?" Gu Hongyu regretted not swimming further away and summoning the giant carp again. The news that the giant carp was seen by children will definitely spread. Children Who can control your mouth?

"Uncle Gu, I went outside to pee just now, and when I saw the big fish in the lake, I asked Xiao Hao and others to come out to see it!" The boy named Xiao Qi had the courage to admit it at this time.

Since he was seen, Gu Hongyu didn't intend to hide it, and there was no need to scold the children so that they wouldn't tell others. However, seeing that the children were a little afraid of him and cowering, he still managed to be patient and kind. He said to them: "This is not a big deal, you don't have to be afraid, just do whatever you want."

"Really, then I can continue to play games?" Xiao Hao is now the leader among his friends, and his relationship with Gu Hongyu is also better. At this time, he said bravely.

Gu Hongyu chuckled: "I told you it's not a big deal. You can come over when you want to play with the computer, but you are not allowed to touch the computer when you are in school!"

"Oh, I know, thank you, uncle!" After Xiao Hao received permission, the other children also thanked Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu secretly thought that this was nothing. Thinking of the moment when the children saw the giant carp, Gu Hongyu quickly used his consciousness to ask the giant carp to swim to the depths of the lake. He almost planned to dive, too. Wasn't it just that the giant carp was caught by the children? Have you seen it? It makes him so embarrassed.

This is also Gu Hongyu's instinctive desire to protect the giant carp, because the news of its appearance will attract the attention of all parties. If someone with malicious intentions wants to kill the giant carp or take it away, this is not what Gu Hongyu The result I want to see is that maybe his reaction and behavior at that time misunderstood the children, so I still have to explain it now.

After calming down and thinking about it, Gu Hongyu felt that he had the ability to protect the giant carp. Not to mention the vast area of ​​the lake here, a guy that could grow into a giant carp must have an underground water system at the bottom of the lake. Moreover, the giant carp is also very smart. People become better with age, and the same goes for the giant carp that has grown for so long.

It's okay to bring the giant carp into the space when it is absolutely necessary. Anyway, since the giant carp is known to the world because of him, Gu Hongyu will never let it suffer harm. This is a kind of responsibility and responsibility. responsibility!

The children who were enjoying the air conditioning and playing games left in the afterglow of the sun. Seeing their happy faces, Gu Hongyu shook his head. After staying out for a long time, he didn't know if he would be beaten when he went home.

Gu Hongyu's life in the village is very leisurely. He has sufficient funds and no shortage of funds. Uncle Aza helps him arrange all aspects of his affairs in an orderly manner. It is leisurely and comfortable all day long.

Dinner didn't come so soon. Gu Hongyu went to the vegetable greenhouse to inspect again. The vegetable seedlings were growing well. Everything was normal and there was nothing to worry about.

Wandering to two large reservoirs while no one was around, he released some space spring water into the pools. In order to prevent the vegetable seedlings from growing too fast, the amount released must be controlled. However, adding space spring water little by little over a long period of time can still increase the volume. to improve vegetable quality.

There was nothing to worry about. Gu Hongyu walked slowly toward the grove with his hands behind his back. He had not been busy in the village for more than a month, but he had not taken a good look at the contracted land and pasture.

Today, he planned to check the situation nearby before dark, inspect the surrounding environment on the spot, and think about how to use the land reasonably besides growing vegetables.

As soon as he arrived in the woods, Gu Hongyu heard someone calling him from behind. He turned around and saw that it was Party Secretary Aza. Gu Hongyu responded kindly: "Uncle Aza, every household should be cooking now. You are not at home to accompany me." Why did Auntie come here?"

Uncle Aza smiled and said, "I haven't come here to look for you. I just went to your house and saw that you were not there. When I came out, I happened to see you standing by the woods."

"Oh, why are you looking for me so urgently?" Gu Hongyu also smiled.

Uncle Aza said happily: "You told everyone on the spot at noon that you wanted to recruit retting workers with high wages and asked me to take full responsibility. Many villagers came to your door. If I didn't come and let you implement this matter, I'm afraid it would still be a long time ago." More people are looking for me, which puts me in a dilemma!”

Seeing that he was not embarrassed at all with a smile on his face, Gu Hongyu was a little surprised. Although the wages paid to the retting workers were high, this was a dirty and tiring job. Now that Uncle Aza told him, the villagers were still flocking to it. feeling.

Gu Hongyu asked nervously: "Are there really many people looking for you?"

"No, there are about ten of them right now, but I think the old and infirm ones have all been rejected. According to your request, the remaining five are all strong men." Uncle Aza patted his chest. Assured.

"Then let's recruit these five people first. You can also tell the villagers who haven't caught up. There will be many job opportunities in the future. We need some villagers to harvest vegetables in the greenhouse. I'm planning to walk around and look at the vacant land. What can be done?”

"Okay, that's fine!" Uncle Aza nodded in response, but after hearing what Gu Hongyu said later, he quickly asked: "Xiao Gu, you said you plan to plant the remaining contracted land now?"

The land contracted by Gu Hongyu is no less than ten square kilometers, and the land area occupied by the vegetable greenhouse is only a few hundred acres. Secretary Aza also calculated in his heart that if Gu Hongyu fully started construction, the whole village would be able to find it. As soon as I do something, I become enthusiastic.

"It's just that the land area is too big. I'm still thinking about what to cultivate in the land?" Gu Hongyu scratched his head and couldn't think of a reason. There were too many things that could be planted, but a lot of melons were missed in this hot season. It’s fruit planting time.

Uncle Aza thought for a while and suggested: "Xiao Gu, I suggest you plant some late-maturing watermelons on the land you contracted. However, the area should not be planted too large, otherwise you will not be able to find sales by then, and the remaining land will be It depends on what you think."

"Watermelon?" Gu Hongyu was startled for a moment, then slapped his thigh. This is a good idea. Desert watermelon has long sunlight during the day and a large temperature difference between day and night. The grown desert watermelon has a lot of sugar and tastes good. If it is combined with the effects of some space spring water, it will be better. It won’t cause looting by vendors.

"It doesn't matter if the land is vacant. At worst, I will try to plant some fruit trees in the autumn. Uncle Aza, let's see how to use the pasture. Raise sheep or cattle. What kind of good varieties should I choose?" Gu Hongyu is considered to be an expert in agriculture. Don't be ashamed to ask.

Uncle Aza chuckled: "I think we should just raise sheep. The small-tailed Han sheep here are good, but the pasture you contracted cannot raise too much this year, and the pasture transferred to you is actually not very good at all. Look, you can see exposed sand everywhere on the pasture. We need to replenish the pasture first!”

Even the simplest farmers have their own plans. When Gu Hongyu heard Uncle Aza talk about the grassland problem, it turned out that he was deceived. However, with the existence of the Immortal Source Space, Gu Hongyu didn't take him seriously at all.

After hearing what Uncle Aza said, Gu Hongyu also agreed very much. He will do this this year and will talk about next year.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu made up his mind: "Okay, Uncle Aza, I will do as you say. If I need any manpower in this regard, you will be responsible for recruiting them for me. I will not treat them badly!"

"Well, okay!" Uncle Aza's face almost turned into a flower with a smile.

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