Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 56 Mei Ning is coming [Please recommend and collect]

Gu Hongyu was relieved to leave the matter to Uncle Aza. When he gathered people, Gu Hongyu was not idle. He was calculating how big the pasture would be and how much area to plant watermelons.

After coming to the village for so long, Gu Hongyu is still not used to something, that is, there is no Internet here. Sometimes when he wants to check some information, the speed of relying on his mobile phone can make people cry.

Just when he was considering these things and seeking help from Du Niang, the speed of Guixing's Internet directly caused Gu Hongyu to collapse.

Throwing his mobile phone on the bed, Gu Hongyu walked out of the wooden house and sat on the wooden platform by the lake. He thought hard about simply pulling a network cable to the village. Even if it would cost a lot of money, he would take root here for a long time. The Internet is a matter of time.

The phone he had just thrown on the bed began to ring. He went into the room and saw that the call on his phone was actually from Lin Yuantao.

"Yuan Tao, what's the matter? Did you receive the vegetables I brought you last time?"

Lin Yuantao was very excited on the other end of the phone: "I got it, I got it. Fengzhu and I took the vegetables to the relevant testing agency for a number of tests as you requested. The results came out today. What do you think of these vegetables?"

Gu Hongyu is ashamed, is there any need to guess? Even if you don’t know the effect of space spring water on vegetables, you will know that the test values ​​​​of these vegetables are much better than ordinary ones when you hear Lin Yuantao’s excited voice, so he replied calmly: "Are the results hard for you to believe? The quality of the vegetables is so good." Come on!"

"Well, yes, yes, you guessed it right! These vegetables are great. We also took some vegetable samples to show to downstream customers on our own initiative. This time, we don't need to say more. Those customers just wanted to have exclusive access to the vegetables. After the reservation is made, they really want us to agree!" Lin Yuantao was very excited on the phone.

Gu Hongyu understood that they wanted to regain the face they had lost last time: "This time you must bite the bullet and not let go, especially on the price. This vegetable is now exclusively available in the country, and it's in your hands." It’s natural that the test report is sold at a sky-high price!”

"I know, my Fengzhu said the same thing. Now it's a seller's market for our rare goods. Besides, we have all the source information of vegetables. As long as the quality is good, those guys who used to be arrogant will still have to come to my door to apologize. Apologize!" Lin Yuantao became more and more excited as he spoke.

"Okay, okay, the vegetables you mentioned are just seedlings now. They have just been transplanted in the greenhouse for a few days. They are still early before they go on the market. What do you have to say? Doing business requires money and peace of mind. Now All you think about is the moon in the mirror!”

Gu Hongyu said with shock, he must pour a ladle of cold water on him when he was hot-headed. Lin Yuantao's character was thoroughly polished by Gu Hongyu, and he had to temper his temper at any time.

Lin Yuantao didn't take Gu Hongyu's scolding seriously and continued: "Hongyu, I discussed it with Fengzhu. Our future financial situation will depend on the vegetables you grow. There has been nothing much happening in Xiangjiang recently. We plan to come to your place and take a look, what do you think?"

"What, what did you say just now?" Gu Hongyu asked instinctively in disbelief.

Lin Yuntao pretended to be stunned and said: "We just mentioned that we were going to your place to inspect vegetables. Why don't you welcome us?"

Is there such an urgent inspection? Besides, the vegetables are still seedlings in the vegetable field. These two people simply have no business and want to relax here. I am afraid that Gu Hongyu and his place are regarded as a place where they can eat and live for free. In addition, there are It’s a great idea to be able to see the desert scenery everywhere without any problem!

However, Gu Hongyu, who has been a close friend for more than ten years, would still consider it if someone else had done it, but he had no idea about the idea proposed by Lin Yuantao, so he said: "I have really thought about it. When will I come over?" I’ll pick you up at the train station!”

"It's just for these two days. I'll discuss the time with Fengzhu and call you when we have the results!" Lin Yuantao hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

This guy still has a fiery personality, and he can't be more mature and steady when talking and doing things. He has been starting a business for several months. Gu Hongyu is still complaining about Lin Yuantao on his mobile phone.

Seeing that the time was just under nine o'clock in the evening, Gu Hongyu simply dialed Mei Ning's number.

"Hongyu, you called me again today!" Mei Ning's crisp voice came from the other side of the phone.

Gu Hongyu called her for a purpose. Lin Yuantao and the others were coming over just now. Now it was time to ask Mei Ning if she had any free time recently. If so, she could come over with Lin Yuantao and the others.

After laughing twice, Gu Hongyu asked with a smile: "Mei Ning, how are you doing at work recently?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while: "It's not bad, anyway, it's like working from 9 to 5 day after day!"

According to Lin Yuantao and his wife, Mei Ning's majors at work and study are not close to each other at all, and she is not doing very well. She is also harassed by a rich kid in her daily life. When she heard Mei Ning's words today, she felt her low mood. Hongyu felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

"Lin Yuantao and Shen Fengzhu are coming to my vegetable planting base recently. If you have nothing to do, come with them. The environment here is not bad. It's good to take a walk and relieve stress!" Gu Hongyu said kindly.

"They want to go to your place. It's about the vegetables. I've eaten all the vegetables you asked them to give me last time. They're really good. I have more milk than that meal. I ate a bowl!" Mei Ning's mood improved significantly after hearing Gu Hongyu's concerned tone.

"I still have a lot of unfinished vegetables that I planted here. I will mail some to you tomorrow morning. These vegetables are of good quality and pollution-free. It is good for the elderly to eat more. You come here with Lin Yuantao and the others to take a look this time. , If Nai Nai can withstand the long journey, this is a good place to recuperate! " Gu Hongyu tried every means to get close to Mei Ning for her sake.

Mei Ning on the other end of the phone thought for a while and finally agreed: "Okay, actually, I have wanted to go to your place for a long time to see the situation. A person is contracting land to grow vegetables in a remote place alone. It takes extraordinary perseverance to persist. Come down and see if the situation is as good as you said!"

"That's great. I guarantee you'll stay here and never want to leave again!" Gu Hongyu said excitedly into the phone.

Mei Ning was completely aroused by Gu Hongyu, and she said with a smile on the phone: "Don't be so generous, what if I'm a little disappointed when I get to your place..."

Before Mei Ning could finish her words, Gu Hongyu said, "Absolutely not. Since I can guarantee that there is something attractive for you here, I won't let you down when you come!"

What a joke, although the geographical location here is remote, it has all the characteristics of desert scenery. There is a vast lake with blue waves, a desert with floating yellow sand, and pastures with flocks of cattle and sheep. The most outstanding thing is the one in the lake. Golden giant carp...

Then there are the endless swamps and reed marshes by the lake. Very few people set foot in those places, and even Gu Hongyu didn’t have time to go and check them out!

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