Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 57 Wireless Base Station [Please recommend and collect]

(Thanks to 'Xie Zhixiu' for the reward, and 'Hua Xiaoshou' for the reward and the high praise votes, bow to thank you!)

"Xiao Gu..., Xiao Gu!" Gu Hongyu, who was still sleeping soundly in the early morning, was awakened by a shout.

He got up in a daze, rubbed his eyes, and opened the wooden window. It turned out that Uncle Azha was standing outside with several strong men!

"Uncle Azha, it's so early!" Gu Hongyu immediately woke up and greeted.

Uncle Azha waved his hand: "It's late, it will be 8 o'clock in a while, Xiao Gu, the people standing next to me are the composting workers I found for you yesterday, how about them?"

"I can trust the people Uncle Azha found!" Looking at the villagers who were still a little reserved, Gu Hongyu adjusted the atmosphere and said with a smile: "We will work together in the future, and whether the vegetables grow well or not depends on you. The salary will be as agreed, and there will be bonuses for good work."

"Thank you, boss Xiao Gu!"

"Thank you..."

The villagers who came here heard the salary amount again, and there were other bonuses and thanked Gu Hongyu happily.

Gu Hongyu also took the opportunity to give them the content of their work: "In the next few days, you will make a composting area in a remote place, and then collect farmyard manure from house to house and concentrate them all there. The composting method is still the old method!"

"Don't worry, Xiao Gu and his friends are familiar with composting, and I guarantee that your money will be worth it this time!" Uncle Azha was still guaranteeing when he saw this.

Speaking of composting, manure is considered the best organic fertilizer, which contains not only the main elements needed by plants, but also heavy metals and rare elements that are essential to plants.

The second is cake fertilizer, such as bean cake, rapeseed cake, cottonseed cake, sesame cake, etc., which are good fertilizers with comprehensive nutrients and mild fertility after composting.

Animal viscera and scraps, bones (powder), hoof horns, etc. contain more phosphorus and potassium; vegetable scraps, bean shells, rice washing water, etc. are also good fertilizers; plant ash is a better potassium fertilizer, which is used before winter to help plants survive the winter, and so on. It can be said that composting materials are everywhere.

Fertilizer fermentation is very simple. For a small amount of fertilizer fermentation, just put the materials for fertilizer fermentation into a large container, add water to fully immerse them, and some dry materials need to be expanded with more water, and there should be some surplus water. Then cover the lid and slightly screw it, leaving room for ventilation, because gas will be released during the fermentation process. If the lid is too tight, it is easy to rupture the container, and if it is not covered well, it is easy to grow maggots.

It is best to ferment for a longer time. In summer, the temperature is high and fermentation is easy. Generally, it can be fermented in 1 to 2 months. If you ferment fertilizer in winter, you should ferment it until the beginning of the next spring. The fermented fertilizer generally changes and darkens its original color. Some become black, and some become sauce-colored.

Some people think that the fermented fertilizer is mature only when it does not smell. This is wrong. The mature fertilizer will always have a smell. Therefore, it is more practical to define it by the fermentation time.

The amount of composting this time was huge, so it was nothing more than digging some big pits deep and mixing the feces and other composting materials together to ferment in the pits. The cost for Gu Hongyu, apart from the labor, was that a lot of cement was needed when digging the pits!

The composting villagers are now considered Gu Hongyu's composting workers! After arranging their affairs, Uncle Aza said again: "I have found the villagers who will plant watermelons and build grasslands for you. When do you plan to start?"

"I have asked a friend to cultivate the seeds of this watermelon. It will take a few days. I am afraid that I have to build fences around the grassland to raise small-tailed Han sheep. In addition, I have to find lambs to sell?" Gu Hongyu asked.

Uncle Azha nodded: "It's not difficult to build a fence for the pasture. It depends on what kind of material you use. Wood and wire mesh are both fine. There are people who specialize in this in the town. As for the lambs, you don't have to worry. Almost every household in our village raises sheep. Everyone knows where there are good lambs. Just leave it to me!"

"Well, that's good. I'll leave the lambs to you. I'll go to the town to inquire about the pasture fence right now. We will introduce lambs after the fence is completed. By then, there will be few watermelon seeds and it's time to cultivate them!" Gu Hongyu analyzed.

"Okay, okay, then I'll do it right away!" Uncle Azha was very happy. Gu Hongyu found that he was a person who couldn't sit still. Now that many things are pressing on him, he is full of energy all day. He is really old and strong!

Seeing Uncle Azha turn and leave, Gu Hongyu also walked to the pickup truck and planned to start the car to go to the town. Unexpectedly, Uncle Azha seemed to remember something and asked Gu Hongyu: "Xiao Gu, I heard the children who went to your place yesterday say that a big golden fish appeared in the lake, and said that you were next to the big fish. Is this true?"

"Ah, it was just a coincidence. I found one when I was swimming in the lake. I don't know how it ran to my side. Maybe I was scared and jumped out of the water and was seen by all the children!" Gu Hongyu made up some excuses.

Seeing that Gu Hongyu didn't want to mention it, Uncle Azha didn't ask any more questions even though he had too many doubts in his heart.

When he arrived in the town, Gu Hongyu went to a place specializing in making cattle and sheep fences for consultation. Generally speaking, wooden fences and iron fences have their own advantages, but steel fences are more durable and easier to install.

Since he heard the owner of the fence recommending the benefits of steel fences so much, Gu Hongyu chose the iron fence without much consideration. After all, he would be raising sheep in the small village for a long time and he had enough money in his pocket so he might as well do it well!

It was agreed with the boss here that when Gu Hongyu went back in the afternoon, they would go to the village together to conduct an on-the-spot inspection to see how big the area would be and the specific installation mode. After the discussion, Gu Hongyu would rush to the town telecommunications bureau. go.

"What, you said Honghu Village plans to install network cables, but the distance is too far and we won't install it!" Just when Gu Hongyu was confidently planning to handle the network issues today, he unexpectedly just arrived at the telecommunications bureau to report the matter to the staff inside. As soon as the staff said so, they were rejected.

Gu Hongyu also knew the truth, so he stayed with him at the counter and said to the middle-aged woman inside: "Sister, please help me. The village really needs Internet. How about I pay for part of the network cable and the installation cost?" What do you think of some money?”

"There is no precedent for this in our bureau. How about I ask the leaders of the bureau?" The middle-aged woman was helpless when Gu Hongyu stalked her. It would be good to do one more business as Gu Hongyu said.

However, the bureau leaders waited and waited for no reply. In their opinion, Gu Hongyu was just an ordinary villager who planned to install the Internet, and they did not take this matter to heart at all.

Gu Hongyu's time was precious. He would take the boss who installed the fence to the village later. After waiting for a long time for a reply from the leader of the telecommunications bureau, he became anxious and immediately called Peng Minghao, planning to call the town leader. The Telecommunications Bureau exerted pressure.

As a result, Gu Hongyu was completely laughed at by Peng Minghao. He said sarcastically on the phone: "Hongyu, why are you going to the telecommunications office to pull the network cable? Don't say the distance is too far. Even if you pull the network cable, there is a distance of dozens of kilometers." If there is an unexpected situation and you can't get online, just say that the signal weakens with distance. You know, how much is left to reach Honghu Village with a bandwidth of 10 megabits? "

Gu Hongyu asked with a red face: "If this doesn't work, tell me what should I do?"

"What else should I do? You are at the telecommunications bureau. Tell the leaders directly that you plan to install wireless base stations. I guarantee they will come out to see you immediately, and be as enthusiastic as possible!" Peng Minghao suggested.

Gu Hongyu slapped his forehead, yes! Why not build a wireless base station and be done with it once and for all? Although you have to pay a certain fee every year, it is much easier to do!

"Well, I'll do as you say, I won't tell you now, bye!" After Gu Hongyu said that, he hung up the phone anxiously!

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