Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 566 Beautiful Canyon

"What..., what did you say?" Gu Lin was so excited that he almost fell to the ground. ▲∴

Gu Hongyu held the piece of stem in his hand and smiled at him and said: "I said what you are holding is a ginseng flower stem. I didn't see that there are a few small red fruits on it. Look at this." The stem of the ginseng is thick and thin. It looks like this ginseng is not very young. I’m afraid it’s ten years old?”

"Really, you didn't lie to me. Damn, ten years of wild ginseng is more than Brother Liang's several thousand yuan of wood before, right?" Gu Lin was still dancing, but the way he yelled made the people in front of the team laugh. All attracted.

"Hongyu, show me the stem in your hand?" Chen Luofeng said to Gu Hongyu after learning the news.

After taking the stem, Jiang Zhe also observed Chen Luofeng, but he immediately said in surprise: "It's really ginseng. Maybe Brother Gu really got lucky this time."

"Gu Lin, where was this ginseng found? Go back and look for it quickly." Chen Luofeng asked with a smile.

Ever since Gu Hongyu discovered the orchid, there has been a wide range of human activities in the woods, and people have basically left a lot of messy footprints wherever they walked. Gu Lin had been quarreling with Liang Qinghui just now, and he didn't know how he came here. Notice.

Now it was really difficult for him to find the path he had just taken again.

When Liang Qinghui learned about Gu Lin's situation, he immediately shouted to the side: "Gu Lin, if you can't find it now, whoever finds it later will belong to you."

"Brother Liang, it doesn't matter if others find him, but it doesn't matter if you find him." Gu Lin said angrily.

Gu Hongyu suggested on the side: "Say less and think about where you broke the stem just now. Ginseng is already difficult to find, and now it is even harder to find it without this stem."

Gu Lin was extremely depressed, so he just broke off a branch of a weed and put it in his mouth. Who knew it turned out to be a ginseng stem. It is necessary to find out early that there is still a run on Liang Qinghui, and there is no need to search again now.

Seeing Gu Lin's appearance, everyone simply went out as a group. Everyone recalled the path they had just walked and helped Gu Lin recall the places he had walked before. Fortunately, Gu Hongyu discovered the ginseng stem in Gu Lin's mouth in time. The only place we were looking for was about 20 meters away.

After comparison and elimination, it didn't take long for Jiang Zhe to shout: "I found it, I found that ginseng plant."

Near the trunk of a tree, looking towards the sky, there is a rare gap in the woods. There is a clump of weeds growing here, and ginseng is mixed in among the weeds.

It's quite secretive.

Gu Hongyu walked over and looked at the broken flower stems, leaving only the ginseng stems that were about to lose all their leaves. He thought that Gu Lin had hit it by mistake this time. In such a situation, no one would notice that there were ginseng stems in the weeds. Life exists!

Dig up the weeds. There was a thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground, many of which had rotted and turned into fluffy soil. This environment was perfect for the growth of bluegrass and ginseng.

However, Gu Hongyu's judgment just now was somewhat wrong. The exposed stem of this ginseng plant was a bit thick. Based on the condition of the stem, it was inferred that this ginseng was at least thirty years old.

A wild ginseng that has been wild for more than 30 years can cost at least hundreds of thousands.

This time, Gu Lin didn't make a mark. He took out a pickaxe and dug carefully at a distance of thirty centimeters around the ginseng. The reason why he stayed farther away from the ginseng was because he was afraid of hurting the roots of the ginseng. Affects the quality of ginseng.

Professional ginseng diggers generally do not use metal tools to dig ginseng. Most of their digging tools use bamboo or wooden sticks. This will better protect the ginseng rhizome from damage.

While digging ginseng, according to traditional customs, red ropes are tied to the stems of the ginseng, and shouts such as hitting the ginseng with sticks are also required. In short, the traditional ginseng picking procedures are very complicated, and ginseng diggers have been digging for many years. Ginseng harvesters in the mountains have a sense of piety and gratitude for ginseng.

Gu Lin lay on the ground for about half an hour and still hadn't completely taken out the ginseng plant. Liang Qinghui said anxiously: "Gu Lin, are you okay? What time is it? Do you want us to spend the night in the woods?"

"Why are you so anxious? Is digging ginseng so urgent?" Gu Lin said directly, leaving Liang Qinghui speechless.

Waited another five minutes or so. I saw Gu Lin carrying this relatively complete fresh ginseng in his hand.

Jiang Zhe took the ginseng from Gu Lin, observed it carefully for a while and said with a grin: "This ginseng must be at least thirty years old. If you ask me, it could be fifty years. This time Gu Lin You've grown big."

Gu Hongyu also gathered around and watched the ginseng plant. Generally speaking, the ginseng was very complete. The main root and rhizome were equal or shorter, with a length of more than 10 centimeters. The shape was herringbone and cylindrical; the surface color was grayish yellow. , with vertical stripes, the upper end of ginseng has tight and deep circular horizontal stripes, the fibrous roots are slender, clear and not messy, and there are mostly 2 branching roots in the lower part, with obvious wart-like protrusions, which are commonly known as "pearl pimples" .

The secondary rhizome is thin and long, with dense stem scars on its upper part, and its adventitious roots are relatively thick and shaped like date pits. All these are basically in line with the characteristics of wild ginseng, and it is also the best among wild ginseng.

"Gu Lin, this ginseng plant sells for at least 500,000 yuan. It might be more valuable than Hongyu's orchid plant!" Mu Kang said with envy.

Only Liang Qinghui was complaining: "Damn, God is so unfair. Why do we all go to the mountains and find the two most valuable people with the same surname?"

This attracted some people's approval, but more people laughed.

Due to limited conditions, Gulin took a sealed bag and put the ginseng in it. Many fibrous roots could not fit in and had to be folded up. After doing all this, everyone continued on the road.

The inexplicable attraction during the journey was even stronger for Gu Hongyu, but it had no effect on his actions. Instead, he felt very comfortable.

After a long time, they walked through a dense forest, and then the sun shone directly on everyone's body. This warm feeling immediately made everyone extremely happy.

"Damn, I finally got out."

"It feels like I've been in there for half a century."

"Hey, I heard the sound of water flowing in front of me."

"Don't you see that the place where we are standing is a ridge? There are all stones here and the other side is a forest. After this ridge, it should be a canyon. There is definitely a stream."

"Let's go, let's rest by the stream."

Everyone cheered up, and when everyone climbed over the not-so-high ridge, a fairy-tale canyon appeared in front of everyone.

In the relatively flat area in the middle of the canyon, the flowing water converges to form a small pool. Many aquatic plants grow around the pool. Gu Hongyu also discovered many precious medicinal materials, and the blooming wild flowers form a sharp contrast with the late autumn scene outside.

The terrain above the canyon is steep, but a stream of water hangs down from above, and the water flow is like a curtain. The falling water drops splash on the bluestone, and the bluestone under the water flow is washed clean.

The water mist floats freely in the canyon as if it has covered it with a layer of gauze. A group of hardworking creatures shuttle between the white water mist. They are busy pollinating the flowers in the valley. Butterflies dance gracefully, and the surrounding scenery is really a beautiful landscape.

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