Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 567: View of the Ridge

"This..., am I right?" Liang Qinghui rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief. ≧

Not only him, but everyone present couldn't believe this scene.

It was late autumn outside the canyon, and the weather was cold and frosty, but inside the canyon it was like spring, with wild flowers blooming and butterflies flying, completely unaffected by changes in the external climate.

"Brother Chen, there are several flowering plants growing on one side of the canyon pool. They should be orchids, right?" Jiang Zhe said happily to Chen Luofeng.

Following the direction of Jiang Zhe's finger, Gu Hongyu did see a few orchids in bloom. At this moment, a breeze came, and there was a faint fragrance in the air, which made people unknowingly indulge in it. ** inside.

The quality of the several orchids by the pool is not low. Regardless of their appearance, the intoxicating fragrance alone is of the highest quality.

However, those few orchids did not attract everyone's attention. When Chen Luofeng and Jiang Zhe passed by, Mu Kang shouted in surprise: "Ah, look at the butterflies flying among the flowers, there are so many swallowtail butterflies, And the golden swallowtail butterfly, it’s unimaginable.”

As a butterfly fan, Mu Kang was really excited at this moment. He ran towards the area where the wild flowers were blooming without hesitation. As a result, he got a bad start. Under the vegetation with wild flowers blooming, there was actually a wetland, and the surface was filled with running water. , and Mukang stepped into the quagmire, and it became very difficult to take action again.

The blooming of wild flowers, the fluttering of butterflies, the mist of water mist, and the splashing of running water make the canyon look like a fairyland. People stop and wander inside. The noise of coming and going does not affect the tranquility in the canyon, but instead brings a sense of tranquility to it. The canyon brings a little bit of popularity.

The surprise didn't stop there. Gu Hongyu did not join others in hunting the butterfly. Nor did he judge the value of bluegrass in the past, because he liked butterflies but was not obsessed with them, and it was not like catching butterflies and making individual specimens.

As for the orchid grass, he had already used his mental power to explore it. The appearance of the few orchid grass plants was just average, but the reason why they had a unique fragrance was. It may have something to do with the environment in the canyon. The heat inside is blocked by the ridges on both sides, and the aroma of bluegrass is also accumulated over many years. The smell is naturally intoxicating.

It was the water pool in the canyon that aroused great interest in Gu Hongyu. The first impression that Gu Hongyu had when walking into the water pool was that it was clear. The water about two or three meters deep could be clearly seen with the naked eye. Bottom of everything.

There are many aquatic creatures in the pool, including fish, shrimps, and several fist-sized mountain turtles swimming freely in it. Seeing strange visitors, Gu Hongyu also saw a few salamanders panicking towards the grass beside the pool. Drill away.

"Hongyu, what are you doing? Come and take a look at these orchids. Although they are not as good-looking as yours, the fragrance of the flowers is still very good." Jiang Zhe shouted to Gu Hongyu who was standing by the pond.

"Well, you can see for yourselves. I also found some good things here." Gu Hongyu continued to observe the situation in the pool, and several wild fish there caught his attention.

The appearance of the small silver fish is somewhat similar to that of the white and transparent boneless silver fish in the cave at the bottom of the red lake, but only a faint red thread running through the head and tail can be seen on their body surface. That should be the internal parts of the silverbait, but the rest of the body is completely opaque.

Although there are differences. But Gu Hongyu is certain that these two kinds of whitebait should be closely related. Maybe the whitebait in the Red Lake is the mutation of the whitebait in the Qilian Mountain stream!

Yellow River carp, whitebait... Qilian Mountains and Red Lake really have some unexplained connection.

Shaking his head, Gu Hongyu broke free from these entangled thoughts. Recently, he always played the role of an expert and scholar. He always wanted to find out the reason when looking at some unclear things. This must have a lot to do with the boredom of life recently.

Not long after, everyone was ready to go again. Looking at the smiles on everyone's faces, it seemed that everyone had gained a lot!

Yes, Mu Kang caught a lot of butterflies that he had dreamed of before, and kept them in a plastic container with the intention of taking them back and making them into specimens. The orchid plants at Jiang Zhe's side were also owned by famous flowers. They were divided up one by one by Chen Luofeng, Jiang Zhe, and a new member. They were not very interested in orchid plants, but they used them as gifts for the old man at home. What a perfect gift.

"After observing the pool for a long time, Hongyu, it seems you found nothing this time!" Liang Qinghui couldn't help teasing when he saw Gu Hongyu's empty hands.

Gu Hongyu smiled self-deprecatingly: "We have just entered the mountain and there is still a long way to go."

Liang Qinghui's sullen expression was immediately slapped by Gu Hongyu, which made him feel very uncomfortable. It should be said that Gu Hongyu discovered valuable orchid grass at the beginning and was not proud of it. What little achievements he has made now What's there to gain?

The group of people chatted and laughed and started climbing the ridge. After just a moderate amount of relaxation and good harvest, the group of people had recovered their physical strength well and seemed to be able to carry the equipment with ease.

It is less than two hundred meters from the canyon to the ridge, but this section of the road is very steep and difficult to walk.

Sharp-edged boulders, branches of miscellaneous trees protruding from the cracks in the rocks, and stone flowers covering the ground... If you are not careful, you may be doomed.

After all the hard work, this short journey took people more than half an hour.

The teammates lost their initial excitement and began to face the current predicament. They actively talked more to the team members. It’s not that they were timid, but it seemed that talking could make them braver.

However, only when everyone waited for the ridge did everyone agree that the previous hard climb was worth it.

The scenery you can see is different at different heights.

Standing on the ridge at this moment, everyone can see the scenery of the surrounding mountains within a radius of several kilometers at a glance.

The alpine grassland where Gu Hongyu stayed for a night before was not a grassland at all. There were steep peaks around it. This grassland was surrounded by a basin of considerable area!

The puddle where the fish had been caught was like a pearl in the basin in the eyes of everyone. Near the foot of the mountain where the peak was climbed, everyone saw the outline of the forest. They were basically broad-leaved forests composed of mountain poplars and birch trees ending in the canyon area.

Facing the howling cold wind, everyone unconsciously tightened their collars and cuffs. The clouds and mist in the mountains turned with the breeze. Some of the mist was blown out of the canyon by the mountain wind. A ball of white surrounded the woods, which really gave people a feeling of being in a fairyland.

ps: Thanks to the book friend "" for the reward support, and thanks to "Xiaofeng Xilai", "Lanlou Gujian", "Qingkongli", and "Liu Lijin, Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County" for the monthly ticket support!

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