Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 573 Stone Mural Scroll

I had to break out in a cold sweat. If I hadn't been careful along the way, I would have lost my life here.

The Venus giant ants in that area have grown to a certain height now. Basically, they will reach the intermediate sawtooth ants classified in Gu Hongyu's data. The runes that could affect and trap them before have now been slowly cracked by them, perhaps because the spiritual energy has dissipated or the formation has been cracked by time. They have formed a consciousness on the surface of the runes. As long as people with spiritual power appear, these consciousnesses can naturally attack the other party.

If Gu Hongyu doesn't come to Qilian Mountain for a short time, maybe this Taoist temple will be broken by the Venus giant ants. The rune blockade with reduced power will be broken. At that time, it may no longer be the same as it is now, and it will become a ruin or a place without vitality.

When that time comes, this group of Venus giant ants will escape to the outside world and destroy the ecological environment of Qilian Mountain after reproduction. It won't be long before the entire Qilian Mountain Range will encounter a doomsday catastrophe.

But how to deal with those powerful Venus giant ants now? Gu Hongyu was a little worried and puzzled. At first, he thought of wrapping these guys with mental power and killing them one by one, but mental power is ineffective against sawtooth ants. Their sawtooth can break the mental power blockade. Besides, Gu Hongyu's mental power is huge for the outside world, and it is beyond his ability to resist the attack of Venus giant ants.

Time passed bit by bit, and Gu Hongyu, who was immersed in his thoughts, was not disturbed by others. In general, everyone knew that Gu Hongyu had some skills, but no one could tell what they were.

Gu Hongyu was like a sponge in the hearts of these brothers. If you twist it hard, something will come out. Usually, he is a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger.

Now everyone is actually very concerned about Gu Hongyu's solution to the ants, but Gu Hongyu seems unwilling to reveal the secret. Everyone still abides by everyone's right to keep secrets.

As long as Gu Hongyu does not take the initiative to let others come over, they will not take the initiative to come to him.

Seeing this, Gu Hongyu suddenly thought of a way to deal with the giant ants on Venus.

This method is actually very simple, that is, to get all these giant ants on Venus into the Xianyuan space.

In the Xianyuan space, Gu Hongyu is like a master. No matter how powerful these sawtooth ants are, as long as they enter the Xianyuan space, they will be at his mercy. Thinking that if I can subdue a few ants as my younger brothers, it would be a very awesome thing!

He scanned the surroundings with his mental power and found that Chen Luofeng and his gang were not in the Taoist temple. Maybe they really went to collect wild vegetables and hunt at this time. Since no one interfered, Gu Hongyu approached the special area openly.

The giant ants on Venus were not on the surface, and Gu Hongyu would not test the law himself. If he did so, neither of them would be able to do anything to each other.

However, this time Gu Hongyu was of course well prepared, and he got several sections of vines with branches and leaves around. When he walked into the area, Gu Hongyu threw a section into it, and sure enough, some sawtooth ants were attracted by these foods.

Seeing this, Gu Hongyu quickly collected all the ants on the ground into the Xianyuan space and fixed them on a piece of open space next to the wooden house in the space.

Then he did the same thing, and this method worked every time. After half an hour, there were no sawtooth ants on the ground, and the vines discarded on the ground were intact and not eaten.

Seeing this, Gu Hongyu smiled and moved closer to the area. Now he held the stone wall with one hand and stepped towards the area with one foot.

When his left foot stepped firmly on the soft mud. A sawtooth ant appeared in front of him, but although it moved fast, Gu Hongyu moved faster. He was fully prepared to prevent this.

After receiving the sawtooth ant in the space, Gu Hongyu tried twice more. Sure enough, the sawtooth ant seemed to be the last one to slip through the net. Everything went according to plan. Until Gu Hongyu stepped into the area and took two steps, he did not encounter the sawtooth ants again.

However, Gu Hongyu did not continue to enter. It was almost noon and the people outside were still waiting for him to go out. Let's tell everyone the good news first!

"Hongyu, you are out. How is it inside?"

"Can we go in there?"

"Have you thought of a solution to those creatures? If we can't deal with them, let's leave after dinner!"


Everyone was very concerned when they saw Gu Hongyu walking out of the ancient building complex. They didn't forget to make lunch while talking about it.

Finally, I can eat a meal that I didn't make myself! Gu Hongyu thought to himself.

He still felt sweet in his heart because of everyone's concern. He immediately smiled and said, "We can go in there. After dinner, everyone can continue to explore the ancients."

"Really, that's great! I'm so curious about such a strange and mysterious place!" Liang Qinghui waved his arms vigorously while speaking.

"Hongyu, how did you deal with the creatures in there?" Gulin finally asked this question.

Gu Hongyu had also thought of a solution just now, and said with a relaxed smile: "I'll tell you a secret, the patterns on the stone walls are very useful, these patterns can prevent those strange creatures from running out."

"When I discovered this situation, I first kept throwing vines towards the open space. As a result, all the ants naturally gathered around to eat. However, I later discovered that there were not many ants, only a few dozen. There were only a few dozen outside. There are a lot of vines and those ants are always coming. Maybe they can’t hold on anymore. I tried to get in but they didn’t attack me. Then I used the stones with patterns to trap them in another place. ”

After listening to Gu Hongyu's words, everyone was surprised, but they still had more doubts in their hearts, and they were even more curious about Gu Hongyu's many weird abilities.

After lunch, the group did not even organize their equipment. They picked up a few handy tools and asked Shang Gu Hongyu to go to that strange place. As for the equipment, it is inaccessible all year round and will not be lost in most cases. .

However, when everyone returned to the strange place of the ancient building, no one dared to take a step forward. Gu Hongyu smiled when he saw this situation, he should set an example himself!

First he tried to take one foot out, but after waiting for a minute, nothing happened. Then Gu Hongyu stood inside and walked around inside. Now everyone felt relieved and rushed to hug each other. And advance.

This place is the central area of ​​the entire Taoist temple. The layout of the front and back is like a courtyard with three entrances and three exits. As soon as everyone crossed that strange place, the people behind soon felt that something was wrong, because there was no movement in the front. .

Each of them was staring blankly at a stone wall without vines. There was a large mural with exquisite images on it, and everyone who saw it was attracted by the content of the mural.

ps: Thanks to book friends "Youluo", "Qin Weijin", and "Liu Lijin of Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County" for their appreciation and support, and thanks to "Liu Lijin of Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County", "Qin Weijin", and "Guangmingxiu" for their monthly ticket support!

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