Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 574: The Art of Embracing Simplicity

"Are we the first visitors to enter here? This mural is so perfectly preserved!" Liang Qinghui murmured to himself while standing under the stone wall. ○

Gu Hongyu was also very shocked when he looked up at the mural. Let’s talk about the painting of this large mural first. The color of the entire mural is very particular. The colors are bright and the coloring has a strong sense of layering. Whether it is the character shape or the characteristics of static objects near and far. , are all very vividly reflected on this stone wall.

Next, look at the content of the murals. A large mural should tell about the trivial life of those who practice Taoism. Pictures related to daily life such as chanting sutras, practicing exercises, eating, sweeping the floor, etc. appear on the stone wall. Looking at these pictures Give the viewer an immersive feeling.

But these are not the most important. In the lower right corner of the entire stone wall painting, several pictures occupying a quarter of the entire mural made everyone feel ecstatic.

What is different from other murals is that these murals have clear dividing lines from other murals, and there are several large traditional Chinese characters "Baopushu" clearly marked at the beginning of those murals, followed by eight A diagram depicts a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe making a gesture. There are eight different movements in the eight murals.

Baopu is a Taoist term. The origin can be found in "Laozi" "see simplicity, embrace simplicity, be less selfish and have few desires".

‘Plain’ means plain, natural, primitive without any modification. Baopu refers to the idea in Taoism and Taoism that pursues conservatism and authenticity, embraces simplicity, does not dwell on material desires, and is not disturbed by natural and social factors.

Gu Hongyu recalled Baopu's annotations, but now he saw the "Baopu Technique" on the wall. Is this a Taoist technique or Taoist skill that is commonly practiced by Taoists? Looking at the literal meaning, Practicing the postures on the murals is a good thing to calm people down and improve their mood no matter how bad it is.

"Hey, Brother Liang, there are really Taoist practices in this!" A buddy said excitedly.

However, Liang Qinghui still remembers the ridicule that others had made of him before. He immediately returned the favor: "Haha, this is all my chance. Didn't you tease me before? Do you believe it now?"

"Brother Liang, we are just talking casually. Besides, you don't know whether the things on this are true or false. In short, let's all get rid of the false and keep the true!" Jiang Zhe looked at the things on the mural and immediately changed his attitude.

"Yes, everyone adds firewood to the flames. How much time does it take for you to identify whether the things on this are true or false? Or is it easier if we all do it together?" Gu Lin was also making noises on the side.

"To be honest, if these exercises are true, we will have achieved great success this time. You see, these exercises are simply prepared for the old men in the family. What improves the state of mind and preserves the true nature, once you practice them, you may not be able to tell the old men. All bad habits can be cured." Chen Ming reminded everyone present.

"Yes, this is a Taoist temple. The exercises above must be practiced by Taoist priests on a daily basis. Maybe this exercise can also help the old men of our families extend their lives and enhance their physical fitness."

"Well, this matter is very simple to say. Isn't there a Taoist society now? My family has channels in this field and knows many experts in this field. When the time comes, let them see if they can practice these exercises. If there is any I think everyone can benefit a lot.”

When others discuss this Taoist practice. Gu Hongyu was already practicing secretly by comparing the movements on the mural. These movements were actually not difficult. Either sitting or squatting, or the golden rooster standing alone, the rhinoceros looking at the moon, or twisting the body. After looking at it, only the last few movements are slightly difficult, but compared with today's yoga, this difficulty is child's play.

However, Gu Hongyu, who wanted to secretly follow the mural's postures, was very familiar with the above movements. He basically didn't look unfamiliar after learning each painting, and he could naturally feel heat in his body when he did the movements. . The blood circulation throughout the body is accelerated, and something warm is produced in the body.

"Hongyu, why are you making gestures?" During the discussion, someone finally saw Gu Hongyu's strange movements.

"Hey, Hongyu's movements are actually based on the paintings on the stone wall. Look at how smoothly he does them!"

"The action postures on the stone wall are not difficult in the first place. I can do them just as smoothly."

"Looking at Hongyu, this physical training technique shouldn't be dangerous to the human body. Come and practice it!"


However, it didn’t take long for everyone to be surprised. The scrolls on the mural seemed simple, but it was not so easy to do. Among these people, Mu Kang, who is not usually in good health, actually performed the actions on the four scrolls. , the others Chen Luofeng, Jiang Zhe, and Liang Qinghui could barely make the pose for the third scroll, while the others could only make the pose for the two scrolls.


"Hongyu has done all the movements for eight scrolls, why can I only do the movements for two scrolls?"

"Hongyu, you are so evil. Can we still be good friends in the future?"

"This kid Hongyu is so mysterious. I have decided to hold his thick legs tightly from now on!"

The crowd's comments did not bother Gu Hongyu as he skillfully changed his posture. After completing a set of movements, it was as if the Qi in his body circulated for a week. He enjoyed it and felt that his body, spirit and vitality were much higher than before. This At that time, even if a cow stood in front of him, he believed and had the confidence to kill it with one punch.

After a few sets of movements, it was like the end of a great week. Gu Hongyu slowly opened his eyes and slowly lowered his hands on his chest. After that, he was immediately surrounded by a group of people.

"Hongyu, how do you feel after doing this set of movements? Is it effective?" Liang Qinghui is always the first to ask questions that everyone wants to know.

Looking at everyone's focused eyes, Gu Hongyu smiled and said: "This is a fitness exercise that can be practiced by people of all ages. The longer you practice, the more helpful it will be for the practitioner's body. However, the above movements can Just do it where you want it, and you can’t force yourself to practice actions you don’t know, otherwise it will have negative effects on people.”

"Is there really such a god?" Jing Gu Hongyu said so confidently that everyone already believed it in their hearts.

Gu Hongyu nodded again: "Can I talk nonsense about this kind of thing? Practicing for a long time has many unexpected benefits for the human body. That kind of situation makes me feel very comfortable. As for other people, they will know after practicing. "

When he said this, Gu Hongyu could not guarantee that everyone had the wisdom to learn the art of Bao Pu on the stone wall, and each scroll would give people a different feeling after learning it. Gu Hongyu now All eight pictures are integrated, and the feeling given to him will naturally be different from others.

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