Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 578 Xumi Stone

Gu Hongyu was not particularly excited about the ancient pill formula he found. The pill formula in the box was not what attracted him, but after searching the box, the attraction was still there, and it was very strong. The mark on the wrist was constantly increasing in strength, as if the mark wanted to break off the wrist.

Gu Hongyu looked around the box. He couldn't tell what the material of the box was, but it was obvious that the box had more than just something that attracted him. The only possibility was that the thing was still in the box.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu silently looked at the box carefully while everyone was happily discussing it. Then a look of realization appeared on his face. Compared with the overall size of the box and the objects stored in the box, this box had a layer.

Undoubtedly, what Gu Hongyu was looking for was in the layer of the box.

Holding back the violent reaction of the mark on his wrist and the strong desire to open the box, some things cannot be shown in front of everyone, interrupting everyone's discussion, Gu Hongyu said: "I say, brothers, what should we do next? We have almost explored this ancient building. Have you discussed the results?"

"Hongyu, this box and the pill formula are useless to us. Everyone unanimously agrees to put it in your hands. The requirement is that you study this pill formula. If there is a result that is useful to us in the future, you must refine some pills for us."

Liang Qinghui rushed to say to Gu Hongyu in front of everyone, and the others kept nodding. Obviously, no one realized the strangeness of the box, and naturally they would not know the mystery inside.

This box was originally discovered by Gu Hongyu, and he was familiar with the refining of pills, so there was no reason for everyone to fight for it. The ownership of the box was settled, and the remaining issue was the distribution of rare materials in these houses.

Everyone is considered a rich kid, but they are a little nervous when facing the doors and windows of several houses that are made of top-quality wood. According to Mu Kang's rough estimate, those wooden products made of yellow rosewood and sandalwood can be sold at least 1 billion yuan at market prices.

Involving such a huge amount of money, as the discoverers of these things, everyone naturally has their own ideas.

The middle of the house seemed particularly quiet for a while, and everyone was calculating how much valuable things they could get this time. Although there is an unwritten rule in China that unowned things within the territory should be attributed to the country. But everyone present has a deep background, and the laws that restrict ordinary people are simply like a vain in front of them.

Finally, everyone turned their attention to Chen Luofeng. In the past, he had established prestige among this group of people. As the core of this team, he was the one who made the decisions on many things.

"Brother Chen, how should we deal with these things, should we give each person one share?"

"How about selling these things first and then distributing them?"

"Without Hongyu, we can't get in here. I suggest that Hongyu should get more!"


Chen Luofeng looked at the wood inside and outside the house with a vague expression, but after thinking for a while, he said affirmatively: "This matter is not big or small, why don't we all ask the elders at home, these things are precious historical heritage. I always feel it is inappropriate to divide them up like this."

This coincides with Gu Hongyu's idea. Many Taoist temples have declined and left behind many precious things, but if they really follow the idea of ​​​​mercenary, those unique historical heritages of China will also be buried. It would be a pity to separate these precious Huanghuali and sandalwood carvings and auction them.

The mobile phone signal on the mountain is good. The children of each family are busy calling their families to inform them of what happened on the mountain. Although the content is a bit exaggerated and exaggerated, the key points of the precious wooden furniture found in several rooms have been reported to the higher-ups.

Only Gu Hongyu did not call. He had no background, and he didn't need to ask his family for their opinions on this matter. Even though those wooden furniture were extremely expensive, they didn't make him feel moved.

Money is endless, and he has many industries to make money now. A full man doesn't know the hunger of a hungry man. This is what he means. But this is also his confidence. Gu Hongyu didn't have much desire for money from the beginning.

The family should be well fed and clothed, have a plan for life, have a goal to strive for, and be supported in old age. Family harmony is what the family expects, but Gu Hongyu has some more expectations in his heart, that is, to let the Xianyuan space gather seven fragments and see what the complete Xianyuan space looks like.

Not long after, the call was over. A group of people were communicating the opinions given to them by their elders at home. Unexpectedly, the opinions were surprisingly unified, that is, Chen Luofeng and his gang should not act rashly, and the things in the ancient buildings should remain as they are. They will gradually report the situation in the mountains to the upper level.

However, Gu Hongyu didn't plan to return the box in his hand, and other people turned a blind eye to it. This box could not affect the overall situation.

Seeing that it was getting late, the group planned to set up camp inside tonight.

Chen Luofeng looked at the ancient buildings around and said meaningfully: "Maybe we have worked in vain this time. This piece of land may be purchased by the Huaxia Taoist Association. As for the expensive wood, we may get some rewards, but more profits will definitely go to the local government."

"It's not bad to keep it. If this Taoist temple is restored, it may become a tourist attraction. I just hope that the Taoist priests who come here have stronger magic power and don't make this place dirty."

"Never mind, many religions have plenty of money now. It's good enough if we can get some rewards this time, since it's all for nothing anyway."

"Don't talk about it. It looks like we have to stay in the mountains for another day. My old man said that he would save energy today and hold a special meeting. Someone will come to contact us tomorrow. Hongyu, let your golden lion and silver lion go hunting, otherwise we will have to starve."

The golden lion and silver lion were very obedient. They went back and forth twice and brought back a millet, two hares and a pheasant. Together with the wild vegetables picked nearby and the remaining rice and flour, everyone did not feel much hardship.

After dinner, Gu Hongyu found an excuse to feel sleepy and walked into the tent. The two big dogs were like loyal guards guarding the door of the tent, while Gu Hongyu himself took the parrot Coke and the little green snake into the Xianyuan space. The small box was also brought into the space by Gu Hongyu.

Release the parrot and let it take the little green snake to the forest to eat fruits. Give it some rules of the Xianyuan space. Gu Hongyu stayed alone in the wooden house in the space. The wooden box was placed on the table.

Gu Hongyu excitedly stretched out his hands to open the wooden box again. After groping, he heard a "pop" and the surface of the wooden box bounced up. The mysterious item at the bottom finally revealed its true appearance.

However, Gu Hongyu was stunned. There was a palm-sized black matte stone at the bottom, but this stone always made Gu Hongyu feel eager to fly, and he always felt that he had seen this stone somewhere.

By the way, this stone is very similar to the item in the "Record of Strange Things in the Cultivation World" in the information transmitted to him by the stone tablet. That item is called Xumi Stone!

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