Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 579 Space Fusion

The word "Xumi" is originally a transliteration of Sanskrit. According to legend, it is a famous mountain in ancient Indian mythology. It is also called "Mandala" in Buddhist scriptures. ±

At the same time, Mount Sumeru is of great significance in Buddhism. It is also called Sumeru Tower and Mandala. It is a famous mountain in ancient Indian myths and legends.

According to Buddhist concepts, Sumeru is the king of mountains and the center of the world, which is the Buddhist cosmology. "Mustard" is the seed of mustard, which comes in white, yellow and black varieties. Mustard seeds, extremely tiny. "Xumi mustard seeds" means that the huge Mount Sumeru is contained in mustard seeds, which is a metaphor for the subtlety of Buddhism and its ubiquity.

And now the Sumeru Stone discovered by Gu Hongyu was used as the core material for making space storage equipment in the era of rampant cultivation. The basic material of Xianyuan Space is also Sumeru Stone. It can be imagined that Sumeru Stone is very useful for space storage. The importance of equipment.

I don’t know where this Taoist temple in Qilian Mountain found the Sumeru Stone and solemnly hid it in the secret room under the statue of Sanqing. Could it be that this Taoist temple has any unspeakable secrets.

Gu Hongyu smiled heartily when he thought of this, and he ignored the rest. Being able to get this Sumeru Stone was a reward beyond imagination.

The mark on the wrist was too close to the Sumeru Stone, and Gu Hongyu could not control it. The mark was emitting a faint white light at the moment. If it were not in the fairy source space, I am afraid that this faint light would have been far away in the middle of the night. Others found out.

The palm-sized Sumeru Stone is very heavy in the hand. It is much heavier than gold of the same volume. It is a very dense item. Gu Hongyu guessed that it should not be an original item on the earth. The source is either It is a parallel space connected to the earth, or it may be a meteorite falling to the earth from the sky.

On the surface, the Sumeru Stone in his hand seemed to be a dark, matte stone, but after closer inspection, Gu Hongyu realized that the surface color of the Sumeru Stone was dark green, which Gu Hongyu always felt was invisible to the naked eye. The Jian Xumi Stone is constantly releasing something towards the surroundings. Could this be what gave him that inexplicable attraction in his heart?

Why didn't Chen Luofeng and his party feel anything? Gu Hongyu believed that this inexplicable attraction only worked on people like him who had the ability to express their spiritual power, and would naturally have no reaction on ordinary people.

At this time, the Xumi Stone in Gu Hongyu's hand broke free from his palm and flew out of the wooden house. The direction of the flight was towards the highest mountain peak in the Xianyuan space.

As the controller of Xianyuan Space, it would be easy for Gu Hongyu to force Xumi Shi back at this moment. But he didn't do this. In his heart, Gu Hongyu expected that the Sumeru Stone would bring new changes to the Xianyuan space. In his opinion, the Sumeru Stone and the Xianyuan space were closely related.

His consciousness and whole body followed the direction in which the Sumeru Stone was flying. It didn't take long for Gu Hongyu to arrive at the stone tablet on the highest mountain peak in the Xianyuan Space. Just when the Sumeru Stone was about to touch the stone tablet, Gu Hongyu's whole body shook. Stunned, the Sumeru stone did not slow down or collide with the stone monument at all, but plunged into the stone monument and disappeared.

The usually extremely hard stone tablet was like water at this moment. The Xumi Stone entered the stone tablet without causing any ripples, and it just entered the stone tablet naturally.

But just as Gu Hongyu continued to make random suspicions. The ground he was standing on suddenly began to shake.

That's right, it's shaking.

From being intermittent at the beginning, it became frequent at the end. In a short time, the entire space was shaking, as if it would fall apart and fall apart at any time.

Is space going to evolve again? Gu Hongyu guessed in his mind.

But fortunately, the mutation in the space did not force Gu Hongyu out this time. Standing in the space, Gu Hongyu really felt the rapid changes in the space.

The mountain peaks continued to sway, but they did not collapse. Even the earth and rocks on the mountain peaks seemed to be protected by something. Although the noise is great, there is actually no actual harm.

It doesn't stop there, after the initial scare. Gu Hongyu found that the Xianyuan space was still under his control. After it stabilized, he was surprised to find again that although the peaks in the Xianyuan space were shaking, they were slowly increasing in height.

The height of the sky seems to be changing too. The situation where you could reach out and touch the sky in the past will no longer happen again.

There is a bright sphere in the sky now emitting light, and the luminous object obtained from the water world seems to have grown a lot at this moment. However, these lights are just light that does not feel any temperature when it shines on the body, but this is already very good.

In addition to the changes in the mountains and sky, the changes on the ground are also not small. There used to be a layer of mist-like things around the entire Xianyuan space that limited the scope inside, but after this evolution. The surface area once again expanded to a total of tens of kilometers in all directions.

Mountains, rivers, forests, grasslands, Gu Hongyu looked at everything in the space. They have been developing more and more towards the ecological environment on the earth, and the environment inside is many times better than that on the earth. At least it is immortal. The source space is full of aura...

No, Gu Hongyu suddenly felt that the spiritual energy in the Xianyuan space had become much thinner. Many of the previously beautiful vegetation now had little vitality. There was no lush and vibrant scene like before!

Gu Hongyu quickly came to the spring water gushing on the mountainside. After releasing his spiritual power, he immediately sighed. The spiritual energy in the spring water was nearly one-third less than before, and the area of ​​the fairy source space expanded by exactly three thirds. First, it seems that these auras are going to fill the newly added space.

There are gains and losses. Gu Hongyu could only smile bitterly at the scene in front of him.

At present, the spiritual energy in the Xianyuan space has been withdrawn several times and has become a little thin. Unexpectedly, the spiritual energy replenishment of this space expansion cannot keep up with the consumption. In addition, Gu Hongyu has not found a way to replenish the spiritual energy recently. If the spiritual energy of the Xianyuan space continues to decrease, the creatures in it may degenerate, and some cannot adapt to the harsh environment and can only perish.

Once this time comes, Gu Hongyu's previous efforts will be in vain.

What needs to be done now is to replenish the spiritual energy of the space as soon as possible, and now Gu Hongyu's only remedy is to take out the spiritual stones of the water world. Although it is a temporary solution, it can temporarily alleviate the current dilemma.

Back to the wooden house, Gu Hongyu came to the front of several half-man-high boxes. These boxes were moved back from the water world. Several boxes are full of several five-element spiritual stones. Gu Hongyu has not used these things. He also hopes that he will use these spiritual stones to practice after he is promoted. You must know that these things are one less piece on Earth!

But facing the situation in the space, Gu Hongyu must make a decision in the shortest possible time to save the spiritual environment of the Xianyuan space and let the creatures inside continue to thrive.

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Liu Lijin, Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County" for his praise and support, and thanks to the monthly ticket support of Tencent Literature book friends!

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