Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 59 Grassland Tortoise [Please recommend and collect]

(Additional chapter for book friend ‘Xie Zhixiu’, congratulations to him for becoming another helmsman of “Xianyuan Farm”!)

Unconsciously, Gu Hongyu walked a long distance in the grassland. He looked closely and was about to walk out of the boundary marked out in the afternoon.

Because he was walking along the lakeshore, it was not far from the lake. There was a small hill on the lakeshore, with sparse low bushes growing on it. Gu Hongyu vaguely remembered that there would be a long swamp behind the hill.

It was the end, and Gu Hongyu was going to turn around and walk back.

But at this moment, Gu Hongyu, who was sharp-eyed and sharp-eared, suddenly felt something moving next to him. At the moment he turned around, he keenly discovered that a bush under the hill was shaking.

There was something inside, but the size that could make the bush shake should not be small, a mouse, a hare, a snake, or...?

Gu Hongyu stood there quietly, afraid of disturbing the creature in the bushes and letting it escape. He did not wander around when he came to the village. Apart from meeting many fish in the water, he did not see any interesting animals in the grassland or desert. At this time, Gu Hongyu was in a playful mood.

After confronting Gu Hongyu for a while, the animals in the bushes may have felt that Gu Hongyu was not a threat to them or the crisis was resolved, so the grass began to make rustling sounds again, but the grass in this grassland was growing well, and Gu Hongyu still could not see clearly what it was.

Gu Hongyu was anxious when he found that the thing was getting farther and farther away from him. After finding that the thing was not moving fast, he quietly followed it. Soon the answer was revealed. What surprised Gu Hongyu was that it was actually a big turtle.

It was strange. I heard people talk about turtles in the grassland and the desert, but they were all very small. The turtle in front of Gu Hongyu was probably bigger than a foot basin, and it should weigh dozens of kilograms!

This is not to mention that the turtle in the bushes realized that it was being watched by something else, so it retracted its head and limbs into its shell, but all of this was seen by Gu Hongyu.

The middle of its carapace was slightly flat, and it looked like its carapace was basically round.

The head and limbs are all yellow, and its head is relatively small, with symmetrical large scales on the top; the beak has serrated edges. The forelimbs are thick and slightly flat, and the hind limbs are cylindrical; there are four claws in total, and there are no webs between the toes;

The turtle's body color is grass green with irregular black spots; the belly carapace is large and flat, black, with bright yellow edges and concentric rings.

There are four claws on all four limbs, and there are no webs between the fingers and toes. There are hard large scales on the forearms and shins, and a cluster of large conical scales behind the thighs. The tail is short and the base of the tail is thick.

The more Gu Hongyu observed, the more interested he became in the turtle. The turtle might have felt that Gu Hongyu had no ill will towards it. After talking for a long time without any movement, it slowly stretched out its head and limbs, and then began to move in the direction it had crawled in.

Gu Hongyu took out some spring water from the space with a bad taste and sprinkled it on the grass around him. It really worked. The clumsy big turtle that had just crawled far away now quickly turned around and crawled towards the grass where the spring water was dripping.

After the big turtle dug out and ate the green grass and the grass roots stained with spring water, it planned to start crawling back, completely ignoring Gu Hongyu next to it.

Gu Hongyu repeated the same trick and released some spring water from the space again. The big turtle ran back again and ate the green grass and grass roots.

This time, the big turtle was a little better and did not turn around and leave immediately, but stayed there waiting for the thing it hoped for to appear again. Gu Hongyu did not disappoint him, and then released some space water in front of its head, so that it could clearly see that the spring water came from his hand.

This repeated over and over again, the big turtle also knew that if it wanted to drink the spring water it longed for, it had to curry favor with Gu Hongyu, so it stayed by his side and did not leave. When Gu Hongyu stood up and walked back, the big turtle paused for a while, but finally followed Gu Hongyu firmly.

Gu Hongyu originally wanted to communicate with the big turtle through consciousness, but this big turtle was not as smart as the giant carp. It looked honest and simple and had almost no reaction to Gu Hongyu's kindness. In the end, he had to use the space spring water's ability to kill other animals in seconds to make the big turtle follow him obediently.

Just like that, a shocking scene appeared on the grass. A man was walking slowly in front, and a turtle as big as a foot basin was following him. However, the man in front would stop from time to time and put his hand on the turtle's head. From a distance, it looked like he was stroking the turtle.

However, no one was destined to see this magical scene. At this moment, the sun had completely set in the west, and there were still wisps of clouds in the sky. The sky would soon become dark, and the villagers had already gone home. Only Gu Hongyu and the turtle were walking step by step on the grassland, cooperating tacitly.

The reason why Gu Hongyu paused was not because the turtle was not slow, but because he gave the turtle some encouragement from time to time. He wanted to lead this big guy to the wooden house where he lived, so that it could build a new home there to accompany him.

Gu Hongyu, who originally only needed more than ten minutes to return to the wooden house, walked with the turtle for almost an hour this time. It was indeed a turtle speed!

As they walked together, the big turtle became relatively familiar with Gu Hongyu. Gu Hongyu could indeed touch its head or hard shell. During the journey, Gu Hongyu even gave the big turtle a name called Yuanbao, mainly based on the pattern and color of the shell on its back.

The big turtle may have gotten used to hearing the calls. When Gu Hongyu returned home, whenever he called Yuanbao, the big turtle would react, as if it knew he was being called.

Yuanbao was very reassuring. When Gu Hongyu returned home, he placed it in the corner of the wooden house. Yuanbao didn't make any trouble at all. It stayed there quietly and obediently, which made Gu Hongyu very satisfied.

He simply got some vegetables and fish from the space. These things were simply inexhaustible. Gu Hongyu made a delicious dinner casually.

Knowing that turtles are omnivores, he also gave Yuanbao some small fish, shrimps and a cucumber when cleaning the food. When this thing found what Gu Hongyu gave it, it was more excited than seeing the spring water, which made Gu Hongyu regret it: "If I had known, I would have tricked you with a cucumber. I was so tired all the way to spread the space spring water!"

I had nothing to do in the evening, watching the TV plot was really bloody and boring. Relying on the snail speed of the mobile phone, Gu Hongyu checked the real situation of "Yuanbao" on the Internet. I didn't know that Yuanbao was actually famous!

National first-class protected animals, are you kidding me? Just go out and take a walk and you can pick up a national treasure and take it home, the grassland tortoise.

My God! The grassland tortoise, also known as the four-clawed tortoise, is one of the only three species of tortoises in the world. It is a national first-class protected animal and the oldest reptile in existence.

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