Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 60 A warm phone call [Please recommend and collect]

(Thanks to ‘☆Blue★龙○’, ‘Xie Zhixiu’, ‘chlkuei’ and ‘The Young Master of the Li Family’ for their rewards and support!)


Prairie tortoises have a great background. A lot of information about prairie tortoises was collected by Gu Hongyu after searching online.

The grassland tortoise is really a rarity in China. It is estimated that the number of grassland tortoises in the country is less than 2,000, of which the number in the wild environment is about 300, and more than 1,500 are kept in breeding sites. And this number is still decreasing.

Seeing this, Gu Hongyu couldn't lie down in bed. He ran outside the wooden house and looked at Yuanbao again and again. There was nothing special about this guy. He didn't grow as slowly as said on the Internet. He looks like a giant tortoise! ​​How many years does it take to grow?

Looking at Gu Hongyu, he began to wonder whether Yuanbao was a prairie tortoise. Maybe they just looked alike, otherwise it was completely inconsistent with the information found.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu simply stood up and took out some vegetables from the space to feed Yuan Bao. Regardless of whether it was a prairie tortoise or not, he had a close relationship with him, wasn't it? It's not easy to grow so big. Well!

Yuan Bao accepted all the vegetables given to him by Gu Hongyu. He accepted all the vegetables and had a great time eating them!

In the end, after Gu Hongyu thought about it, he placed the Yuanbao in the spare room of the wooden house. After reading too much information about prairie tortoises, Gu Hongyu thought that the protection of it should be strengthened. It would be a natural decision depending on the value. The treatment is different.

At this moment, the phone in the room rang. At this time, it was probably either the family or Lin Yuantao and his wife.

Sure enough, the call was from Lin Yuantao again. After the call was answered, Gu Hongyu heard Lin Yuantao's deep voice on the other end of the phone: "Hongyu, I discussed it with Fengzhu and Mei Ning yesterday, and we decided to go there this weekend. You have to treat us well over there!”

"Weekend? What day is it today? On what day will you come over?" Gu Hongyu asked in confusion.

Lin Yuantao said carelessly: "Today is only Tuesday. In fact, it doesn't matter to me and Fengzhu what day it is. The main reason is that Mei Ning has to go to work, so she asked for Friday as a day off. We can only arrange to go there on the weekend!"

"Hey! I haven't counted the days of the week for a long time, and I really don't take it seriously now!" Gu Hongyu showed off a little.

"Okay, I know you are awesome and have already lived the life of a landlord. Just don't forget that your brothers are still living in dire straits!" Lin Yuantao said angrily.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Hongyu's heart felt hot. Mei Ning was going to meet him this time. Counting that there were still three days left, he would spend a very long time in the next three days.

After learning about their itinerary from Lin Yuantao, Gu Hongyu did not call Mei Ning, but only sent a few warm text messages. He knew that Mei Ning might be taking care of her baby at this time, and she had to take care of her baby during the day and at night. He was very tired. Gu Hongyu could only think more about her and try not to disturb her. Anyway, the day to meet was not far away.

After calling Lin Yuantao, Gu Hongyu realized that he hadn't contacted his family for a long time. Since he came to the village, he only exchanged a few short greetings with his family when he mailed vegetables back. He felt homesick after being outside for a long time. Wrapped in the heart.

After starting a business, he was on the right track. It was time to tell his family that he was safe. Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu dialed his home phone number.

"Xiaoyu, why are you free to call home tonight? Are you okay working outside?" Mother's cordial greetings came from the other end of the phone.

Mother usually answers the phone at home. When Gu Hongyu heard the familiar words, he said excitedly: "Mom, everything is fine in my work and life outside. You don't have to worry. Now Xiaochen is at home for the holidays. Don't worry about it. Just ask him to do it if you have something to do." !”

"I know, I know. You and Xiao Chen have been obedient since they were little. When Xiao Chen comes home this time, he has also grown up and become more sensible!" The mother seemed particularly happy when she talked about her children.

"Dad, are you okay? If you don't feel comfortable doing it in the factory, just stop working. I'm making money now. I'll send you some money back in a few days. You're an old man. Please take care of your health!" Gu Hongyu The words were full of concern.

At this point, the mother's voice suddenly became louder: "Your dad and I are in good health recently. We just had a minor illness and recently went to the hospital for a physical examination. Everything was normal. Even the blood pressure was a little high and now we don't have the symptoms anymore. It's really strange." "

Gu Hongyu was very happy for them. Although he knew in his heart that this was due to long-term consumption of vegetables, he still said in his mouth: "As long as there is nothing wrong with your body, it seems to me that you are not as stressed as before, mentally and physically." Of course it’s much better!”

"Well, the doctor said the same thing after hearing our family's situation. Now you can work outside and earn money, but you should also take care of your health and don't be too tired!" Mother was in a good mood at this time.

But immediately her phone was taken away by someone else. Gu Hongyu immediately heard his mother’s scolding and his younger brother Gu Hongchen’s words: “Brother, where do you work now? Are you engaged in the major you went to school in? , I will go to school again soon, how about I come to your place to see you?"

Hearing his brother's question, Gu Hongyu suddenly didn't know how to answer. He thought for a while and said: "Just stay at home during the holidays and help your parents do as much as you can. What are you doing here? I'm very busy at work." I’ll take care of you when I can. It won’t be too late to come back after you’ve settled in!”

Gu Hongyu decided to hide the matter of starting a business in a small village from his family for the time being. After the situation got better in the future, he planned to bring his parents around. So how could Gu Hongyu wait for his younger brother to come and see him on the phone? , busy looking for some excuses to shirk.

"Oh, that's it. I also want to see your working environment!" Gu Hongchen said with some regret. Without the pressure, Gu Hongchen's playful side came out.

Gu Hongyu said angrily: "When you first enter the university, you should study professional knowledge well, build good relationships with teachers and classmates, and don't be in trouble all the time. You don't have to worry about the tuition fees at home. When the time comes, you will also have to pay for living expenses." I'll call you together."

"Yeah, that's great. Now that you've made money, I'll have to pay more for my living expenses in the future!" Gu Hongchen was so happy on the other end of the phone that he almost jumped up, but when he wasn't enough, he let out an "ouch", which seemed to have been given by his mother. Lesson learned, father will not take action for such a thing!

Immediately the call was transferred to the mother again, and she was only heard to say: "Don't listen to your brother's nonsense. It's not easy to work outside. You can use the money you earn. You will have to talk to a girlfriend in the future. How can you be with me?" Don’t you prepare some money?”

Gu Hongyu said warmly in his heart: "I understand, Mom, you don't have to worry about these things. I promise to marry you a gentle and filial wife in the future, so that you can enjoy endless happiness. You really don't have to worry about my brother's school expenses." , I have plenty in my hands!”

"Haha, it's good to know. We're just waiting to hold our grandson soon! Okay, okay, I'll ask your dad to say a few words to you. He's already waiting nearby in a hurry!" Gu Hongyu could still hear him on the phone. The father and brother murmured on the side.

His father was usually taciturn, but when the phone was handed to him, he didn't speak for a long time. However, Gu Hongyu could hear the breathing coming from the other end of the phone.

After waiting for a while, my father finally said calmly: "Son, do your best outside, our family will support you!"

Father's love is like a mountain. When his father said these plain and simple words, Gu Hongyu seemed to be able to feel the strong care in those words.

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