Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 6 The Jade that Disappeared in Space [Please recommend and collect]

It was late at night, and when Gu Hongyu saw his roommate Lin Yuantao sleeping soundly, he walked into the bathroom quietly, closed the door carefully, and then went into the Xianyuan space.

Damn, what's going on? It's not like the last two times Gu Hongyu came in.

The space that was completely lifeless at first has changed a lot now. First of all, the area is at least more than doubled. Gu Hongyu can be sure that the space that was only ten acres at the beginning is now at least more than twenty acres.

Secondly, the pond has also expanded. The puddle of dozens of square meters is now at least 2 or 3 acres. It should be called a pond. As for the wild fish in it, they can no longer be seen now, hiding in the deep water.

Gu Hongyu didn't see the huge fish, but he saw a lot of small fish swimming freely and comfortably in the water. If he was right, they should be the descendants of those big wild fish.

The weeds transplanted into the space were even more crazy. At first, they were only planted by the pond. Now, there was still a small part left at the foot of the hill and by the pond, but the number was many times more than that transplanted in.

This was nothing. The weeds reproduced quickly. What was more surprising was the growth momentum of the weeds. The weeds that grew to knee height outside would cover Gu Hongyu's figure if he ran into the space.

It was too scary. All the species outside grew wildly inside. If he sold the items produced in the space in the future, it would be too shocking. It was too unreliable to think about it.

Going up along the stream, Gu Hongyu found that the stream did not change much, but the stream water seemed to be more spiritual. Many small fish in the pond rushed to the small pool below the spring water gushing out from the source of the stream.

Gu Hongyu secretly thought: These small fishes that are trying to swim upstream may be the most spiritual fishes in the space, but no matter how spiritual they are, they will eat you without hesitation when you grow up. The spiritual wild fish may taste better.

If those fish knew Gu Hongyu's thoughts, they would turn around immediately to save their lives, but these are all destined. Gu Hongyu controls their life and death in this space.

The small hill seems to have changed slightly, and the volume seems to have increased a lot. The clear spring in the middle of the hill is still gushing. If you observe carefully, Gu Hongyu can find that the flow of this clear spring is also much larger than last time. However, he came in too suddenly once and didn't have time to look at it the other time, so he didn't know anything about it.

Arriving at the top of the hill, this is where the mysterious stone tablet stands. Gu Hongyu still only knows the largest few characters on the stone tablet, which are the fairy source space. As for the large paragraph of text behind, he can only recognize a few of them. Classical Chinese is difficult to understand. According to the intermittent text, it is too difficult for Gu Hongyu, who studies science, to read the text carefully.

It seems that the most important thing to do when returning home this time is to find an ancient Chinese dictionary to translate the text on the stone tablet word by word. Only by understanding the text on it can we better understand this space. Gu Hongyu believes that the text on it will play a vital role in his future.

Standing at the top of the hill, the whole space comes into view, and there is still thick fog around him.

At this time, Gu Hongyu suddenly found that he seemed to have forgotten something. By the way, where did the Gobi jade that he threw into the space with a lot of physical labor this afternoon go? He remembered that it was placed next to the stone tablet on the hill, but it was completely gone at this time.

Wild grass will grow to the foot of the mountain by itself. Will these jades also be automatically moved to other places by the space? However, Gu Hongyu searched in the space and almost dug three feet into the space. After several times, he still did not find any trace of jade.

This is strange. Could it be that the space swallowed up the jade? Thinking of the various changes after entering the space, Gu Hongyu thought strangely that the upgrade of the space would not be caused by the Gobi jade.

At this time, he was completely guessing, but it was not far from the actual situation.

The Xianyuan space where Gu Hongyu was now was only a core fragment. After he discovered it and dripped blood to recognize the master, the spiritual power in this fragment was already negligible. The reason why several fishes could grow rapidly in a very short time was that there were too few creatures in the space, and the only spiritual power could not be consumed by a few fish.

This time he found that the wild grass grew wildly because the space swallowed and absorbed the energy in the Gobi jade, otherwise the wild grass would not change as exaggeratedly as the swimming fish. In short, the space needs energy to maintain. Without energy, there will be no spiritual power to change the species.

Gu Hongyu was really lucky. First of all, he was lucky to get a mysterious space during this trip. Secondly, looking for jade allowed the space to absorb energy and then upgrade, making the lifeless space full of vitality.

Gu Hongyu, who didn't know why, was still looking for Gobi jade, and still regretted that those high-quality jades were inexplicably embezzled by the space, but gradually he also realized that the change of the space was related to the Gobi jade put into the space.

Later, Gu Hongyu's expression also changed, from the initial regret to the final excitement. There are too many benefits of having a space, and the space with spiritual energy is undoubtedly more rare, and the role in all aspects in the future is very huge and indescribable.

No longer upset about the disappearance of the Gobi jade, Gu Hongyu still regretted that he had obtained too few Gobi jades, and had not yet reached the extreme in all aspects of the space upgrade. No, he had to go to the Gobi Desert to get more Gobi jades to completely upgrade the space to the extreme.

Walking out of the space and looking at the dark night outside the hotel, Gu Hongyu felt that time was unbearable again. If it were not for the night, he would have wanted to fly directly to the Gobi Desert.

The next day, the classmates left one after another. This time it was not a farewell of life and death, and the time until the next school reunion would not be too long, so they left very freely, and even clamored about what would happen next time they met. They were all ** people. This was completely a donkey that fell but not a frame.

When only Gu Hongyu and Lin Yuantao were left, Gu Hongyu said to him: "Are you going home directly or back to school to find Shen Fengzhu?"

Lin Yuantao scratched his head: "I think I'd better go back to school. Anyway, I have to go back home after graduating from university. I won't go back this time!"

"Oh, then I wish you good luck. This time I plan to go back home before going to school!" It was exactly what Gu Hongyu wanted. Now he had the opportunity to go to the Gobi alone to look for jade.

Gu Hongyu insisted on sending Lin Yuantao away at the bus station. He breathed a sigh of relief, found a rental van next to the bus station, negotiated a price with the driver, and headed straight to the Gobi.

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