Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 7 The wanderer returns home [Please recommend and collect]

After telling the van driver that he would pick him up in the afternoon, Gu Hongyu rushed into the vast Gobi Desert in the driver's surprised expression.

The van driver did not have too much doubt. He had met all kinds of strange people these days. It was not surprising that Gu Hongyu went into the desert alone with a bag on his back. As long as he could make money, he didn't need to ask others about his affairs.

The Gobi Desert was still the same Gobi Desert. It was even more deserted without the presence of his classmates today. There was only the whistling wind and the blowing yellow sand. Gu Hongyu couldn't care about these at this time. He devoted all his body and mind to finding jade.

Sure enough, using the wrist mark to cheat and find Gobi jade was simply a piece of cake, because now he was alone, and all the jades of various qualities found were piled up naked on the surface of the gravel.

After working for a long time, the scorching sun was in the middle of the sky. It was already 10 o'clock in the afternoon.

Gu Hongyu, who had never done such high-intensity work, sat down dejectedly beside the jade pile. After a morning of hard searching, there was a large pile of Gobi jade in front of him.

After sorting out some jades with good appearance and beautiful colors and putting them aside, Gu Hongyu moved all the remaining jades into the space. As expected, a mysterious force in the space squeezed Gu Hongyu out of it, and he couldn't enter it again no matter how he turned his mind.

"It must be that the space is undergoing a huge change again!" Gu Hongyu couldn't enter the space after several attempts. Gu Hongyu speculated in his heart.

Fortunately, the backpack was not placed in the space. It was the scorching sun, so Gu Hongyu immediately set up a simple tent and took out some food from the backpack. He could only hold on for a meal at noon.

After lunch, Gu Hongyu tried to enter the space again, but still failed. Later, he simply stayed quietly in the tent. After thinking about it for a while, he fell asleep slowly.

"Ah...!" Gu Hongyu lazily stretched his back and woke up in the tent. Seeing that it was not yet half past one, he changed his mind and entered the space. This time he entered smoothly.

Standing in the space, the overall feeling of the space did not change much this time. First of all, the total area of ​​the space was still more than 20 acres, and the land and pond were still the same as the last time. The only thing that made people feel changed was that the spiritual energy in the space increased, and the whole person felt extremely comfortable standing in it.

What made people's eyes bright was that the stems and leaves of the wild grass in the space looked crystal clear, and the green color like gems made people want to rush forward to take a bite. The leaves were like delicious dishes.

Resisting the desire in my heart, I kept reminding myself that these were just wild grasses, but at this time, I strongly thought that I had to get some vegetable seeds and sow them in it as soon as possible. Even wild grasses can mutate like this, so what will vegetables become if they are planted in it?

In the space with rich spiritual energy, not only the wild grass has changed a lot, but even the fish in the reservoir seem to be more active. Not long after Gu Hongyu entered the space, the fish in the water, which looked very fat, frequently flew out of the water, as if to seduce Gu Hongyu's inner appetite.

The wild grass did not move it, and the fish in the water was still teasing so wantonly. Gu Hongyu could no longer bear it. It might be difficult to catch fish in the pond, but the fish in the narrow stream were not so lucky.

It happened that the dry food eaten outside at noon was not enough to satisfy hunger. With these fish, the taste was quite good. Not long after, Gu Hongyu caught 4 nearly 30 cm long fish, cleaned them up and took them out of the space. With the grilled fish skills he had practiced since childhood, the Gobi Desert was soon filled with smoke, and the fragrance of grilled fish drifted with the wind.

It was really fucking delicious. After finishing all four fish at once, Gu Hongyu still felt a little unsatisfied. However, touching his bulging belly, he found that there were plenty of fish, but he couldn't fit them after roasting them. Finally, he gave up the idea of ​​harming the fish in the space.

After eating and drinking, he continued to look for jade in the afternoon. However, it was not until then that Gu Hongyu found out that the mark on his wrist in the morning, which would heat up when he walked to the Gobi Desert, was not working this time. He walked around the Gobi Desert anxiously for a while, but the mark on his wrist still didn't emit a huge heat like before. What's going on?

He entered the space with a thought, and it seemed that there was still plenty of spiritual energy inside, but why didn't the mark work? To calm his inner anxiety, Gu Hongyu calmed down and slowly felt the reaction of the mark on his wrist.

In the end, he helplessly found that it was not that the mark no longer emitted heat, but that this heat was not as intense as before, and was even very slight. You have to feel it carefully to experience it.

"Is it caused by the space upgrade, or is it that the Gobi jade is no longer useful to the space?" Gu Hongyu thought randomly.

Looking at the Gobi jade he had just picked up, Gu Hongyu planned to do an experiment, that is, to bring a piece of jade into the space to see if the space would still devour the energy of the jade. The result came out immediately. The jade he had just brought in did not change at all, which showed that the Gobi jade had no effect on the space.

He was extremely disappointed. It seemed that the Gobi jade could only be effective in the early stage of the Xianyuan space. Now that the space has been upgraded, the Gobi jade has no value.

However, Gu Hongyu began to be happy again that the space could be upgraded to its current state. It can only be said that if the space wants to be upgraded, it must have a higher level of energy. Gu Hongyu has no way of knowing such things at present. In the future, he will know the meaning of the words on the stone tablet, which may be able to unlock the mystery of the space upgrade.

Relying on the weak heat from his wrist, Gu Hongyu still found a lot of Gobi jade before the van came to pick him up in the afternoon, and the quality of those jades was better, because the low-quality ones would not even have a little reaction, so he certainly couldn't find them.

Back in the county, Gu Hongyu thought that today's harvest was still very good. At least the space was upgraded to a certain extent. The taste of the swimming fish made him unforgettable. For this reason, he ran to the farmer's market as soon as he returned to the county and bought many varieties of fish, shrimp and vegetable seeds. The fish and shrimp were thrown into the pond in the space, and the seeds were scattered in the sorted flat land.

Gu Hongyu's home is in a small town in Shancheng. It takes about a day to take a train from Gansu to Shancheng. Then take a bus from Shancheng Railway Station. It takes a day and a half to go around. When Gu Hongyu stood in front of his house, it was already the afternoon of the third day after he searched for jade in the Gobi.

Facing an old-fashioned red brick building, he was carrying a few convenient bags in one hand and a heavy backpack on his back. Looking carefully at the items in the convenient bags, there were several wild fish that were still struggling and several kinds of vegetables that made people's appetites grow.

He walked into the corridor of a unit, climbed to the third floor, and took out the key to a door. Maybe the noise in the corridor startled the people in the room, and there were too many things in his hand, so the door was opened before he could aim at the keyhole.

Seeing the people in the door, Gu Hongyu shouted immediately with sore eyes: "Mom, I'm back!"

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