Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 597 Important News

The night fell, and Honghu Village entered the night with thousands of lights. ▲∴

After an afternoon of fish selling frenzy, the lakeside was left in a mess.

Looking at the employees who were slumped on the ground after the busy work, Gu Hongyu gave a reward of 1,000 yuan red envelope to each person on the spot. This sentence made the employees who were still weak just now refreshed again. They raised their hands and cheered, praising Gu Hongyu's honesty and generosity.

But the happiest person was Gu Hongyu himself. The eldest cousin followed the boss Liu Zhengping to the scale. The total weight of the lake fish that boss Liu took away was 8 tons. The value of 16,000 kilograms of lake fish was more than 3 million yuan. Other hotels in Honghu Village also bought nearly one ton of lake fish, which was also several hundred thousand here.

But the biggest part was retail. Under the leadership of many villagers and tourists who knew the inside story, the retail scene was very popular.

The most notable thing about selling lake fish is still fresh in Gu Hongyu's memory. Originally, the employees were divided into five groups to sell lake fish. However, due to the large number of people buying lake fish and the high price of lake fish, it cost several hundred yuan to buy a fish, and it was not uncommon to sell thousands or tens of thousands of yuan. In this way, the money box was full of hundred-yuan bills, which was very eye-catching.

In order to prevent the money box from attracting attention, Gu Hongyu immediately ordered his trusted family members to go to the fish selling site, and immediately replaced the money box, and sent the box full of money back home under the escort of several Honghu Village security guards.

In the end, it was carried back and forth five times, and everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief when the lake fish was sold out.

The employees received a red envelope reward of 1,000 yuan, and took advantage of the excitement to tidy up the environment on the lakeshore. When Gu Hongyu accompanied the employees to finish this task, it was almost eight o'clock when he returned home.

After a simple dinner, the family gathered together and looked at the coins piled up in a corner of the living room with joy.

"Xiaoyu. I didn't expect that even though the price of lake fish is so high, there are still so many people rushing to buy it. How much money is in the house?" Although Gu Hongyu's assets are over 10 billion, it is still very shocking to see so much money lying in front of him.

"I guess this pile of money is worth several million!" said his father with a smile.

"Fortunately, Xiaoyu has thought of a way. If the money is not transported back in time, it will be in trouble if it is kept in a crowded place." Mei's mother followed.

People's hearts are unpredictable. Don't show your wealth. Of course, you should be careful about money.

"Okay, it's our turn!" Mei's father rolled up his sleeves and began to sort out the coins near the periphery.

This time, everyone experienced what it felt like to count money until their hands cramped.

Because of the price of fish, fortunately, there were almost no round dimes in the pile of money. Most of them started with ten yuan, then twenty, fifty, and one hundred.

When selling fish, Gu Hongyu said on the spot that if there were a few yuan in change, he would give it to the buyer for free. First, it would be less difficult to collect the money, and second, he didn't have so many change to make up. Third, it didn't matter if he made a lot of money and gave the buyer a little profit.

The five members of the family were mobilized together. After an hour of sorting, everyone was surprised again when facing the amount of money.

"Xiaoyu, the fish sold to Mr. Liu today is more than 3 million yuan, but isn't it too much here now..." The mother still couldn't believe what she saw.

Yes, Gu Hongyu was also stunned by the scene in front of him. The total value of retail lake fish was more than 6 million yuan. The purchasing power of ordinary people is really incomparable!

In total, the sales of lake fish today exceeded 10 million yuan. It was a very good start.

The family sat in the living room and chatted for a while. Gu Hongyu locked the two password suitcases in the safe on the third floor. It was late at night. Gu Hongyu finished all this and entered the Xianyuan space again to practice the art of making talismans.

The next morning, after breakfast, Gu Hongyu took several boxes of banknotes to the town. It was safer to keep so much cash in the bank.

When he arrived in the town, Peng Minghao, who had just returned from studying in the city, dragged him to his office.

After personally pouring a cup of tea for Gu Hongyu, Peng Minghao exclaimed: "Hongyu, you are amazing. I have only been in the city for three months, and now I come back and see everything in front of me. I can't believe it."

"Haha, if you stay in the city for another half a year, that would be a complete change!" Gu Hongyu laughed and said: "I have been recharging in the city for three months. Where will I be promoted this time?"

Peng Minghao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "What promotion? I have to stay in Qingzhen honestly. The old man said that only after having grassroots experience can I not be confused by others."

"I really envy you, your old man has set up a future for you, so you should work hard!" Gu Hongyu patted Peng Minghao on the shoulder.

Unexpectedly, the latter said even more miserably: "How about we switch positions? I really don't want to be like this. Everything is arranged. What's the point of living like this!"

"You are blessed but don't know how to appreciate it. Besides, you are free to marry. Your family didn't arrange a political marriage for you. Be content with that!"

Hearing Gu Hongyu's words, Peng Minghao laughed, but his face changed and he said secretly: "Hongyu, after your town planning starts to be implemented this time, do you know that our Qingzhen will be designated as a provincial development zone? I heard that it will be directly governed by the city in the future."

"Ah, the city is in charge, doesn't that mean Qingzhen's administrative level will be the same as Shanxian in the future? I see, I was wondering why you returned to Qingzhen after studying in the city, are you really going to be promoted?" Gu Hongyu came to his senses.

"Shh, keep your voice down, this is what my old man told me, some people have been advocating this, but it has not been finalized yet, don't forget to spread it!" Peng Minghao looked around and quickly closed the door of his office while speaking.

"It seems that your old man is close to telling you the news, do you think you can sit in the position of deputy district chief after Qingzhen's promotion this time?" Gu Hongyu asked curiously.

Peng Minghao said depressedly: "This matter is very complicated, not as simple as you think. If Qingzhen is really upgraded successfully this time, the current leadership team will be completely disrupted, and the main leaders will definitely choose someone else. Only a few of the current government team can continue to serve, but at most they can only be deputy district chiefs. If they can become permanent officials, they should be thankful."

"Don't be discouraged. You have a strong relationship with the upper level. More importantly, your political achievements cannot be erased by anyone, haha!" Gu Hongyu patted his shoulder again.

"What political achievements do I have... I just follow the leaders to make a living. I want to do something, but I suffer from the government's fiscal revenue. Even a good cook can't cook without rice. What can I do!"

"Damn, didn't you get me to Honghu Village? Now, let's not talk about other things. I am a well-known figure in Gansu Province. Is it really difficult to get promoted with such great political achievements?"

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Songhai ゲ Yunyan" for his praise and support, and thanks to "Shenlang gg" for his monthly ticket support!

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