Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 598 Mirage Reappears

Gu Hongyu couldn't calm down after leaving the town government for a long time. Under his single-handed promotion, Qingzhen Town was about to be upgraded to an economic development zone. Even as a provincial economic development zone, it was not a simple matter!

It is not Gu Hongyu's boast to say that it was driven by him, because only the leaders of the town know best what Qingzhen was like, and the people living in this land know best. Only Gu Hongyu last year After arriving in Qingzhen, Honghu Village took the lead in rapid development and changes, and then affected the surrounding villages, until now all the towns in Qingzhen. ←

To put it bluntly, the GDP growth of the entire Qingzhen is almost entirely due to Gu Hongyu.

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you? You've been out of your mind all day long after returning home." Looking at Gu Hongyu's mother who was holding back the shocking news but couldn't say anything, she was concerned for no reason.

Things have to be prioritized. Gu Hongyu cannot pass this news to others when there is no result in the upgrade of Qingzhen administrative unit. However, even if it is his own family, one more person will increase the risk of spreading the news. It is better not to say these words. It’s good to spread the word.

Gu Hongyu shook his head and said: "It's okay, I'm just thinking about how to develop in the future."

"Hey, Xiaoyu, don't worry about these things. Things are going very well now. My family's current conditions can't be better. As long as we have a clear conscience, the villagers won't complain about us." Mother comforted. said.

"Mom, I got it. If you have something to do, go and do it. I'm fine." Gu Hongyu felt the warmth of his family.

When the mother saw this, she sighed, picked up the sieve, and walked toward the kitchen.

After lunch, Gu Hongyu was kicked out by his family and asked to go to Hongyu to take charge of fishing matters. Gu Hongyu understood that this was because his family looked at his depressed look and found something for him to do. Who would have any daydreams when he has something to do? Thinking about this thing.

Continuing fishing is not only to agree to Boss Liu’s request yesterday, but also to the urgent request of more villagers and tourists.

On the first day, many tourists bought lake fish but did not plan to leave. They handed over the lake fish to the hotel in Honghu Village or the rented villagers' homes for cooking. They even went camping, barbecued, etc. However, after they had tasted the delicious lake fish, they no longer made a fuss about asking Gu Hongyu to continue fishing.

Walking to the aquaculture waters of Honghu Lake, there are more people watching on the shore of the lake. The scene is even bigger than yesterday. If fish are caught later, these people will become potential customers to buy lake fish.

This time Boss Liu’s fish truck also arrived early. Looking at Gu Hongyu, he smiled and trotted up to him: "Gu Hongyu, please come here. If you don't come, I will call you!"

"Boss Liu, looking at the expression on your face, you made a lot of money from the fish you pulled back yesterday, right?" Gu Hongyu also laughed softly.

Boss Liu cupped his hands and said, "Thanks to you, these lake fish are beautiful and big in size, and they are so lively and lively. I said hello to some old customers in advance, and I didn't expect to bring back several carts of lake fish to the fish shop." It was almost divided up by them.”

"Guban, can I order more goods today? It doesn't hurt to raise the price a little."

Gu Hongyu was still very surprised when he saw Boss Liu's appearance. You must know that the price of the fish given to him was already high enough. Even if the lake fish in the Red Lake were sold to him as wild fish, it was not so expensive. Now, actually The other party also took the initiative to request a price increase, so one can imagine Boss Liu's profit margin.

"Boss Liu, if I'm not allowed to ask, what's the retail price of your lake fish?" Gu Hongyu was really curious.

Boss Liu coughed twice, when Gu Hongyu thought he wouldn't answer. Unexpectedly, Boss Liu rubbed his nose and said: "This is a trade secret. If others ask me, I will definitely not tell it. But I believe that the old boss will not compete with me for the market, right? Then I will tell you, yesterday's batch Lake fish are sold at a 50% increase on the purchase price.”

As expected of a big boss in the high-end fish business, the price he answered still surprised Gu Hongyu himself. It was just a few fish trucks and a few workers. This change of hands was 50% profit. Yesterday he bought more than three million lake fish, and the net profit was more than one million anyway.

Boss Liu is not to be underestimated. This is the conclusion in Gu Hongyu's mind.

However, this high-end fish market is very profitable, and Gu Hongyu has no intention of competing with him. These are the foundations and connections that Boss Liu has laid step by step in the early years. For many things, it is not just good products that can capture the market. Especially in China, a society with intricate personal connections.

"Boss Liu, I didn't expect that you are an invisible tycoon, and you are usually so low-key?" Gu Hongyu said jokingly after thinking for a while.

"Haha, that's all thanks to all my friends. Just like when I bought fish from you this time, it wasn't you who gave me face." Boss Liu said with a smile and a very humble face.

Gu Hongyu said: "Now that Boss Liu has spoken, I will tell my brother to catch more fish for you later, but I can tell you that the total amount of lake fish in the entire breeding water area this year is only about one million catties. Fishing at this rate won’t last long, so be mentally prepared.”

"There are one million catties of lake fish?" Boss Liu looked surprised, but immediately said: "These fish are enough. I only need half of the total. Is it okay?"

Gu Hongyu smiled: "You must be greedy. This amount is a bit too much. I estimate that you can get at most 30% or 35% of the share. I haven't seen so many villagers and tourists buying lake fish!"

The villagers of Honghu Village are really rich, but they only eat such expensive fish to try them out. They will definitely not buy them again after two days. However, tourists are different. They have tasted the delicious taste of lake fish in the past few days. Not to mention buying them themselves, they may even call their friends or ask others to buy them for them. The business opportunities here are huge.

However, Gu Hongyu did not let Boss Liu return home disappointed. Later, he introduced him to the extremely precious fish, rainbow trout. Who knew that his eyes lit up immediately after hearing about it, showing great interest. He begged Gu Hongyu to get a few fish for him today. Gu Hongyu did not refuse this request and agreed.

"Catch the fish..." With a loud shout, the fishing boat dragged the fishing net and rowed towards the lake shore again.

Looking at the lake fish that kept floundering on the water again, today was another day of harvest. I had to arrange for my family to come in advance and find the staff of the bank in the town. When I deposited money this morning, the bank director knew the source of Gu Hongyu's deposit and patted his chest and said that the bank could provide door-to-door service. Gu Hongyu regretted it afterwards. If he had known earlier, why would he have worked so hard to count the money last night!

However, just when people were busy catching fish, suddenly someone on the lakeshore was shouting something, and as he shouted, more and more people looked up at the sky.

Gu Hongyu and the employees who were catching fish were also doing the same thing, but when they looked at the sky, they were stunned. I don't know when a mirage appeared in the sky again, and the scene was exactly the same as the last time.

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