Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 620 Wolf-Horse Battle (Part 2)

"It's too tragic. I didn't expect to see such a tragic scene in person when I entered the wildlife protection area this time.△¢" As a wildlife enthusiast, Yang Bo was very entangled.

"Alas, the wild horses are dying one less. Hongyu, let's help the wild horses!" Jiang Zhe couldn't bear it anymore.


Everyone watched the wolf horses fighting each other and expressed their opinions. At this moment, they didn't care about the volume of the sound. But now the wild horses and wolves can't care about them at all.

The wild wolves still have the advantage, but they were still kicked by the wild horses. Gu Hongyu counted them carefully and found that five wolves lost their ability to move in a short period of time. Perhaps the disability will accompany them for life. Even if they return to the wolf pack, their social status will fall to the bottom.

On the wild horse side, there were also six horses lying on the ground, with blood flowing from the wounds bitten by wild wolves. Many yellow sands around were stained red with blood. Four horses were already dead without a sound, and two other wild horses were lying on the ground twitching constantly, with white foam coming out of their mouths.

Even in such a fierce life-and-death struggle, the wild horses were still guarding the foals in the encirclement diligently. Under the gaze of everyone, everyone clearly saw a very touching scene.

A wolf was very alert and got into the outer protective circle of the wild horse group. Seeing that the foal was about to die in the wolf's mouth, the nearest adult wild horse ignored the bites of other wild wolves outside the circle, turned around and kicked the wild wolf that entered the inner circle with its hind legs. While driving away the wild wolf, it was besieged by several wild wolves and finally fell to the ground and could not get up again.

After a desperate fight, the leader of the wild horses led the herd to the middle of the only pass in the col. Both the wolves and the horses suffered losses, but the wolves continued to attack and the horses were still fighting back. The scene was extremely bloody.

Liang Qinghui and several other people held digital devices in their hands to track and shoot the wolves and horses. Only Yang Bo still suggested that everyone help the herd.

Xiao Lele, in Chen Luofeng's arms, listened to her father's instructions and stopped looking down, but her hands were covering her face. Occasionally, she would open her eyes with her fingers and look down quietly, but she would close them quickly. She looked terrified.

Gu Hongyu didn't want to help the herd this time. In nature, the fittest survive. The old and weak in the herd will always be killed by hunters. It can be said that there is no herbivore that can live long and die under the gaze of natural enemies. This time, the herd will naturally become stronger after being screened.

Gu Hongyu really doesn't believe that the wild horses will die out in this wildlife protection with so many resources in the future.

At most, give these guys some space spring water when you meet the wild horses in the future, so that they can be smarter after absorbing it, and don't be forced into such a desperate situation by the wild wolves.

Just when Gu Hongyu was thinking, the wild horses lost two more horses. And the wild wolves didn't seem to have many casualties this time. The situation of the wild horses being at a disadvantage became more and more obvious, but the pass had been broken through more than half.

The leader of the wild horses led the young and strong horses and did not leave the main force, but still charged at the forefront. It seemed to be really angry, and it was not inferior to the wild wolf leader. The wild wolf leader didn't succeed in biting several times, but was hit by several horse hooves.

The wild wolf king was also very fierce, and the horse hooves didn't seem to have much impact on it. Seeing that he was no match for the wild horse leader, the wild wolf king howled very insidiously. Then two blue wolves joined the encirclement and suppression of the wild horse king.

"Damn, the wild horse king is so fucking powerful, one horse fighting three wolves, so cool!" Liang Qinghui cheered while holding the camera.

"Brother Liang, I think that wild wolf king is too cunning. It seems that we can't beat it, so we ask for help. If we meet it, we really can't defeat it." Jiang Zhe also sighed.

"I say everyone, think of a way, you can't just watch the wild horse king being killed by the wild wolves, right?" This is Yang Bo's voice.

"Don't worry, even if there are more wild wolves, they can't deal with the wild horse king. You will know if you continue to look down..." Gulin said calmly with his hands folded.

After a few casual chats, everyone continued to focus on the wolf-horse battle in the valley.

The wild horse king really has the momentum of one man standing against ten thousand men. Several strong blue wolves and the wolf king were forced to turn left and right by it and couldn't get close to it. The tall and agile body is very flexible, and the eyes on the head are very fierce, which is completely different from the docile horses at home.

At this time, more than ten wild wolves came outside the pass. Seeing their dusty appearance, they immediately joined the battle circle as soon as they approached.

"Damn it, the wild wolves are coming to help again. It seems that the wild horses have suffered heavy losses this time."

"Alas, if ten horses died before, they would definitely be able to break out of the encirclement, but with the addition of the new force of the wild wolves, I think only ten out of thirty wild horses will escape this time. Amitabha."

"Hongyu, we can't just watch them die this time. The wild horses have not grown strong. If they are killed on a large scale by the wild wolves this time, there will really be only a few left. They will be even more unable to fight against the wild wolves in the future. It is possible that they will become extinct in a while."

"That's right, it's okay for the old and weak wild horses to die, but if all the foals are killed this time, it will be too difficult for this group of wild horses to grow stronger in the future."


If everyone was indifferent just now, now that more wild wolves have joined the reserve, it is a matter of life and death for the wild horse population in the reserve. Most people are inclined to save the wild horses and drive away the wild wolves. Generally speaking, there are already 8 wild horses that will become food for the wild wolves. The wild horses cannot suffer any more losses in this war.

"Hongyu, I will go back to the sightseeing car to get those hunting rifles, or should we drive the sightseeing car to the pass below and drive them away?" Liang Qinghui suggested.

"To be on the safe side, a few hunting rifles have almost no effect on a wolf pack of this size, so let's drive them away!" Chen Luofeng decided.

"Then hurry up, it will take some time for us to drive down, I hope these wild horses can hold on!" Yang Bo acted faster than Liang Qinghui this time and ran towards the location of the sightseeing car.

Gu Hongyu looked back at the situation in the valley. The wild horses were indeed in great danger. Although the wild horse king was still as brave and tenacious as ever, a hero could not defeat four hands. The wild wolves were aggressive and had the upper hand in numbers. Some other wild horses had more wounds.

Seeing this, Gu Hongyu estimated that even if he drove to the entrance of the valley, the war might have ended. Forget it, just help the wild horses at this time!

Falling behind everyone, Gu Hongyu waved his hand and threw a space spring water towards the direction where the wild horses were gathered. These springs can restore the physical strength of the wild horses and make them more energetic. Just hold on for a while.

"Hongyu, hurry up..."

When everyone drove the sightseeing car around and came to the valley pass, the wild wolves began to get impatient about the sightseeing car that appeared.

Seeing this, the wild wolf king howled to the sky again. This time, all the wild wolves seemed to have received an order and accelerated the encirclement and suppression of the wild horses.

"Not good, our arrival seems to have had a counter-effect!" Liang Qinghui said immediately when he saw that something was wrong.

"Don't worry about the reaction of the wild wolves, let's drive the car into the pass, Gulin brother, Jiang Zhe..., you guys take your guns and shoot into the air, at least you have to scare these wolves." Yang Bo said anxiously in the car.

"Bang, bang!"

The sound of the hunting rifle was particularly loud in the empty valley. These gunshots not only scared the wild wolves, but also the wild horses. For a while, the howling of wolves and the neighing of horses sounded again, which was really a chaotic symphony.

The gunshots plus the sightseeing car driving towards the pass were really useful. Soon, the wolves on the periphery began to flee as the sightseeing car approached. The wild horses were fighting to the death anyway, but they still rushed out as usual. After combining the two, the wild wolf king also stopped, perhaps thinking about the gains and losses.

The situation was still very stalemate. Gu Hongyu's mental power swept across the valley from the sightseeing car and found that the number of wild horses was less than 20. One of the foals also fell in a pool of blood. The situation was not optimistic. It was really a critical moment.

The sightseeing car continued to drive inward, and the hunting rifle continued to fire, but the muzzle was not aimed at the wild wolves. The purpose was just to drive them away.

Gu Hongyu sat in the car, and his mental power was released. The pressure was immediately transmitted to the wild wolf king and the wild horse king, and he strongly signaled both sides to cease fighting.

The wild wolf king and the wild horse king immediately crawled on the ground after receiving Gu Hongyu's powerful consciousness. This situation was the same as the last time the animals in the reserve went under the mirage. Seeing the situation of the wild wolf king and the wild horse king, the fight between the other wild horses and wild wolves finally stopped.

Alas, in the end, I still relied on consciousness to shock these guys. This was not Gu Hongyu's original idea. Humans still interfered with the food chain relationship between wild animals in nature.

Gu Hongyu really likes this group of wild horses. This time, let's treat it as the last time to help them. I hope the wild horses will learn from this incident.

"Hey, why are these wild horses and wolves not moving? Weren't they fighting fiercely just now?" Yang Bo was overjoyed when he saw the scene in front of him.

"We humans are still the most powerful. Didn't you see me coming? As long as I shake my body, these wild horses and wolves will lie down obediently..." Liang Qinghui is not afraid of boasting.

However, everyone else looked at Gu Hongyu silently, because he had a strong ability to communicate with animals. Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone would blame Gu Hongyu for this.

Gu Hongyu was guilty: "What are you looking at me for? I stayed in the car and did nothing!"


Many things cannot be explained. If Gu Hongyu opens his mouth, it will only make things more confusing. Fortunately, no one asked any more questions. They are all good brothers. As long as Gu Hongyu is willing, they can know the truth, just like Gu Hongyu told them the secret of growing high-quality vegetables and fruits.

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