Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 621 Special Funds

The cunning wolves finally chose to avoid Gu Hongyu's spiritual pressure, while the wild horses accepted it and stood quietly at the exit of the col. Although the wolves left them, they did not leave. This scene was too weird for others to say.

Chen Luofeng and his brothers knew that it must be Gu Hongyu's trick, but Gu Hongyu did not take the initiative to mention it, so they did not ask further. For a while, the scene became cold.

In the end, Xiao Lele ran into the wild horses under Chen Luofeng's carelessness, caught a few foals, touched them here and there, and those foals seemed to be frightened just now. Surprisingly, they did not dodge when Xiao Lele touched them, and even the adult horses did not resist at a fixed point.

"Uncle, these ponies look like your old Lightning and Mengmeng. It would be nice if I could play with them all the time!"

Gu Hongyu smiled and said, "That won't work. Xiao Lele will go back to school in the afternoon, and these ponies can't leave their parents. If you have time in the future, can uncle take you to the reserve to play?"

"Well, okay..." Xiao Lele is very sensible.

Liang Qinghui looked at the current situation and asked, "Hongyu, what do you think we should do with this situation now?"

Gulin said hurriedly, "What else can we do? The wolves have retreated, and we have rescued the wild horses. It's past noon now. I think we should go back early!"

Gu Hongyu looked at the others and asked, "What do you think?"

Yang Bo immediately replied, "How about this? Many of these wild horses are injured. Since Hongyu has a way to make them still, why don't we just send them to the west to treat them?"

Chen Luofeng thought for a while and said, "Let's do it this way. Let's take action immediately."

"Hey, what about the dead wild horses over there? Just leave them exposed in the wilderness?" Liang Qinghui looked at everyone and asked anxiously, taking the first aid kit from the car and carrying a bucket of clean water.

Gu Lin said in a deep voice: "What else do you want? Those wild horses are also food for wild wolves. Now we are here and they have escaped. If we leave this group of wild wolves, they will come back immediately. Just leave it alone."

First, he sent a message to the wild horse king, asking them to stay calm. Humans will treat them next. Then Gu Hongyu took a large bucket of water from Yang Bo and said, "Brother Yang, this bucket is too heavy, let me carry it!"

Yang Bo's health is the worst among the brothers. The other one is Chen Ming. Seeing Gu Hongyu's initiative to help, of course he would not refuse.

When Gu Hongyu brought the bucket of clean water to the wild horses, he quietly added a lot of space spring water into it, and used this clean water to wipe the wounds of the wild horses later. Or letting them drink some can also make them recover faster, whether it is wounds or mental and physical strength.

Perhaps knowing that the humans in front of them were helping them, the horses in the herd did not move around. They accepted the treatment of Gu Hongyu and others and seemed particularly honest. If they had not seen them fighting with the wolf pack before, who would believe that this scene was real.

Almost every one of the remaining 20 wild horses, big and small, was injured to varying degrees.

In the process of treating them, several wild horses were almost covered in blood, especially on their backs and buttocks. Several wild horses basically had no good meat. Some wounds were so deep that the bones could be seen. When they were wiped with the clean water added to the space spring water. The wild horses seemed extremely comfortable, and some of them turned back from time to time to lick the wounds they had just wiped with their tongues.

"Go away, why are you so dishonest? I'm saving you. Is there anyone like you?" Yang Bo was shouting at a wild horse, watching the wild horse licking its wound. He was in a panic while applying medicine.

Gu Hongyu smiled and said, "The wild horses may need water to drink after fighting just now. I see there is a lot of clean water, so I dare to feed them some."

"Well, then Hongyu, I'll leave this to you!" Yang Bo's attitude towards the wild horses is quite friendly. This may be due to the influence of his aunt who is a wildlife protection expert.

There are several large plastic barrels filled with clean water on the sightseeing bus. These are all sources of drinkable water. Just like medical kits, these are essential equipment for sightseeing buses to prevent accidents. Gu Hongyu got off the bus with another clean water bucket and added more space spring water to the bucket in the same way.

The wild horse king is worthy of being the king. It is the lightest among the wild horses. When Gu Hongyu walked up to it with a bucket of water, this guy still had an impression of him. He sniffed the smell of Gu Hongyu and wiped his head on his chest a few times, showing his affection.

"Tsk tsk, Hongyu is really charming. Look at the expression of the wild horse king who is not unfamiliar with him. It seems very intimate!" Liang Qinghui opened his mouth and attracted the attention of others to Gu Hongyu.

So the others started to make a noise while working: "Hongyu, how did you do it? Leave this trick to me..."

"What a great skill. If I can do it, I will have a cute pet!"


Gu Hongyu ignored the ridicule of these people and said seriously: "I call this talent, understand? It's not difficult for those who can't do it, but it's not difficult for those who can do it."

"Tsk, tell me how you did it?" Liang Qinghui asked anxiously.

"It's very simple. If you can consciously communicate with other animals on the spiritual level by concentrating your energy, it means that you have a good talent and have basically reached the ability to communicate with other animals. If you can't reach it, then forget it!" Gu Hongyu said half-truthfully.

"Damn, it's so suspenseful. Wasn't I listening to a fairy tale just now?" Gu Lin also made a noise.

Gu Hongyu said unhappily: "Believe it or not, forget it!" Then he continued to carry a bucket to feed water to the wild horses.

In the midst of the fight, the wild horses were treated (mainly because they drank the space spring water) and their spirits recovered well, but everyone missed the time for lunch.

"Look, those wild wolves are back again!" A terrified voice sounded.

Looking outside the pass, fortunately, there was only the figure of a wild wolf.

Gu Hongyu and others immediately thought after a sigh of relief that the wild wolves must have come back to check the situation, because they would not give up the food in the valley.

"Everyone evacuate quickly, otherwise we are not enough to fill the gaps between the wolves if we are not prepared to clash with the wild wolves." Chen Luofeng roared.

After returning to the sightseeing bus, everyone felt relieved. Gu Hongyu passed on his consciousness to the wild horses and asked them to follow the sightseeing bus and return to the grassland near the Red Lake to live, so as to take care of their population development in the future. Otherwise, after this great weakening of the twenty wild horses, it was obviously not the opponent of the wild wolf pack.

Then the wild horses really followed the route of the sightseeing bus. In the hearts of the wild horse kings, Gu Hongyu became their most trustworthy friend.

Yang Bo excitedly took a digital camera to shoot the scene in front of him, and kept muttering in his mouth: "If this video is seen by my aunt, I don’t know how excited she will be. In her research, the wild horses are one of the animals that are very difficult for humans to approach, and now they are running with our sightseeing bus, which completely subverts her previous research results..."

"Abo, the reason why the wild horses are like this is not the credit of Hongyu. If Hongyu hadn’t taken action, would you have seen this scene?" Gu Lin laughed and said.

"Alas, you must face all accidents with Hongyu calmly. Even if Hongyu makes more shocking news in the future, we must keep a normal mind." Liang Qinghui did not forget to speak glibly while driving.

This time, we saw a group of wild horses in the wildlife reserve. Although we missed lunch time, everyone was in a very good mood and laughed all the way.

The sightseeing bus returned to the wildlife breeding and rescue center in less than an hour, and the wild horses were placed by Gu Hongyu in a grassland less than three kilometers away from the Red Lake. Many cameras were installed in the reserve in this area, which would be very convenient to rescue the wild horses if they were invaded.

As a result, before Gu Hongyu and his team walked far, they were caught by expert Su.

"Boss Gu, guess what I saw just now. I saw a group of wild horses in the surveillance footage of the reserve!" Expert Su spoke very excitedly, and his expression was even more excited than Yang Bo's.

"Haha, Expert Su, to tell you the truth, we led these wild horses here..." Yang Bo met a person who shared the same interests and quickly told Expert Su in detail what he had seen before, which made Expert Su's expression change several times, showing a look of shock from time to time.

"I have known about the wild horses for a long time. I also saw them from a distance when I passed by the reserve last time. I didn't expect to see them up close this time."

Expert Su muttered to himself: "No, this matter must be reported to the superiors to attract great attention. These wild horses cannot be hunted by wolves again!"

Expert Su, who was lost in thought, did not realize that a large group of Gu Hongyu was still standing next to him. Gu Hongyu, who was hungry, simply said hello to an assistant beside Expert Su and walked towards the village.

After making up for a late lunch, the full and satisfied group couldn't wait to divide Gu Hongyu's top-quality fruit wine, and then looked left and right, moved the fruit wine to the car and left.

"Finally sent these robbers away!" Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Yang Bo called me at night: "Hongyu, I showed the video of the wild horses to my aunt. She will bring several experts to Honghu Village tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. It is said that this time she will apply for special funds for the Honghu Village Wildlife Reserve to protect the wild horses. You must receive them well!"

"It's no problem to receive them. Just now, I heard you say that the wild horses in the reserve will be listed as special protected species?" Gu Hongyu asked.

Yang Bo on the other side of the phone replied: "You are right. After we left, Expert Su also reported this matter, and attached a video file. This time the reserve can get a large amount of special protection funds. You should be happy in your heart!"

"Damn, did I set up the reserve for money? But how much is that special fund..."

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Xie Zhixiu" for reward support, and thanks to "Yinghong", "Qin Weijin", and "Xiaofeng Xilai" for monthly ticket support!

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