Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 686: The First Shoot of the New Year

When the morning sun of the new year shone into the windowsill, Mei Ning woke up from her sleep and stretched lazily, but was immediately startled by the situation around her.

It turned out that there was breakfast on a small table at the head of the bed, and there was a crystal bottle on it, which was filled with various exotic flowers. Gu Hongyu was standing by the table with a smile on his face, looking at Mei Ning who had woken up and said gently: "Baby is awake, happy new year!"

"Thank you, husband..." Mei Ning was moved and hugged Gu Hongyu's neck with both hands, and her little mouth smacked him on the face.

After eating a breakfast full of love, Mei Ning continued to stay at home, while Gu Hongyu started a new day of busyness.

At ten o'clock this morning, Bosh will bring the owners or managers of major retail giants and high-end hotels to come. The first thing is to auction super high-grade Wagyu. In addition, this group of people will continue to visit and browse in the farm. Gu Hongyu also plans to prepare a lunch that they will never forget to entertain those people.

After making some arrangements with his parents at home, he specially called two cousins ​​to help in order to prevent them from being tired. However, when it comes to cooking, Gu Hongyu still plans to do it himself.

Walking out of the courtyard, there are still many Australian citizens wandering around on the first day of the new year. Gu Hongyu knows from some online media news that as Xianyuan Farm becomes more and more well-known, many people regard it as a good place for weekend vacation, and the farm will become more and more popular in the future.

All of this is within Gu Hongyu's expectations. After meeting and greeting some foreigners, Gu Hongyu took the farm's battery sightseeing car to the ranch.

Yes, it is a battery sightseeing car. Now there are more than ten such cars in the farm. It is envisioned that after the farm is open to the public, Gu Hongyu will advocate that except for work and transportation vehicles, cars are prohibited from driving into the farm. Now all clean and pollution-free battery cars are used.

As the owner of the farm, Gu Hongyu will of course lead by example.

Following some tourists to the ranch on the sightseeing car. Huang Qiang had already built a simple platform on a flat place in the ranch. If Gu Hongyu is not mistaken, this was used on Christmas Eve.

The remaining 45 Wagyu cattle were also tied up with ropes, and numbers were hung on the heads of each Wagyu cattle, with the weight and growth cycle of the Wagyu cattle marked on them. In addition, there was a Wagyu cattle slaughtered not long ago this morning. The bosses will personally identify the quality grade of the Wagyu beef later. If the Wagyu cattle are of good quality, then this slaughtered cattle will also be very popular.

Gu Hongyu looked quite novel. Last night, he just asked Huang Qiang to prepare for the auction of Wagyu cattle at the ranch today, but he didn't expect that he was very thoughtful!

Looking at Gu Hongyu's figure, Huang Qiang immediately walked to his side and asked happily: "Hongyu, is this arrangement okay now?"

"Well, this is very good. Bosh will come with the auctioneer later. The rest of us just need to sort out the Wagyu cattle auctioned by the guests." Gu Hongyu nodded and said.

Gu Hongyu's cell phone rang just after chatting for a few words. It turned out that Bosh had brought a large group of people to the farm gate.

After a while, Gu Hongyu, Lin Feiyu and Huang Qiang stood by the road in the ranch and greeted a large group of people who looked very imposing. There were at least 50 or 60 people, more than Bosh reported to him yesterday.

At this time, Bosh stood up and immediately said to Gu Hongyu: "Boss, the people around me are the customers who will auction the Wagyu beef later. This gentleman is Harlan, the owner of Delong Agricultural Products Retail, this very beautiful lady is Jenny from Anlai Trading, this is Upton from Caesar Luxury Hotel... And this is Webster from Willenni..."

Fortunately, Gu Hongyu has a good memory, otherwise this long list of names would have made him dizzy. He shook hands with the "fat sheep" who came from afar, and then led them to the location of the wooden platform.

At this time, the auctioneer invited by Bosh came out from nowhere. Gu Hongyu saw that this was the one he had seen at the Yorkland Charity Gala last time. At this time, he looked at Gu Hongyu and nodded slightly and walked towards the wooden platform. This is a posture of stealing the show.

However, Bosh whispered a few words in Gu Hongyu's ear, and the latter remained silent. With the experience of the last auction, Gu Hongyu trusted the auctioneer without Bosh's introduction.

There were fifty or sixty people here today, but there were only thirty or so real buyers, because almost every buyer brought people with him, and the latter were experts who had a certain ability to identify wagyu.

Now, after entering the ranch, this group of people were attracted by the wagyu on the table next to the wooden platform before they had time to get in touch with Gu Hongyu.

The slaughtered wagyu was divided into several parts and displayed in front of everyone. Among them, the tourists who were watching took pictures of the beef with their mobile phones.

"The quality of this wagyu beef is really good. It's well-deserved!" A middle-aged man with black-framed glasses exclaimed.

"The color of the wagyu beef, the distribution of the snowflakes, the softness and hardness of the touch..., all of these have reached and are better than the A5 level, it really deserves to be the super A5 level." Another person grabbed the wagyu beef and nodded and said to the people around him.


But these people really came prepared. One of them took out some delicate instruments from the bag he brought with him, picked up some finely chopped Wagyu meat and mashed it. Soon, the staff member excitedly said: "The saturated fatty acid content in Wagyu muscle fat is very low, and the water content in the muscle is very perfect..."

After a moment of "coaxing", that person's conclusion made the others exclaim, because the wagyu beef they saw now was simply perfect.

Harun, the Delong agricultural product retail owner whom Bosh first introduced, immediately said to Gu Hongyu: "Guban, don't you know that other Wagyu beef are of the same quality as this one?"

Gu Hongyu nodded affirmatively: "As for the Wagyu cattle raised in our pasture, I can 100% guarantee that you can slaughter these Wagyu cattle here. If the meat quality of one of them cannot reach A5 level or above, then I will not only kill that Wagyu is given to you, and you can enjoy all the benefits of the farm in the future.”

"With all the discounts on the farm, are you talking about Xianyuan brand vegetables and fruits?" a business owner asked with a delighted expression.

Gu Hongyu glanced at the other party and said without hesitation: "Yes, if you find out, I will give you a 30% discount on all agricultural products from the farm."

"Then hurry up and auction the Wagyu. This time I want to get one at any cost. I don't care about the quality. As an old saying goes, even if the Wagyu is of lower quality, I will be very concerned about the stable purchasing channels in the future. Satisfied!”

"Yes, yes, the Wagyu auction will begin immediately..."

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