Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 690 When hiring people

On the second day of the New Year, the farm received good news. The vegetables planted in the vegetable plantation that expanded its planting area entered the harvest period for the first time in the past few days, which means that the vegetables that are now put on the market in the vegetable plantation every day have reached 50 mu

You should know that the output of one mu of vegetables in the space spring water is very amazing. The yield of ordinary vegetables is as low as two or three thousand kilograms per mu, and as high as six or seven thousand kilograms per mu, but in the plantation of Xianyuan Farm, the average yield of those vegetables has exceeded 5,000 kilograms per mu. ︾

According to this vegetable output, multiplied by 50 planting areas, the total amount of vegetables produced by the farm in the future will be 250,000 tons. What a concept!

When Bosh was told this news, he almost threw the phone in his hand, but he immediately hung up the phone and planned to go to the scene to see the situation in person. He didn't want to miss this big scene.

In less than half an hour, this guy came to the farm and dragged Lin Feiyu to the vegetable plantation.

In addition to the big news of vegetables, another good news is that the farm has welcomed a huge number of tourists. From the weekend before the New Year to the first day of the New Year, the farm has been full of tourists, and almost no tourists leave on the first day.

Not only that, seeing the beautiful scenery, people who come here also call their friends to visit all the scenic spots worth appreciating in the farm, and then leave with satisfaction with the farm's local specialties.

In this case, except for a few islands that have not been completed and cannot be landed, the rest of the island resort center is overcrowded. All the food in the shops opened in the community has been killed by people who come to play. The situation has reached the point where some special Chinese condiments have no raw materials to make.

On the other side of the island resort center, the hotel with more than 500 rooms was full the next day. If you want to stay, you must make an appointment. However, Gu Hongyu received news that the tourists who have booked rooms now have to wait for a week, and the queue is expanding rapidly. Maybe in a few days, you can only book rooms for a month later.

In addition, all kinds of leisure clubs and cafes built are full of people. The previously desolate beach is now crowded with tourists. The cold drink shop is too busy to handle the business, and the parasols are full of people. Even the heads the size of watermelons in the sea water are too numerous to count.

However, under such a good situation, there are many worries hidden behind it.

The first is that the farm is short of people now. There is a shortage of positions, such as vegetable plantations, community store operators, and staff of the island resort center...

It is also due to the lack of manpower that less than half of the stores in the community are actually open now, and the other half are temporarily closed. In addition to manpower, it is difficult to purchase many raw materials unique to China. Everyone underestimates the market prospects in this regard.

In addition, the current planning pattern of the island resort center is too small. The farm bordering the beach was not fully built before. Now, seeing the countless tourists, that area will continue to expand immediately.

Not only the island resort center, but also the community side must be built at full speed. There were only 300 people in the community. Even if Gu Hongyu built it according to the plan of 500 people, it seems that there will be a shortage of housing at any time.

Gu Hongyu was overwhelmed by these things. Seeing Bosh and Lin Feiyu happily return to the gray and white courtyard, Gu Hongyu hurriedly told him about this matter.

"Recruit people. We must recruit people immediately, and explain the situation to the construction team. Let them immediately expand the construction of the community and the resort center. The community has already had a preliminary plan, and they just need to build according to the plan. The resort center must come up with a plan as soon as possible, preferably in line with the current architectural features." Lin Feiyu immediately made a suggestion.

"I know this, but the construction is not our most urgent matter. Now our main thing is to find people. You saw the situation in the vegetable plantation today. There are not enough workers to pick vegetables there. What should we do if the vegetables are piled up day by day?" Gu Hongyu analyzed.

Bosh said anxiously, "Yes, there is no problem with the sale of vegetables. If the vegetables cannot be transported out and rot in the fields, it will be a waste of money!"

"Don't worry, recruiting people is easy to solve. I promise that it will take only three days to find you another three to five hundred people." Facing the anxious expressions of Gu Hongyu and Bosh, Lin Feiyu suddenly smiled strangely.

"General Manager Lin, don't keep your appetite hanging now. If you have something to say, please tell me. If you solve this matter, I will give you a few days off so that you can live with Huang Jiayi." Gu Hongyu said with a happy face. Looking at Lin Feiyu's appearance, he slowly calmed down his anxiety.

"Boss, when I went to the vegetable plantation just now, Lai Qiang and several workers chatted with me for a while. They are all villagers who came to Australia with you. They came to me and said that they wanted their relatives to come here with Du Jian and others who returned home for the holiday..."

"What's going on? Did they also expect that the farm would be short of manpower? But now it's really a blessing in disguise!" Gu Hongyu said in surprise again.

Lin Feiyu said: "What's going on? I heard from them that Honghu Village is very different from when you were here. Not only are the employees' wages deducted, but there are no benefits during festivals. Many villagers who come here want to bring their relatives here, and many former villagers are also looking forward to working under you again."

"Hey, why didn't Lai Qiang mention such an important thing to me..."

Before Gu Hongyu finished speaking, Lin Feiyu said with a smile: "He was about to come, but he was pulled back by Bosh. Didn't you tell Bosh about the great event of vegetable harvest here? Leiqiang is in the gray courtyard. The back of the ball was intercepted by Bosh."

"Well, okay, this is still my fault!" Gu Hongyu rubbed his nose: "Forget it, we won't talk about what happened before."

"Feiyu, let's discuss it. If you want me to say something, you should immediately call Du Jian, Wu Haoyu, and a few other prestigious people among the employees, and tell them about this matter. Since you encounter I’ll call some more people over, and I’ll cover all the air tickets for them.”

"Boss, you are so generous. Even if you don't give them air tickets, those people will come over eagerly when they hear the news." Lin Feiyu said jokingly.

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "This is different. I promised some villagers before that as long as they are willing, I will always welcome them here. Secondly, isn't it just the plane tickets for hundreds of people? Your boss, I will not be short of this little money, leave it to you I have a good impression on the future employees, and they are still working for us wholeheartedly. ”

Lin Feiyu's eyes flashed with emotion, but he immediately asked with an exaggerated expression: "Boss, wouldn't you have just used this trick against me before? This is the most ruthless tactic..."

"The boss is really kind to people, and I'm lucky to work under him." Bosh didn't understand the hidden meaning in Lin Feiyu's words, so he said what he meant.

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