Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 70: A companion investigation (4 more updates, please vote for Sanjiang, recommend

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Perhaps Lin Yuantao was still unwilling to give up because he didn't hunt yesterday. The next morning, he sent Peng Minghao back to the town to work, and then took Gu Hongyu to a farther place in the lake. As the name suggests, he helped Gu Hongyu find out the situation around the lake.

It has been nearly two months since he came to Honghu Village. Gu Hongyu was either busy or busy practicing fairy arts in the remaining time. He really hadn't explored the wider area around him. Seeing Lin Yuantao's eagerness, he readily agreed.

It was a rare opportunity, and Shen Fengzhu also followed him. However, unlike yesterday, the clothes and shoes he wore were not conducive to action. Today, he was more prepared.

The scenery around the lake is diverse. The side close to the wooden house is mostly grassland. As you walk further away, you will slowly see bushes and sparse woods. If you cross another area, you will reach the other side of the lake, where there is a large swamp and reed marsh.

If you walk from the other side of the wooden house, the other side of the lake is a slightly undulating hill. Most of the hills are bare, with large chunks of rocks exposed. After being corroded and weathered by wind and rain, they are gradually stripped into fine sand and gravel.

There is no need to choose at all. If you walk over from the hill, it will be a difficult process. So several people unanimously agreed to take the flat grassland side, which is also the path that Gu Hongyu took when he got the big turtle ingot last time.

After the agreement with Manager Dong, the iron fence of the grassland has begun to be transported in these days. Many workers are doing the basic process in many areas originally planned for construction.

Lin Yuantao has been here for several days. Of course, he knows about Gu Hongyu's next shepherding plan. Looking at the busy workers, he said, "Hongyu, don't you care about these workers at all?"

"What is there to care about? It's already stated in the agreement that the entire project is contracted to them. I am not responsible for the food and daily life of these workers. But have you noticed that there is a huge benefit here!" Gu Hongyu kept it a secret.

Lin Yuantao looked at the surrounding situation: "What huge benefit is there? I think the environment here is not bad, and there is nothing else to see!"

"Haha, this place is now sparsely populated. You see, the workers can set up tents anywhere, and we don't have to worry about it at all!" Gu Hongyu said with a smile.

Walking through the grassland and the shrub-covered sand dunes, standing on the hill where Yuanbao was seen last time, a large swamp and reed marshes by the lake soon appeared in front of the few people. Their arrival immediately startled a few birds that were leisurely stepping on the shallow water to hunt, causing them to spread their wings and fly away in panic.

Swamps, as the name implies, refer to areas where the surface is too wet or there is a thin layer of perennial or seasonal water accumulation, the soil is almost saturated with moisture, and there are hygrophilic and water-loving marsh plants growing. Swamps in a broad sense refer to all wetlands; swamps in a narrow sense emphasize the presence of a large amount of peat.

According to Uncle Aza, most of the swamps near Honghu Lake are wetlands, and there are only a few places where he told Gu Hongyu not to get involved when chatting with him, and he also told him about the terrain conditions around those dangerous places.

However, Gu Hongyu didn't take it to heart. Those dangerous places that could swallow cattle and sheep were all deep in the swamps, and they wouldn't go that far this time.

The main formation of this swamp is inseparable from the source of Honghu Lake. Although the swamp terrain is slightly higher than the surface of Honghu Lake, it is closely connected underground and filled with a lot of water, which has created today's large swamp area.

Near the edge of Honghu Lake, there is a large area of ​​reeds, and there are also other aquatic plants. With the supply of water, the source of life, many plants grow exceptionally tall and lush. It doesn't seem surprising from a distance, but when Gu Hongyu and his team approached, they found that some reeds were taller than a floor, and people would be swallowed up directly if they went in.

There is no obvious boundary between the wetland and the hill. Gu Hongyu stepped on the soft grass tentatively after going down the hill. He exerted his strength with both feet and walked forward a few steps to feel that the soil below could still bear his weight.

"Come up, it should be fine here!" Gu Hongyu shouted to Lin Yuantao and the other person behind him.

Lin Yuantao was burly. After hearing what Gu Hongyu said, he stepped on the ground again and felt that there was no danger before walking forward carefully. Only Shen Fengzhu followed them lightly and easily, smiling at the two people in front of him who were cautious.

As they walked more on the wetland, Gu Hongyu and Lin Yuantao also found their way. Apart from minor accidents like getting their shoes wet, there were no major accidents.

Suddenly, Lin Yuantao shouted beside Gu Hongyu: "Hongyu, Fengzhu, come here quickly, guess what I saw?"

"Tell me what you have, otherwise..., hum, you know the result!" Shen Fengzhu was a little further away from them, and she was very arrogant when she heard Lin Yuantao's words.

Lin Yuantao immediately replied: "I actually saw a turtle just now, a black turtle, about the size of a palm!"

Gu Hongyu looked in the direction of Lin Yuantao's finger, and the turtle he was talking about was gone. Gu Hongyu spread his hands: "Where is the turtle?"

Lin Yuantao scratched his head: "Isn't it said that turtles move very slowly? Just now, it was in the bushes, and it slipped into the puddle next to it!"

The wetland is covered with dense grass and sometimes has puddles of water. If you are not careful, you will step into them. Fortunately, everyone has been cautious along the way.

"Which puddle? I have never seen a turtle on the grassland!" Shen Fengzhu came to Lin Yuantao at this time.

"Hey, the one closest to us on the left hand side in front. Let's go and take a look. Be careful!" Lin Yuantao pointed to the specific direction and moved forward.

There are countless puddles of various sizes on the wetland, and the puddle that Lin Yuantao pointed to was blocked by a lot of grass and only exposed less than 2 square meters of water. It is very easy for a turtle to hide in it.

"Damn, I don't think I can find the turtle you are talking about. Forget it. Let's keep going. There are still many creatures in the swamp. Maybe we can see other things by then!" Gu Hongyu said lightly.

However, Shen Fengzhu was more patient. She lifted a bunch of green grass to look at the puddle and shouted in surprise: "Yuantao, Hongyu, come here quickly, there are still wild fish in it, how about we catch some and take them back?"

Lin Yuantao and Gu Hongyu returned to the small puddle with curiosity. With a puff, Lin Yuantao slipped and fell into the puddle. Fortunately, Gu Hongyu, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, reached out and grabbed him, otherwise he would have become a drowned chicken.

"Be careful, the grass is very slippery, especially around the puddle, you have to walk slowly and tentatively, safety is the most important!" Gu Hongyu patted Lin Yuantao on the shoulder.

A small episode passed quickly. Gu Hongyu and Lin Yuantao also looked at the wild fish in the small puddle. There were quite a few wild fish in the small puddle. Could it be that the dense grass stems blocked the natural enemies of wild fish, birds?

The wild fish in the puddle were relatively small, which might be related to the growth environment. There were carp and croaker, as well as some ordinary miscellaneous fish, some of which Gu Hongyu could not even name.

After thinking for a while, Gu Hongyu said, "These fish are not big, and we didn't bring any containers to hold the fish. I think we should forget about it this time. We can catch fish anytime we know there are fish here."

Lin Yuantao didn't have any objections, but Shen Fengzhu had other ideas. Because there were several kinds of wild fish that looked fancy and pretty, Shen Fengzhu had the idea of ​​raising fish. But in the end, Lin Yuantao gently persuaded her to stop catching fish this time, but he also promised to catch fish for her here before returning to Hong Kong. He is such a cute and honest man. This is also why Shen Fengzhu likes him!

The investigation trip along the lake continued. Gu Hongyu and Lin Yuantao also observed several puddles that they passed by next. There were also many small fish in them, which gave them a better understanding of the swamp.

"Damn, snake!" When Lin Yuantao lifted a bush, a shadow suddenly came out and frightened him back again and again.

Gu Hongyu and Lin Yuantao were not far away, so he immediately ran over to see what Lin Yuantao looked like. He also saw the guy running into another bush and laughed: "Okay, it's just a four-legged snake. It's not a threat. Is it necessary to be so scared?"

As they went deeper, they saw more wild animals, such as lizards, hedgehogs, and even snakes. During this period, Gu Hongyu also saw a slightly larger animal in the distance, but the view was blocked by the bushes and only an outline could be seen. It was vaguely distinguished as a wild donkey or a wild sheep.

As for flying birds, there are countless, including pheasants, wild ducks, wild geese, wild cranes, wild storks, and many birds whose names cannot be said. The closer to the reed marsh, the denser the birds appear.

Suddenly, a strange cry came from the sky, and when I looked up, I saw a huge bird swooping down.

Lin Yuantao shouted, "This is an eagle. Oh my god, is it hunting?"

Like an arrow shot from a bow, the eagle flew through the clouds at a very fast speed and pounced above the reed marsh. There was a group of birds that Gu Hongyu couldn't name. In the blink of an eye, one of them was captured by the eagle fiercely, causing the other birds to flee in panic and wail.

"It's so fierce. This eagle's wings are at least one meter long. You see, it's easy for it to catch a flying bird. If I had one, it would be so cool!" As he spoke, Lin Yuantao began to crooked his head.

After hunting, the eagle's flying speed slowed down a little. It carried the captured prey and flew towards the direction where Gu Hongyu and his group were. It didn't care about Gu Hongyu and his group on the ground.

When it got closer, Gu Hongyu clearly saw the gray-white feathers of this "eagle", the sharp beak with a hook, the sharp claws, and the figure of waving huge wings and moving forward was undoubtedly shocked.

However, with Gu Hongyu's love for birds of prey, he immediately realized that it was not an eagle that flew over their heads just now, but a gyrfalcon. Among gyrfals, it is the largest one, otherwise it would not have such a huge body and fierce hunting ability.

Unexpectedly, I was lucky enough to meet one today. Gu Hongyu thought to himself that it seemed that he had to conduct a comprehensive investigation around the Red Lake. I believe there will be many things that will surprise him.

"Hongyu, do you think the eagle's nest is nearby? Otherwise, we can just go and look for it. If there are cubs, we can share them equally?" Lin Yuntao fell into the crazy thoughts about the gyrfalcon and couldn't stop.

Gu Hongyu poured a basin of cold water on him: "Wake up, it was not an eagle flying in the sky just now, but a gyrfalcon. This thing has a very wide hunting range. It is common to fly thousands of kilometers a day. It's wishful thinking that you still want to find its nest!"

"Just think about it, if you can't catch it, forget it!" Lin Yuantao quickly accepted the blow of reality and was freed from fantasy.

"Yuan Tao, come here and take some photos for me. The scenery here is pretty good. When we return to Xiangjiang, let our friends around us take a look and make them envious!" Shen Fengzhu interrupted at this time.

On one side is the vast blue lake, on the other side is the lush and lush swamp grassland, and in the area where the two meet is a large area of ​​tall reeds, wormwood and aquatic shrubs, with birds circling and flying in the middle. This scene is really good.

Soon there were too many photos of Shen Fengzhu and Lin Yuantao left in the swamp, and even Gu Hongyu was taken a lot. There were so many photos of people and simple landscape photos that they quickly filled up the memory of the digital camera. .

While looking for this and moving forward slowly, Lin Yuantao and Shen Fengzhu were looking at the photos they had just taken. The two of them continued to discuss and exchange the quality of taking photos.

"Hongyu, I think you should build a wetland park here. Due to the innate natural conditions, many similar parks in the country cannot compare." Lin Yuantao had a sudden idea.

Gu Hongyu was a little moved when he heard it, but he still declined and said: "This place is located in a remote area. Besides, I don't have the funds to invest in construction. It won't be too late to do it when all the conditions are mature in the future!"

"Well, that's not bad. Everyone here should compete with you!" Lin Yuantao said with a smile.

Seeing that it was still getting late, Gu Hongyu suggested: "It's almost noon now, let's just eat and go home!"

"Today's inspection is over. I haven't had all the fun yet!" Lin Yuantao disagreed.

"Although I'm a little tired, I still keep going down in my heart!" Shen Fengzhu agreed.

Seeing this, Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly: "How can you continue to endure hunger? We will continue after dinner in the afternoon. There are only these attractions here, no matter how far away it is, it will still be like this!"

"Okay, okay, let's go back. This is all we can do today. It's going to be extremely hot as soon as the sun comes out. It's better to go back and stay in the wooden house by the lake. Don't go out in the afternoon, just in time to send these photos to Go online!" Lin Yuantao finally decided.

As soon as they left, before everyone returned along the original route, Lin Yuantao immediately called a pause and asked Gu Hongyu and the others to wait for a while. He walked into the reeds and startled many birds resting inside, and then used his clothes after a while. Came out carrying a lot of stuff.

Gu Hongyu's eyes lit up. This guy hadn't forgotten how he took out bird eggs when he was a child. He saw many birds flying in the reeds and even wanted to get some eggs before leaving. The eggs tasted very good. It was a treat to go back this time. .

But it was Lin Yuantao's image that made people laugh. His whole body was stained with the feathers of various birds, especially his feet were trampled on a lot of bird droppings. Seeing Lin Yuantao walk in, Gu Hongyu and Shen Fengzhu immediately stayed away.

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