Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 71 Payroll (ask for Sanjiang votes, recommend collection)

(Thanks to the support of the book friends, the number of tickets in Sanjiang has soared. Thanks again to 'Feiyang Yinfu', 'Hongfei Tianwai', 'Xiangtu Zhainan', '゛囯 sadness but my tears are heartbreaking丶' for their support, and thanks to 'Eternal Hours, Minutes and Seconds' for urging for more updates!)


Lin Yuantao and Shen Fengzhu spent half a month in Honghu Village. Finally, they were worried about the business they had created in Hongjiang and planned to go back.

The most important point is that the seedlings in the vegetable greenhouse are growing vigorously. Tomatoes and cucumbers have been tied up, and the fastest growing ones have bloomed small flowers. It seems that the first fruit of vegetables is not far away.

Since the initial price and sales strategy of vegetables have been determined, Lin Yuantao and Shen Fengzhu must return to Hongjiang to make preliminary preparations for the sale of vegetables. This time, they have finally put all their bets on Gu Hongyu. How can they not do a good job of things related to the rest of their lives!

When they were leaving, they were both reluctant to leave. Gu Hongyu didn't want them to leave either. It was too lonely to be alone in the village. The feeling of having more friends to talk to was something that most people couldn't understand.

Lin Yuantao's daily chats in the village made the quiet village full of life. Now they didn't know when they would have time to come again. When seeing them off, Gu Hongyu actually had a strange thought of being worried and sentimental.

They came with empty hands, and when they left, the items of Lin Yuantao and Shen Fengzhu looked like a small mountain from a distance. There were many things in it and they were very miscellaneous. The most important ones were the vegetables that Gu Hongyu brought to them, as well as the special dried beef and mutton bought by Uncle Azha and the villagers, cheese made by traditional craftsmanship, and all the special products of the grassland nomads.

When Gu Hongyu took out vegetables for them, there was an interesting thing. Gu Hongyu's wooden houses were defenseless against them. Lin Yuantao usually ate raw tomatoes and cucumbers. He missed those vegetables very much before he left. But when he was leaving, he clearly remembered that there were not many vegetables left. But Gu Hongyu took out more vegetables than he had seen, which made his mind confused.

Gu Hongyu always smiled and said nothing to Lin Yuantao's questions. When he was asked urgently, he found a reason and asked back: "You don't cause much trouble in normal times. These things can let you know. Otherwise, how can I give you these vegetables now?"

The long-distance bus has started, leaving the station and slowly leaving with the traffic until the body of the bus is out of sight. Gu Hongyu slowly turned around, sat in his pickup truck dejectedly, started the engine and went home silently. On the way back, even the highway construction that he cared about the most did not attract his attention this time.

Gu Hongyu's life became much quieter in the following days. Apart from Peng Minghao who came to the village from time to time on behalf of the government to care about the progress of various projects in the village, he spent more time practicing immortal arts.

After practicing water immortal arts to a certain extent, Gu Hongyu turned to wood immortal arts for a while. The place he chose to practice was on a hill not far from the reed marsh and swamp. The vegetation coverage there was the best in the village, and Gu Hongyu's practice there was twice the result with half the effort.

Since practicing immortal arts, it may be that Gu Hongyu has a special talent or the immortal arts he practiced are at a low-level basic stage. According to the information conveyed to him by the stone tablet, the overall skills that Gu Hongyu practiced in a short period of time have reached the late stage of the acquired realm.

However, only the water system has been practiced to perfection in the corresponding spells and spells. If the other four systems of the five elements are practiced to perfection, then he will reach the extreme of the acquired realm, and perhaps at some point he will be promoted to the early stage of the innate realm.

After practicing for a while, the wood magic has almost reached the perfection of the acquired stage. After practicing the wood magic, Gu Hongyu felt that his body was integrated with the surrounding plants. His consciousness seemed to be able to feel the emotions and growth of the plants, which was very mysterious.

Sitting on the hill all night, Gu Hongyu planned to practice the earth magic after this practice. There was a wide desert not far from the village. He believed that practicing the earth magic in such an environment would also be very helpful.

Taking advantage of the morning mist, Gu Hongyu walked back to the wooden house and took a hot bath to wash off the mucus left on the surface of his skin. Although he had not slept all night, he was more energetic than anyone else.

There was no one around. Gu Hongyu called the giant carp with his familiar consciousness. It didn't take long for the originally calm lake to roll. A huge golden giant carp appeared on the lake, rolling in the water and swimming towards Gu Hongyu.

"You are getting more and more naughty! I have been with you for a while. Should I give you a name?" The giant carp's head emerged from the water. Gu Hongyu leaned over and touched its smooth head with his hand and said to it with a smile.

The giant carp can't speak, but it is very spiritual and swings its tail from side to side. It seems to be very excited through consciousness. It seems to agree!

Gu Hongyu thought about it. This huge carp has yellow-orange scales all over its body. It looks golden from a distance. Only a small part of the belly has some white scales. Since the turtle is called Yuanbao, this giant carp can be called Jinzhuan!

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu said to the giant carp: "Then you will be called Jinzhuan in the future. Yellow is gold and white is platinum. This is worthy of the name!"

One reason for giving them such names is to be auspicious, and the other reason is naturally that Gu Hongyu hopes that his career will be prosperous in the future.

After putting some spring water in the space for Jin Brick to enjoy and play with it for a while, he watched the sky start to turn white and made him return to the bottom of the lake through his consciousness. After Jin Brick swam away, it was not long before Gu Hongyu released the spring water. It was also occupied by some nearby swimming fish.

In fact, very little of the space spring water there has been absorbed by the gold bricks, and the rest has gradually melted into the lake water, but the smell of the only spring water still makes the swimming fish instinctively yearn for it.

After exchanging feelings with Jinzhuan, Gu Hongyu went into the space to pick a few vegetables, caught a few swimming fish, and then teased Yuanbao who was very accustomed to living in the space.

Yuanbao was free to do everything except vegetables and ginseng in the space. Like Jinzhuan, he was a man who had matured over a long period of time and could roughly understand what Gu Hongyu said. He was taught a few lessons by Gu Hongyu at first. After that, he knew what to do and what not to do. Gu Hongyu's most threatening thing to him should be that if he caused trouble in the space, he would be kicked out of the space without mercy. This was absolutely unacceptable to Yuan Bao.

I came out of the space humming a little tune and happily made a rich breakfast. I did not throw away the remaining vegetable leaves and threw them to the unlucky rabbit I brought back from the last hunting trip. I started giving ordinary vegetables to it, which really refused to eat. A hunger strike, right? Gu Hongyu immediately sprinkled space spring water on the vegetable leaves, and the rabbit immediately changed its attitude and obeyed!

After raising it for several days, the rabbit's hair looks much softer, brighter and smoother than when I brought it back, and even its head has grown significantly. It would be strange if he could eat and sleep all day long without natural enemies, Gu Hongyu thought.

Just after cleaning up the mess left by the waiter for breakfast, a voice came from outside the wooden house: "Is Xiao Gu here, Xiao Gu...?"

Gu Hongyu opened the door, and the shouting outside suddenly stopped. When he saw the person coming, he smiled kindly and said, "Uncle Aza, I haven't been here for several days. Is there anything you want to do today?"

Uncle Aza smiled awkwardly for the first time: "It's okay. Didn't you say you haven't been here for a few days? You just came here to hang out!"

Speaking hesitantly and intermittently is not Uncle Aza's style. Gu Hongyu thought in his mind, could it be that Uncle Aza came to ask for help when he was in trouble? If so, he would have to help him no matter what, in this Honghu Village Uncle Aza is his right-hand man, and many things would not be possible without his help.

Testing Gu Hongyu, he asked: "Uncle Aza, how are you doing at home recently?"

"Okay, very good, our village has never been this good! It's just..." He said okay at the beginning, but at the last moment, Uncle Aza started to be evasive again.

Gu Hongyu cheered him up: "Uncle Aza, just tell me if you have anything to do. I have relied on your help during this period of time. Now as long as I can do it, I will do it without any hesitation!"

Uncle Aza seemed to be risking his life: "Xiao Gu, you see it's the end of the month, time flies so fast!"

"Ah, it's the end of the month!" Gu Hongyu responded and waited for Uncle Aza to continue. As a result, Uncle Aza didn't say anything anymore, which really puzzled Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu decided to take the initiative. Since his family was fine, he guessed and asked, "Uncle Aza, is there something wrong with the vegetable greenhouse or the melon field?"

"These are all fine. Who said anything was wrong?" Uncle Aza asked.

Gu Hongyu was surprised, what's the matter with Uncle Aza coming to his door so early in the morning? Suddenly he thought of what Uncle Aza said just now, and then he realized something.

It turns out that this happened to him. Uncle Aza couldn't tell him directly so he reminded him in a tactful way, but this was too tactful!

It's the end of the month, and it's time to settle the villagers' wages!

Gu Hongyu, who had figured it out, immediately smiled and said to Uncle Aza: "Uncle, this is about the villagers' wages. You see, I have been in the small village for a long time and I don't even know the time. You reminded me just now that I don't know the time either." Attention, I’m so sorry!”

Uncle Aza was extremely happy to see that Gu Hongyu finally remembered this matter. If Gu Hongyu still couldn't remember this matter, he wouldn't do anything. He really couldn't talk about it if he wanted to save face.

"Xiao Gu, don't blame me for coming here to ask you, but there are many villagers working for you, and I am also entrusted by them!" Uncle Aza felt embarrassed.

Gu Hongyu waved his hand: "It's not in the way, it's not in the way. Earned wages are a matter of course. It's my duty to pay wages. Now I don't have that much cash on me. Go back and tell the villagers to let them gather at your place at noon. I'm here Go to the town to get the money immediately."

"Okay, okay, do you want someone to accompany you to withdraw the money? How about you find two villagers to go with you?" Uncle Aza thought very carefully.

Gu Hongyu took out his car keys and walked to the pickup truck. He turned around and said, "No, you go back and tell the villagers now. Don't keep them waiting!"

Just as he was going to town to mail vegetables to his family, Gu Hongyu started the car and drove out of the village.

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