Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 72 Buying Lambs (Seeking Sanjiang Tickets, Seeking Recommendation)

Before eleven o'clock in the morning, Gu Hongyu finished his business and returned to the village from the town.

Before his pickup truck entered the village, he saw a man waiting at the entrance of the village running back, shouting as he ran: "It's time to distribute money, Boss Xiao Gu's car is back to the village!"

This was a big deal. As he shouted, many villagers swarmed out of Uncle Azha's yard. Some of them were villagers working for his greenhouse and melon field, and more villagers just came to watch the fun.

The car couldn't drive into the village. Gu Hongyu simply stopped the engine and got off the pickup truck with a suitcase. Immediately, many villagers in the village stared at the suitcase in his hand, and people lined up to welcome him.

"Isn't that the money to be distributed this time in the suitcase?" A village woman said to another while cracking melon seeds.

"Isn't this obvious? Today, Boss Xiao Gu went to the street to collect wages for the people who worked for him." Another village woman showed off that she knew more inside information.

"I said, can your husband Jiang Wu really get more than 2,000 yuan this month?" Another woman comrade interrupted.

"What's my husband Jiang Wu? The highest paid workers are those who come to collect manure all day long. For example, the old man of the Lin family's eldest sister-in-law, their salary is 5,000 or 6,000!" The village woman who was cracking melon seeds said with some envy. Her husband Jiang Wu was unable to compete for the role of fermenting manure and had to work in the melon field.

"More than 2,000 is not bad. Even if my husband wants him, I'm afraid that boss Xiao Gu won't want him?" The discussion of several village women attracted more people to join in the fun.

"Lai's sister-in-law, your Lai San took the lead in not letting Xiao Gu come to the village to contract land last time. I'm afraid he offended Xiao Gu badly. If it were me, I would definitely not accept him!"

"I don't think Xiao Gu is so unreasonable. If he really wants to find a job, your Lai Qiang should go to Xiao Gu's house to apologize and it should be fine!"

"Alas, my old man just wants his face. What can't he say after he did it in the first place?" Lai's sister-in-law also looked very worried.

Soon, the village women began to comfort Nai's sister-in-law again after talking about Gu Hongyu's matter just now.

Speaking of it, the situation of Lai's family in the village is quite ordinary. Lai Qiang is very strong and likes to take advantage of small things. Other villagers are not very familiar with his family. The whole family depends on Lai's sister-in-law for support. The villagers are very sympathetic to Lai's sister-in-law's experience.

After discussing for a while, Uncle Azha moved two wooden tables from his yard and placed them side by side beside the village road in front of the yard. He and Gu Hongyu stood behind the wooden table, watching the villagers talking about them, and deliberately coughed a few times.

"Okay, everyone be quiet!" Uncle Azha shouted seriously with his authority as the village party secretary.

Seeing that the villagers gradually restrained their voices, he continued: "It is now the second month since Boss Xiao Gu came to our village. Everyone has also seen the gratifying changes in the village. Many of our villagers will also receive wages for working at their doorsteps at the end of this month. What do you think of this situation?"

As a result, the villagers naturally answered collectively, "Good!" "Very good!" Anyway, the conversation began to become chaotic again, but they undoubtedly agreed with Uncle Azha's point of view and talked about this topic.

Seeing that the situation was somewhat out of control, Uncle Azha shouted again: "Stop talking, now boss Xiao Gu has brought your wages back, how long are you going to do this?"

His words were very effective, and many people stopped talking at this time. Even if there were people talking nearby, they took the initiative to stop other villagers. Suddenly, the scene returned to calm, and Uncle Azha said with satisfaction: "Okay, next is the salary!"

After sorting out the villagers, Uncle Azha asked Gu Hongyu with a smile: "Xiao Gu, do you think you should talk next?"

Gu Hongyu pushed his hands and said: "No, I brought the money back, and the list of wages was checked one by one, you just read it according to the list!"

"How can this be good? You paid the money, is it appropriate for me to pay it?" Uncle Azha still hesitated.

Gu Hongyu smiled and said: "There is nothing inappropriate, you see the villagers are waiting?"

Not all villagers are watching Uncle Azha and Gu Hongyu's every move, and it is a big deal if it is related to money.

"Okay, then I'll take over!" Uncle Azha said and pulled Wen Ke, which shocked Gu Hongyu.

"Okay, now I'll officially start paying wages. When I get a name, please come up to collect it!" Uncle Azha was very serious at this moment.

As the villagers waited, Uncle Azha said: "The employees who look after the vegetable greenhouse, Bian Jingsheng, Jiang Wu, Gao Chuang, Yuan Cheng, Jin Shuang... come up to collect wages. All those who are called should line up and come up!"

The first wave took it, the second wave took it, and finally only the workers who fermented manure were left. Uncle Azha was still distributing wages in an orderly manner. He said: "Qiu Ming, Fan Yuan, Che Wenbing, Fu Dong and Ruan Hong, please come up to collect the money!"

The wages for other workers were all packed in envelopes, and many workers counted them in person before going down. However, Gu Hongyu gave them a bonus of 300 yuan on top of their basic wages, which made many villagers excited.

But they still don't understand Gu Hongyu's idea. The vegetables have not yet generated any profit, and the bonuses for the villagers who will work for him in the future will be much higher than mine. He can eat dry food but let the villagers drink liquid food, right? Gu Hongyu can't do something like wanting the horse to run but not letting it eat grass.

Workers with drive and passion can create more economic value for their bosses. Gu Hongyu believes in this saying.

When the retting workers handed over the heavy envelopes, the first man's hands and feet were shaking with excitement. However, with the help of Uncle Aza, he still trembled and counted out the money. The total was 7,000 yuan, which was much more than the salary Gu Hongyu promised them. A thousand.

"This... Xiao Gu, did you put the wrong amount?" Uncle Aza quickly asked Gu Hongyu when he saw this situation.

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "No, it's just that much. I feel that the money given to them is too little. As long as they work hard, the salary will increase in the future!"

Gu Hongyu saw the work of the retting workers in his eyes and remembered them in his heart. The whole village could see them pulling back and forth in bucket trucks filled with excrement every day. He also saw many children pointing at them and seeing them. Just run away. Isn't this mocking and trampling on their dignity?

Gu Hongyu will never allow this situation to continue. The distinction between high and low people is destined by God. This reincarnation requires luck, and no one can envy it.

But Gu Hongyu believes that there is no distinction between high and low in work. He has neither sold his conscience nor sold his soul. If he is doing the right thing, what can others criticize? Even those prostitutes who sell their bodies sometimes Gu Hong Yu doesn't think they are despicable. Compared with corruption, they are nothing like clouds and mud.

The one-time payment of wages made all the villagers aware of Gu Hongyu's generosity and understanding of the villagers' sufferings. His reputation immediately increased a lot, and he had a tendency to catch up with Uncle Aza's prestige.

Afterwards, many villagers began to find Uncle Aza one after another to find out when Gu Hongyu would recruit employees next time, which kept Uncle Aza from getting away.

At that time, Gu Hongyu and Manager Dong, who was building the sheepfold fence, were sitting on the wooden platform outside the wooden house and chatting enthusiastically.

"Xiao Gu, you also inspected the built iron fence with us this afternoon. Is there any problem?" Manager Dong asked with a smile.

Gu Hongyu said politely: "Do I still dare to doubt Manager Dong's team? After a random inspection, the built fence is completely qualified. I will pay you the balance right now."

The Internet in the village is a lot more convenient. At least you don't have to go back and forth to the town to transfer money or something.

Over time, the fence of the sheep pen was all built. Gu Hongyu personally saw it and it was very good. With his current hand strength, he tried shaking it a few times. If he didn't use his internal force, he could only make the iron fence shake a few times. .

But even the lamb bought with Gu Hongyu's physical strength couldn't compare.

The day after the fence of the sheepfold was repaired was the day when Gu Hongyu and Uncle Aza made an appointment to buy lambs.

The source of the lamb has been found a long time ago, and this time we went there just to go through the formalities.

At first, Gu Hongyu didn't know much about raising sheep. He felt that when buying sheep, he should just buy lambs. As a result, he almost made a big joke.

It doesn’t matter if the farmers with a relatively small number of farmers just buy some lambs. It would be very inappropriate for large farmers like Gu Hongyu to raise all lambs from the beginning. The growth of lambs requires cycles. If a sheep farmer The lambs raised by large households all have the same cycle, which is unbelievable to anyone who thinks about it.

Finally, according to Uncle Aza's suggestion, when Gu Hongyu bought sheep, he matched the male and female sheep according to their sizes. Generally, one male is needed to breed twenty or thirty ewes.

Gu Hongyu's current pasture area is more than 3 square kilometers. He checked on the Internet that the grass produced by each square kilometer of pasture is enough to feed 300 lambs for a year. According to this ratio, he can raise 1,000 lambs.

However, considering that many areas of the pasture are not suitable for overgrazing, they proactively reduced the number by half and purchased only 521 sheep at a ratio of 25:1. The original number was 520, but Gu Hongyu specially selected a fat and tall sheep. Goat, this will be the leader of the group from now on.

Gu Hongyu spent a lot of money to buy these lambs. According to the price of rams, ewes, and lambs, the total average price of all lambs was around 13 yuan. During this period, the director of the sheep farm saw Gu Hongyu. Hongyu is a big customer and took the initiative to reduce the unit price, otherwise it would still be expensive!

After more than 500 lambs were weighed one by one, the average weight was about 50 kilograms. According to 13 yuan per kilogram, the total payment to the sheep farm was close to 350,000 yuan. Including the production of sheepfold fences, the investment cost of raising sheep was all spent. Over a million.

This does not include future pasture maintenance, labor costs and feeding costs. He just doesn't know how much these sheep will be worth after raising them. Now Gu Hongyu has no idea.

It was Uncle Aza who patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry. Although raising sheep is not expensive here, we haven't had any illnesses yet. You can make some money. If you don't raise sheep, your pasture will be wasted." Hello!"

Well, this is also a solid reason. Gu Hongyu also believes that relying on the existence of space, it is easy to achieve good results in raising sheep!

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