Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 73 The Fated Colt (Seeking Sanjiang votes)

(Thanks to 'Qizhu', 'Xie Zhixiu', 'I am alone in mourning, but my heart breaks with tears', 'Magic Skills World', 'Wentian Loneliness', 'Xianyun Manguan', 'I am not suffering from my body' Thank you very much for your support from several book friends!)


Fortunately, the lambs were delivered directly to the door from the breeding farm, which saved Gu Hongyu a lot of time and experience. Soon Uncle Aza set off back to the village with the truck loaded with lambs.

Gu Hongyu did not follow him back. First, he was taking care of the lambs he bought at the breeding farm but had not yet been transported away, in case the sheep farm changed the contract. The chance of this was not high, but he still sailed with caution; secondly, Gu Hongyu Hongyu is also interested in other animals in the sheep breeding farm and plans to visit them.

The sheep farm is also a name, and it is not all lambs. When Gu Hongyu bought the lambs, he clearly saw that there were many cattle, dairy cows, buffaloes and other types of cattle in other pens.

However, Gu Hongyu was not tempted. At first, he planned to raise cattle, but after thinking that he didn’t know anything about this aspect of breeding, he decided to concentrate on solving the problem of raising sheep. Also, he checked on the Internet. The highest quality beef cattle are found in island countries and Australia, and he hopes to bring back some top-quality breeding cattle in the future.

Slowly, Gu Hongyu lost his original intention of staying at the sheep breeding farm. He watched the busy workers doing their own things, and there was no chance of a swap happening, so he started walking around inside.

When the workers in the field saw Gu Hongyu, they ignored him and just sold him more than 500 sheep. Many workers were there to witness it. Gu Hongyu, as their big customer, might be another deal.

After leaving the fences where the lambs were kept, Gu Hongyu suddenly heard the sound of "Yu Yu" horse braying. Following the sound, he looked to see that there were many people surrounding the fence over there.

It is human nature to like to watch the excitement. Gu Hongyu also followed him curiously. When he got closer, he saw that there were several fences full of horses. Some of the horses in the fences were walking leisurely inside, and some were even Running fast, her figure is very graceful and vigorous.

A large number of people were in a fence. Gu Hongyu could only stand on the outside and could not squeeze in. However, he could still vaguely see another small pony in the middle, and standing on the pony Isn't it the manager Yang of the sheep farm next to him? He said that after the transaction is completed, no one can be seen, so he came here.

Gu Hongyu asked a middle-aged man next to him without knowing why: "Uncle, what's going on? Why are you all here? Is there anything strange about that little pony?"

The middle-aged man who was asked gave Gu Hongyu a strange look, and said clearly: "I don't think this little brother is a local?"

"No, but now he is considered half a local." Gu Hongyu thought that since he has created such a big business in the small village, it would not be wrong to count him as half a local!

The middle-aged man smiled: "My little brother is really humorous. Since you are not from the local area, you don't know much about horses. Let me tell you, the little pony we are looking at is amazing. They are two precious horses. Bred from horses of high bloodline.”

"Did this horse inherit the excellent genes from its parents?" Gu Hongyu asked like a curious baby.

This made the middle-aged man next to him ask, "This..., isn't it true that everyone is struggling with this matter? No one can convince anyone if they all hold their own opinions!"

"Haha, this little brother, Lao Ma, is destined to have his surname. He is a horse lover, but he just enjoys looking at it. He can't afford such expensive horses, so he can only talk a few words. It seems that this foal has inherited the qualities of its parents, but it has a congenital defect. No one can guarantee whether it will recover when it grows up." At this time, the middle-aged man who obviously knew more about horses than the old horse took it with a smile! Huantou explained to Gu Hongyu.

Lao Ma was a little unhappy to be exposed: "Lao Zhang, I want you to mind your own business, but you are highly knowledgeable and have a good ability as a sage horse. Then why don't you go in and argue with master sage horse?"

"I'm just here to be a spectator. I'll naturally speak when it's my turn to speak, but there are some things you can't make your own decisions on!" Lao Zhang said, shaking his head confidently.

"Is there anything you can't say? You're just afraid of taking the risk and making the wrong conclusion. People like you are the most cunning!" Lao Ma's attack on Lao Zhang was merciless.

However, the two of them were noisy, and their voices and tempers were still somewhat restrained. It seemed that they still had a good relationship, but they just had different opinions. Gu Hongyu didn't care about their relationship, and asked again: "Can you tell me what this little pony is?" Is there any problem?"

Lao Zhang replied slowly and softly: "Let me tell you, in my opinion, the foal was shocked in the womb and did not develop well. Otherwise, the foal would be several months old but still in shape. No other ordinary foal grows as well."

"If there was a shock in the womb, wouldn't it mean that the foal will be abandoned or killed?" Gu Hongyu knew a little bit about horses. Disabled horses generally do not have a good ending. He only saw an article on the Internet not long ago. There is news about disabled horses being fitted with prosthetic limbs, but that is news from abroad.

Lao Zhang shook his head regretfully: "This foal is bred from a top-notch horse that was finally obtained. The owner, Manager Yang, just couldn't bear it. The horse physicist invited at the time did not clearly say that this horse was not good. After a few months of not taking care of me, I found that the situation was getting more and more serious!”

"Then what are you doing together this time?" Gu Hongyu asked.

At this time, Lao Ma interrupted, "What else can we do? We can only give this horse a final diagnosis. If it really cannot be cured, we can only reluctantly kill it. You know, it takes energy and a lot of cost to train a good horse."

"Is there no way to cure the shock in the womb?" Gu Hongyu continued to ask with thousands of thoughts flashing through his mind.

For Gu Hongyu, who knew nothing, Lao Zhang rolled his eyes and finally Lao Ma explained, "Unless you encounter a natural treasure, but this kind of thing is expensive to use to treat the foal, it is not worth the loss. Generally speaking, this foal is in danger this time."

Sure enough, after discussing the foal for a long time, both sides unanimously recognized the noble and excellent breed of the foal, but it was useless. None of the two masters who came to the horse apprentice dared to say that they had the ability to cure the foal, so in the end they shook their heads silently to the owner, Manager Yang, and thus determined the tragic fate of the foal.

Manager Yang's heart sank, and his face looked very ugly, but he still asked unwillingly: "Master Qi, Master Bai, is this colt really hopeless?"

The two masters expressed that they were powerless to do anything about this matter, shook their heads again in front of Manager Yang, and then squeezed through the crowd and walked out. The crowd that had just gathered around gradually dispersed when they knew the result.

Old Zhang and Old Ma also followed the crowd out. Old Ma was still regretting that the colt could not be saved, but Old Zhang suddenly said: "Hey, what was that little brother doing standing next to Manager Yang just now?"

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