Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 74 Buy one get one free (ask for Sanjiang tickets, collection recommendation)

Gu Hongyu stood in front of the little pony. The little pony looked skinny, with dull and dull fur, dull eyes and dirty body. It was really sloppy and down-to-earth.

The only bright spot was the line on the foal's forehead, which looked like the symbol of lightning. Gu Hongyu gently walked in again and wanted to touch the line. Unexpectedly, the little guy had a bad temper and faced Gu. Hongyu just said "Yu" a few times, still breathing heavily in his nostrils.

That was a warning to Gu Hongyu. If he came close again, he would probably raise his front hooves to attack!

However, Gu Hongyu showed enough patience. This colt was so weak and had a strong temper. He became more and more interested in this pony.

Expressing infinite goodwill to the foal through his consciousness, his body secretly runs wood magic. Wood magic is closely related to life. Gu Hongyu wants to use this method to measure the foal's vital signs.

Maybe it was the goodwill consciousness that played a role. The colt's originally irritable appearance began to calm down. Gu Hongyu took the opportunity to start testing it in all directions. Then, Gu Hongyu's eyes seemed to be filled with blood vessels and internal organs. After a while, he encountered the problem, which was that the foal's heart seemed to be blocked by something, just like a large artery turned into a capillary. If all of them were blocked, the foal would have reached the end of its life. .

At this time, various thoughts flashed through Gu Hongyu's mind. Finally, he made a decision to buy this pony. Since it has a very noble bloodline and looks very spiritual, according to his existing means, Gu Hongyu is confident that he can cure this disease that makes others helpless.

"Xiao Gu, why haven't you left yet? Do you like ponies? Most people in this circle do. If you like you, go and choose one and I will sell one to you at a cheap price!" Manager Yang, who was in a very sad mood just now Unconsciously walking to Gu Hongyu's side, the shrewd businessman immediately calmed down his emotions and said to Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu did not answer Manager Yang's words immediately, but asked: "Mr. Yang, I just heard from others that this pony is really hopeless. What will you do with it?"

Manager Yang sighed: "What else can I do? I can only kill it. I can't even shave off much meat from this little pony. I've lost money this time."

Manager Yang went through a lot of trouble to get this foal, but he didn't expect that he would end up stealing the chicken and throw away a handful of rice. He was filled with tears when he talked about it!

Perhaps knowing that it would meet its tragic end, the little pony actually screamed again when Manager Yang said to kill it, and its expression returned to its initial irritability.

Gu Hongyu had just encountered such a thing, and he was very sympathetic to the fate that the little pony was about to suffer. In addition, he had just made up his mind and gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Yang, just like you said, this little pony is You won’t get much meat by killing it, so what do you think if I just pay to buy it?”

"What! What are you talking about? You want to buy this irreparable foal. There are many other healthy foals in my farm. Why don't you take a look at the other foals first?" Manager Yang said to Gu Hongyu He was shocked when he spoke, but in the end he persuaded her kindly.

Gu Hongyu nodded. Raising a horse alone in his huge pasture was not too lonely like him, so he said: "Okay, I will choose another good horse, but you can also give me this foal." Keep it, I’ll ride it down together later.”

Manager Yang immediately became happy: "I'll help find a worker to come over and help you choose a horse. I'll give you this colt. You can just take it away later!"

There were indeed many horses in the racecourse, and the various colors made Gu Hongyu feel dazzled.

The master called by Manager Yang was specially hired by the farm to take care of the horses. He was also a horse physiognomist, but he was not as famous as the two people hired earlier.

Hearing that Gu Hongyu wanted to buy a foal, the master surnamed Wang immediately suggested: "Gu Boss, I think you should choose an adult horse, right?"

"Oh, what's the point?" Gu Hongyu asked curiously.

Master Wang smiled: "There is no explanation for this, which is my personal suggestion. If you get two horses back, they are both foals. You can't ride them and you can only look at them. How uncomfortable it is. Now sell one to be more docile." The adult horse just went back to practice his equestrian skills!”

Gu Hongyu thought about it, he wouldn't really bring two colts back just to ride them, so he nodded and said: "Okay, Master Wang will help me choose a docile adult horse!"

Within a moment, the experienced Master Wang helped Gu Hongyu choose a big brown horse and brought it over. Gu Hongyu didn't know how to judge the quality of the horse, but he looked at the horse's bright eyes. And the shiny hair is quite attractive.

"Master Wang, do you have any secrets for choosing a good horse?" Gu Hongyu, who lacked knowledge about horses, could only ask without shame.

“To distinguish a good horse from a bad one, firstly, look at the teeth (age); secondly, look at the bloodline; thirdly, look at whether the muscle growth and development of the whole body is well-proportioned and strong; fourthly, look at whether it is docile; finally, look at the speed of running, endurance, and bounce.” When I heard Gu Hongyu ask about these Master Wang, he spoke eloquently.

Gu Hongyu nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Can all horses be identified in this way?"

When it comes to professional matters, Master Wang seems to be very interested: "What I just talked about is just a common practice now. If it were in ancient times, it would be much more complicated!"

"Tell me..."

Master Wang slowly seemed to be reminiscing: "The method of appraising a horse is to first appraise the head and ears: the ears are like bamboos, the eyes are like bird eyes, the spine, the belly of a lin, the chest of a tiger, and the tail is like a broom. Next, the skull is appraised. : Angular achievement, when viewed from the front, back and side, the bones are narrow, the skin is thin, the nose is on the side, the forehead is high and low, the bones are clear, the segments are rising, the vision is far away, the mental state is The air is high and refreshing. The hooves stand up and gather together, the walking is smooth, the steps are light, the mane is light and moist, the breathing is fine, the head is raised like an eagle, the dragon's head is raised high and looks far away, the front is like a rooster's crow, Looking back, he looks like a crouching tiger, standing like a lion, marching thousands of miles, and his jaw and nose are about to receive a punch. His name is Taicang."

These words made Gu Hongyu confused and half-informed. When Master Wang saw Gu Hongyu's appearance, he didn't continue talking. Instead, he pointed at the adult horse and explained to him: "Look at this horse. , here..., and here, are far from the methods of judging horses recorded in ancient texts, which shows how difficult it is to meet a peerless horse in the modern era. "

"When you say that, I can understand why Manager Yang put all his effort into training that foal!" Gu Hongyu, a horse-crazy person, has not yet reached that level.

When Gu Hongyu talked about the little pony, Master Wang could only sigh: "Lao Yang was also unlucky this time. He invited many horsemen to come and see it and they all thought it was a good horse, but it was doomed by its bad birth. My future destiny, I heard that Lao Yang gave it to you. Will you still like it if it can't run like other horses?"

Gu Hongyu didn't think about this problem. He was sure of the colt's condition, but he still answered Master Wang's words affirmatively: "I just thought it was pitiful at first, and it is a descendant of a precious horse breed. , I felt pity and had no other thoughts. Besides, I have plenty of pasture, but it doesn’t have much, so it doesn’t matter if I keep raising it.”

"Okay, it seems that Mr. Gu has a good attitude and demeanor. This is really the best ending for that pony!" Master Wang said happily.

"Actually, I have been working as a horse breeder for so long, and I am used to seeing too many horses with disabilities and congenital defects. They are either killed for meat or killed and buried. My heart has long been numb, but they can only be like this. If everyone behaves like Mr. Gu, the breeding farm cannot afford it.”

Gu Hongyu was speechless about these. Fortunately, the team delivering the lambs was back, and the second trip was about to leave. After Gu Hongyu settled the bill for the horses, he took the two horses and the lambs away together.

When he left, he secretly got some spring water and sprinkled it on the grass in front of the foal. Suddenly, the languid foal pounced on the grass and started chewing, making Master Wang stunned.

He knew best that the little pony was not as happy as before! I was extremely worried as I thought: Did Lao Yang lose money this time with his buy-one-get-one-free deal?

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