Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 75 Highway construction (Sanjiang asks for votes and promotion)

(Thanks to ‘゛四実情伟为我狠心丶’, ‘Pistachio 2014’, ‘Xie Zhixiu’, and ‘Golden Bean’ for their reward support! Thanks to ‘Hua Xiaoshou’ for the high praise vote support!)


It was already ten o'clock in the evening when we returned to the small village. Taking advantage of the setting sun, Gu Hongyu and many villagers put all the lambs into the pen. Suddenly, the empty pasture became more lively with the dense bleating of sheep.

The two horses, one large and one small, were specially placed by Gu Hongyu next to the wooden house. He planned to build a stable for them next to the wooden house in two days, so that he could get closer to them and get acquainted with them as soon as possible. , especially the foal needs special care from him!

Knowing that Gu Hongyu had bought two horses, Uncle Aza just smiled at first, but when he saw the colt's appearance, he suddenly became a little angry: "How could an old Yang from a sheep farm do this? I would like to introduce you to you." I went to buy breeding sheep from him, but he sold you such a weak foal. This is completely disrespectful to me!”

"Uncle Aza, you have misunderstood Manager Yang. He gave me this colt. I only spent the same money to buy the big red-brown horse. Do you think this one is not bad?" Gu Hongyu was very touched. Uncle Aza was sincere to him and thought of many things for him, so he quickly explained to him the reason for the incident.

Uncle Aza followed the direction of Gu Hongyu's finger and looked at the big horse carefully and nodded repeatedly: "This horse is pretty good, with thick and powerful limbs and well-proportioned muscles all over the body. It is a good horse."

However, after finishing speaking, he still did not let go of the comment about the foal: "This horse is completely worthless. I'm afraid it will die before it grows up. You are asking for trouble!"

Uncle Aza wouldn't understand Gu Hongyu's ability, but he didn't refute it and said with a smile: "It's just because it's pitiful. Besides, it's a gift anyway. If it feeds me, I'll make money!"

Seeing that Gu Hongyu was speaking more firmly, Uncle Aza didn't say anything more, and immediately talked about the pasture: "Now I have found the manpower to raise sheep on the pasture for you, but you should make more preparations. ”

"Oh, I'm not very familiar with this industry, please remind me more." Gu Hongyu said modestly.

Uncle Aza smiled at Gu Hongyu and said: "There's nothing to say. Now the grass in the pasture is enough for the lambs to eat, so we don't have to worry about food sources. However, after autumn, the pasture can no longer meet the needs of the lambs. In winter, there are still The vegetation will dry up and there will be no food for the lambs, so we can prepare food for the lambs in autumn and winter while there is grass now.”

Seeing Gu Hongyu listening carefully, he continued: "We have found all the manpower for you. Now you can buy a few sets of lawn mowers and grinders and build a warehouse to store fodder. Then you don't have to worry about these problems in winter and autumn. !”

'Three hundred and sixty years of practice will lead to the number one scholar', 'Reading thousands of miles of books and traveling thousands of miles', 'Three people walking together must have my teacher'. These words immediately rolled in Gu Hongyu's mind, but 'Everything in the world can be understood through knowledge and human feelings. "Lianda means writing" seems to be a more appropriate description.

Without Uncle Aza's guidance, Gu Hongyu's implementation of many things would have taken many detours, the process would have been more tortuous, and there might have been the possibility of screwing up some things. Uncle Aza can also be described like this: 'Having an elder in the family is like having a treasure'.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu bowed to Uncle Aza very seriously and said with gratitude: "Thank you, Uncle Aza!"

Uncle Aza was startled by Gu Hongyu's move. He stretched out his hands to help Gu Hongyu and said hastily: "Xiao Gu, what are you doing? Why are you bowing to me for no reason? "

Gu Hongyu still said seriously: "No, I really thank you. You have helped me a lot in all aspects since I came to Xiaocun. If it weren't for you, my development would not be so smooth."

"So it's this!" Uncle Aza smiled happily: "You really don't have to thank you for anything. I said that our whole village must thank you. You traveled thousands of miles to invest in us and recruited more and more people." The more villagers come to work for you, look at how happy they were when they were paid last time. This is what I have always dreamed of when I was the village party secretary. The better you develop, the more we will enjoy the benefits. You said I can't do my best? Can I help you?"

Gu Hongyu was emotionally affected by Uncle Aza, and he deeply admired his selfless spirit. He said with a relaxed and heroic voice: "Okay, let us build this village better and better, and completely remove the label of backwardness and poverty." Take it off and throw it away completely.”

"Hahaha! Xiao Gu, I am happiest when you say this. I believe you are fully capable of realizing it!" Uncle Aza laughed loudly.

After saying goodbye to Uncle Aza who was in high spirits, Gu Hongyu returned to the wooden house and fell into thinking. The sheep were settled hastily. Next, he had to buy a lawn mower, a grinder, etc. as Uncle Aza said. We need to make long-term plans to build a fodder warehouse. Secondly, we need to build a duty room and a stable for workers to take care of the sheep in the pasture at night. There are many things that cannot be delayed!

After a simple dinner, I took care of the ingot in the space and the rabbit in the wooden house. Then I communicated with the little pony's consciousness again, and sprinkled the grass for it with a lot of space spring water. Another big horse followed the pony. Ju enjoyed the taste of space spring water.

After a busy day of recording, Gu Hongyu returned to the cabin and planned to make a love call to Mei Ning. Unexpectedly, his cell phone rang. When he picked it up, he saw that it was Peng Minghao. He didn’t know what he was busy with these days. I haven't been to the village for several days.

"Minghao, what are you busy with?" Gu Hongyu chuckled into the phone.

Peng Minghao on the other end of the phone complained: "Don't say anything, being a sesame-sized civil servant is not only tedious, but there are also too many mothers-in-law in charge. I have been uncomfortable for the past two months."

"Look forward, there is still a long way to go. The big man didn't start from the grassroots. You should understand your family's arrangements for you. This is a kind of training!" Gu Hongyu comforted seriously.

Peng Minghao on the other end of the phone said, "Hongyu, your realm has improved. The feeling of speaking is a bit similar to my old man!"

"Haha, come to the small village. When you are alone and have nothing to do, think more about the realm and you will naturally get it, and your mind will be open!" Gu Hongyu laughed out loud.

Peng Minghao couldn't help laughing on the other end of the phone. After a while, he continued, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. Today I have good news for you. The road from the town to your village will be completed the day after tomorrow. The town has invited people and units that sponsored this road, and you are among them. Don't forget to come to the town to attend the completion and opening ceremony."

"Really?" When he came back from transporting sheep during the day, he saw that the road had been built to the entrance of the village, but the cushion layer and oil had not been laid yet. There was still half a month left before the two-month construction period. Gu Hongyu really didn't expect that it would be completed and open to traffic.

Peng Minghao on the other end of the phone said seriously, "How can I lie to you? I heard the construction unit report to the town leaders today that only the last section of the road, one or two kilometers, was not completed. This is the finishing work tomorrow."

It seems that the section of the road that has not been completed is the section at the entrance of the village. The road is finally about to be opened to traffic, and the development of the village will advance by leaps and bounds in the future.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu said excitedly, "Okay, I will definitely go there on time the day after tomorrow!"

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