Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 76 Road Name Red Spring

Using one day, Gu Hongyu asked Peng Minghao to contact a steel structure construction team in the town and asked them to build several steel frames in the designated place as food warehouses for lambs.

Originally, Uncle Azha's idea was to let the team building the steel structure greenhouse build several steel structure houses for the workers, but Gu Hongyu flatly refused. The steel structure house was so hot in summer, and even if there was air conditioning inside, the effect was not good. He finally planned to build a duty room for the workers and use wood materials to build a wooden house!

The same is true for the horse shed. Gu Hongyu placed them next to the wooden house by the lake. If it was built into a steel structure greenhouse, it would not match the surrounding scenery at all, and the horses would not be able to stand it when it was hot.

These things were done in one day. After the inspection, the advance payment was paid, and then the construction unit went back to make various profiles for the steel shed and wooden house. In two days, the professional team came to work.

It just so happens that tomorrow is the completion time of the highway. Gu Hongyu can also take this opportunity to attend the highway completion ceremony held in the town. He has to be there to pay attention to the major events related to the future development of the village.

Gu Hongyu got up very early the next day. He couldn't sleep thinking about the great changes that would happen to the village after the highway was opened. The ignorant villagers might not understand such a crucial thing as the opening of the highway, but Gu Hongyu would not be unaware of the result.

Take the Honghu Lake in Honghu Village as an example. It was just a pearl covered with dust before, but Gu Hongyu believed that people would come to visit and tour immediately after the highway was opened. In the era when wine was fragrant, it was afraid of deep alleys. What's more, this was a dusty dirt road of dozens of kilometers. Originally, even if you wanted to visit the village, you still had to make up your mind. But after the Chaoyou Highway was built, these problems were solved.

It was only 8:30 when I drove to the place where the new highway was built in the town, but at this time, many government workers and curious onlookers had gathered here.

At the beginning of the new highway, colorful flags were neatly hung on both sides of the road. A red carpet was laid on one side of the road. There were staff standing side by side there, holding something in their hands, but it was covered by a long piece of silk cloth.

As time approached nine o'clock, this section of the new highway was surrounded by more and more people. China was just like watching the excitement. The more people there were, the more excited they were!

Just when many people were talking about it, several cars drove over from the town and stopped not far from the new highway.

The scene was quite grand. Gu Hongyu saw that the people who got off the car were the leaders of the town. However, there was a middle-aged man walking in front of them. The town leaders kept talking to him enthusiastically, and there were many other people with neat clothes and wealthy bodies following behind them. Gu Hongyu also saw Lin Qingyou, who gave him a business card when he bought ginseng last time. He must have other people who sponsored the highway construction.

Before long, the town staff found a microphone from somewhere and placed it in front of the leaders standing on the red carpet. Gao Yongping, secretary of the Quanzhen Town Committee, looked at the time on his wrist watch, coughed twice into the microphone, and announced that the completion ceremony would begin soon.

"I am very happy today that another project in our town has been completed. That is the day when the new road you see in front of you - Hongquan Highway is opened to traffic!"

Secretary Gao spoke excitedly, and his voice was very inspiring when it came through the loudspeaker. A straight-to-the-point opening speech let many onlookers know what the town people came for today.

Looking at the noisy scene below, Secretary Gao continued: "In order to build this road to Honghu Village, our town has gone through many twists and turns. Finally, under the care of the superior leaders, the concerted efforts of the comrades in the town, and the loving support from people from all walks of life, this new road has appeared in front of us today, so it is hard-won, this is..."

The comrades in the town have done a lot of work. They wrote a speech for the completion of such a rural road in a cluster of flowers. Gu Hongyu was impressed by the profound Chinese culture.

Secretary Gao's speech seemed endless, and Gu Hongyu was a little bored. At this time, a voice next to him said in surprise: "Hongyu, so you are here. I called you just now and you didn't answer. I thought you had something to do?"

"I came a long time ago and have been listening to the passionate speeches of the leaders. Why did you come to me when you were not with the leaders?" Gu Hongyu took out his mobile phone while speaking and saw that there were indeed several missed calls. It might be that the scene was too noisy and he didn't notice the ringing of the mobile phone.

Peng Minghao didn't dwell on this matter, but pulled Gu Hongyu and asked him to follow him.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you talking about? The ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held soon. You are a big customer who sponsored a lot of money, so of course you should go there to cut the ribbon!" Peng Minghao said as he walked.

Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly: "I think it's better to forget it. Everyone over there is an uncle. Wouldn't it be too conspicuous for me to stand there?"

"Who cares? They are all rich people. You can take this opportunity to build relationships with them. Maybe you can cooperate on some projects in the future?" Peng Minghao also put himself in Gu Hongyu's shoes and considered it.

However, Gu Hongyu thought differently from him. With the space, the vegetables and watermelons he planted could be sold without going through local sales channels. Now that he is an unknown little person, others may not look at him as anything else, so there is no need to get close to them.

So he waved his hand and refused: "Minghao, such an occasion is really not suitable for me. I will just watch from the side. Forget about the limelight now, let's give the opportunity to others!"

"Yo yo yo, you are still keeping a low tone now! Forget it, mind you, I will talk to the secretary now!" Peng Minghao also knew Gu Hongyu's character, so he persuaded him a few words and didn't waste any more words.

Secretary Gao's long speech finally ended, and the people invited around still gave sparse applause. Then it was the mayor Li Xingwei's speech. He spoke concisely. Secretary Gao had said everything that should and should not be said. Even if he wanted to add something, there was no way to talk about it, so he just went through the motions.

Finally, the man who walked in front of the secretary and the mayor when getting off the car, and the town leaders were a little flattering, revealed his true identity. It turned out to be a deputy director of the county transportation bureau, and the closing speech was naturally his.

"Comrades, fellow villagers..., after intensive construction, this rural road named Hongquan Road was completed ahead of schedule and passed the acceptance. It will change the travel problems of more than 100 households and thousands of people in Honghu Village. Now I declare Hongquan Road officially open!"

With the order of the Director of Transportation, the fireworks prepared beside the new road were set off, and a team of rural locks were blown loudly. The things covered with silk cloth just now were also opened. The workers inside were holding the big red flower ribbon for cutting the ribbon.

The Director of Transportation was in the middle, the town leaders stood on both sides of him, and then the few selected sponsors were at the edge. The ribbon cutting was in progress...

As the ribbon was cut, the motorcade that the town leaders had just driven started to move. They slowly drove to the town leaders and the Director of Transportation of the county. After loading, they began to drive on the new road. They will personally walk on the new road, and the end point is Honghu Village.

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