Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 723 Internal Conflict of the Hall Family

Only two days later, Lin Feiyu was very efficient. Not only did he find a construction team for the football field, he also found a football coach for the children of the farm employees who had led the youth team in Yorkland County. Although The salary required was much higher than that of ordinary people, but Gu Hongyu happily agreed. ∈♦

The children were very happy after welcoming the new coach. Even the children who had not learned English well before were actually praised by Guo Hongrong, who tutored them in English.

However, Guo Hongrong didn't know the ultimate purpose of these children learning English. If he knew that learning English was to understand the training requirements of the new football coach, he didn't know what Teacher Guo was thinking.

Because the football field was under construction, the new coach Pique took a group of children to find another good pasture on the farm.

As for the new football field, Pique suggested that Gu Hongyu only build one standard football field and five to ten professional training fields.

In addition, Lin Feiyu and other farm managers in that area suggested that Gu Hongyu build various sports venues, such as badminton courts, tennis courts, basketball courts... and some even suggested building golf courses.

This is too cruel. It is as if the farm is free to buy. The golf course covers a very large area, and if it is not used at ordinary times, it also requires manual maintenance. The whole thing is a bottomless pit of money. It is really a shame that someone thought of it. .

But later Gu Hongyu built it. This was not a surf club meeting soon. He gave Bacon the planning of the farm. Hatton and others talked for a while, and Mr. Hatton immediately expressed his support for Gu Hongyu to open a golf course, believing that the golf course on this land will have a very popular prospect.

In the United States, there is an antique manor covering a large area in a beautiful forest in New Jersey.

At this moment, there were five or six people gathered in a spacious hall in the manor. Looking at their clothes, they were all in straight suits and wearing famous watches on their wrists. There were several large gemstone rings on their fingers, and some of them had beautiful and extraordinary pipes in their mouths. It was obvious at a glance that they were worth a lot of money.

However, apart from this glamorous appearance, the faces of the people sitting together were very serious. Everyone was silent among themselves. There was an indescribable solemnity in the scene.

Thick smoke from pipes and cigars enveloped a large living room. The last middle-aged man coughed and put down his pipe, picked up a cup of coffee in front of him and took a sip. He said with an expression on his face: "You guys tell me what to do about this matter now?"

If there is anyone Gu Hongyu knows in this room, it is the person who speaks, because the person who speaks is old Mr. Hall.

Hearing Old Hall's question, the other people looked at each other, and one of them could no longer control his emotions and said: "Chairman Hall, if you say that this matter was caused by your full decision, our group company will suffer losses this time." You have a lot of responsibility.”

"That's enough. I didn't invite you here to scold me. The only thing our group company can do now is how to suppress the Australian agricultural product company's encroachment on the American market. Maisili, tell everyone about that Australian company The situation of the company." Old Hall seemed to have a lot of authority, and those who had doubted him just stopped immediately after saying this.

At this time, a young man stood up from the sofa in a corner of the hall. His thin figure, short blond hair, and high nose made him look very handsome.

"Yes, boss." He walked to Old Hall and nodded. The young Maisili opened the document and read out: "After the company's understanding from many aspects, that agricultural product sales company could only be regarded as an Australian engaged in business not long ago. A second-rate enterprise in the agricultural products trade. However, just three months ago, this company received a disguised acquisition and reorganization by a Chinese boss, which immediately allowed it to expand rapidly. It only took half a month for them to come to the United States. about."

"What surprised us was that the Chinese boss who reorganized this agricultural product trading company was named Gu Hongyu, and our popular special vegetables officially came from him, and are now called vegetables launched by the American branch of Xianyuan Agricultural Company. The starting quality is the same as ours, but the starting production share is much higher.”

Waiting for Mesri to finish his introduction, Old Hall's face was very anxious, while another middle-aged man sitting around said: "Chairman, since it is the Chinese boss who has worked with us, , then can we continue to cooperate with each other and increase the space for cooperation and increase the supply of each other?”

"How can this be so easy? Seeing that the deadline for our cooperation with the old Chinese boss is coming, the other party is now directly establishing a branch in the United States. It is obvious that they want to leave us alone and do it alone. The only thing we can do now is how Maintain the high-end market of our group," another person gathered around said.

"What can we do now to safeguard the interests and market of our group? If we can do that, we can hold emergency meetings here now. After all, our group's R\u0026D department is too bad." The middle-aged man who questioned just now said again shouted.

"What did those people say when we got the special vegetables from Huaxia Ancient Board? They said that research on cloning the genes of those high-quality vegetables could be broken in a short time, so that we completely failed in formulating the strategy. Now it's okay, Huaxia Boss If you just leave us alone and do it yourself, we will definitely not be able to maintain the high-end agricultural products market in the United States in the future!”

"Okay, Antley, wasn't this strategy approved by a show of hands at the beginning? You always seem to be worried about it, why don't you feel embarrassed now that you are so confident?" The eldest, half a century old, said angrily.

"For the current plan, our group should really think about remedial measures, but the Chinese boss is too powerful. There is still one month left to cooperate with our group, and he has already made a large-scale deployment in the United States. It seems that There is no possibility of us working together again this time!" One member sighed as he put out his cigar.

The cooperation between Old Hall and Gu Hongyu this time had bad intentions. Their group company wanted to use a group of experts in the company to decipher the genetic code of the high-quality vegetables grown by Gu Hongyu. Their group had not done anything like this before. It has never been done before, and with the strong strength of this group, it has been successful time and time again, but this time growing up in Gu Hongyu ended up in a disgraced state and in a state of embarrassment.

As more and more vegetable fields are opened up for vegetable plantations on Australian farms. Gu Hongyu has formulated a limited policy for vegetable sales to ensure that the price of vegetables of this quality in the market does not fall. Otherwise, excessive quantities of vegetables will inevitably cause prices to drop and the value of vegetables to shrink invisibly.

This time, in order to open up the international market and sell the farm's vegetables to all parts of the world, Gu Hongyu set up a special overseas sales department. That is, the American branch of Xianyuan Agricultural Group Co., Ltd., and the current manager of the American company is Joyce. Bosh.

Since Bosh took over the new position given to him by Gu Hongyu, he has been full of confidence and motivation.

As soon as he arrived in the United States, he spent all day collecting information from American retail tycoons. He used phone calls or emails to spare no effort in introducing the advantages of the agricultural products produced by Xianyuan Farm, and listed a large list of detailed real-time data.

Sure enough, this move has made many American retail tycoons excited.

They work in the retail industry and have a basic understanding of various products, but the agricultural product data that Bosh sent to them by phone or email shocked all of them. Some of them thought that Bosh was completely deceiving them. .

However, some felt they had been fooled into ignoring Bosh's phone calls and emails. There were still some people who agreed to Bosh's visit to have a detailed discussion with an attitude of trusting others, which was to give him a chance to sell products.

The next thing will be much easier to handle. Opportunities are for those who are prepared.

Maybe the data can be falsified, but when truly high-quality vegetables and fruits are placed in front of those retail giants, those who have tasted them will be conquered by the taste buds and quality of the extremely delicious vegetables and fruits.

Some retail giants who have cooperated with Hall Company were even more shocked because they knew that the quality of vegetables provided by Hall Group Company was quite high-end, but the vegetables currently provided by Bosh seemed to be a grade lower than those provided by Hall Group Company. .

Some retail giants have cooperated with the Hall family for many years and have a certain relationship foundation, so they gave some fruit and vegetable samples provided by Bosh to the old Hall. Bosh's menacing plan was known to the senior directors of the Old Hall Group, and then there was a scene where several people got together to discuss countermeasures.

Back to business. Looking at the fruits and vegetables placed on the table in the middle, Old Hall felt a lot of emotions in his heart. The most important thing was that Gu Hongyu, a young Chinese man, had such a profound influence on him.

It seems that both of them are hunters in the shopping mall where there is no gunpowder smoke, and this time Old Hall thinks that he and Gu Hongyu must have become the same prey.

With a sigh, Old Hall said: "I was indeed negligent in this matter. When I learned about vegetables and fruits of this quality, I was really excited at the time. I thought that this time the group could decipher the genes of vegetables in a short time. Let’s take our group to the next level. I didn’t expect these vegetables to be very simple.”

Yes, vegetables are originally irrigated by the spring water in the fairy source space. The genes of the vegetables are gradually changed during the growth process. If the vegetables are no longer watered by the spring water in the space, the vegetables will return to being ordinary within a period of time.

No matter how much the Hall Group Company researched and cultivated, the vegetables they finally grew were very ordinary and not up to the level of the products they cultivated themselves. When this disappointed them, several experts were even more puzzled.

"Chairman, with the strength of our group company, it is impossible not to find out the reason why these vegetables cannot be cultivated now. There is a saying in the group that the ancient plates of China have a kind of cultivation The magical way of vegetables, even ordinary vegetables can become high-quality vegetables in a short time through his cultivation method.”

"Yes, I have also heard this statement. In addition, through some connections, I went to the villages where vegetables were grown in ancient China. I heard that the ancient village was forced to leave by the descendants of high-ranking Chinese officials. Those greenhouses where vegetables were grown were No more high-quality vegetables can be grown there!" Old Hall said leisurely.

"The farm owned by the old man in Australia was originally sold to him by our group. I didn't expect that this old man has developed to such an extent. The farm alone covers more than fifty square kilometers, and there are another twenty square kilometers. Kilometers of fishing grounds!”

"No need to guess, he must have a magical formula for cultivating plants and animals." A middle-aged man said firmly.

"China is indeed a magical country. Anything is possible in it. It would be great if our group could purchase this formula."

"Buying the formula from the other party, no..., that's a terrible idea. Think about it from another perspective. Would you sell the secret formula if you had it? Besides, how much can we afford? Even if we buy the secret formula regardless of the consequences, you can be sure that the formula is real and the other party did not deceive us."

The person who initially questioned Old Hall sighed: "One wrong step leads to all wrong steps. If we had cooperated with the other party on an equal footing from the beginning, the other party would not have abandoned our group and started their own company in the United States!"

"Antley, businessmen pursue maximum profits. You have done a lot of such things in the past, why don't you say this..."

"Knight, isn't this what I'm talking about?"

" You know, how can you say such a thing in this situation? The chairman is not for the benefit of our entire group. This mistake is not within our scope of intention. "

"Tsk, but this incident has brought great losses to our group company. This is a fact. The situation is already very bad. The lost market will make our group irreparable. Do you know?"

"Okay, Antley and Knight, don't argue anymore. I am old now. Staying in this position will hinder the smooth development of the group company. Many things are beyond my ability. You are young and strong. I will resign as chairman as soon as this matter is over." Old Hall stopped the quarrel among several people and waved his hand weakly.

"Chairman, this is not your fault. We all agreed to do this in the beginning!"

"Yes, we are all from the Hall family. Don't we all know who is capable and who is not? Chairman, we firmly support you."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's think about how to deal with the Australian agricultural company!"

ps: 2016.01.30 Thanks to book friends "Xuan Yu", "Yang Zhong", "Li Jia Da Shao Ye", "Huang Tian Hou Tu Zhi Wang" for their rewards and support, and thanks to "xiaojun2hao", "no..", "Chen Xian Fen" for their monthly ticket support!

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