Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 724 Mysterious Creatures in the Sea

The sea breeze at night blew slowly on Gu Hongyu's face, and his hair, which had not been cut for a long time, was messy and covered his cheeks. Gu Hongyu really wanted to embrace the calm sea, where everything made him feel relaxed and at ease.

"Brother Yu, let me ask you a question, do you like boys or girls in your heart?" That night Gu Hongyu took Mei Ning out of the hotel and went for a walk on the beach. The latter gently touched his belly and came to Gu Hongyu The person next to me asked softly.

Even at night, there are still many tourists who have not left. Many tourists are lying on their backs on deck chairs and enjoying the sea breeze. There are also a few tourists sitting around on the sand and talking about the interesting things in the circle. Now there is no noise during the day. But you can hear whispers at any time.

Gu Hongyu held Mei Ning in his arms and said with a smile: "Both boys and girls are the same. I like both boys and girls. Not only me, but also parents think so about having children."

"Hmph, don't you have other ideas in your mind?" Mei Ning asked again.

Gu Hongyu pointed to the sky: "Xiao Ning, I really don't have any other ideas. I can swear to God now..."

"Okay, okay, don't you believe me? If I have a son, I will raise him to be like you. If I give birth to a girl, I will make her the most beautiful princess." Mei Ning said with infinite yearning.

"Well, you have the final say in our family, but I think one child is not enough. Do we have to work harder?" Gu Hongyu said with a wink.

"Hmph, I won't treat you like a pig." Mei Ning objected immediately.

However, Gu Hongyu chuckled: "Xiao Ning is not up to you. Our parents on both sides have discussed it. Now that our family has a big business, if we raise more children in the future, they will not feel lonely growing up."

Mei Ning saw that things couldn't be reversed and she blinked her eyes again and said immediately: "Then we can have two at most. I heard people say that it hurts to have children. Women age quickly after giving birth. I don't want to be a yellow-faced woman. Then you You are not allowed to look for other young and beautiful women outside in the future.”

"Where have you been thinking? Your little mind is full of random thoughts all day long. I am that kind of person. Besides, with me here, even if you give birth to a dozen children, I can keep you young and beautiful. In this regard, you have to I believe in my husband’s strength,” Gu Hongyu said proudly.


"Is there still a lie? Didn't I tell you when I was in Honghu Village? I am an extraordinary person. Not only can I grow vegetables, fruits, poultry and livestock, but I can also refine elixirs. Those things can be used by my parents at home. "We are all taking it, but you still can't see the effect after more than a year?" Gu Hongyu was even more disappointed.

Mei Ning nodded after thinking: "It's true. I just remembered that my family has never been sick in the past year or so. My parents' bodies don't have any of the diseases of the elderly. My dad used to have it." The occupational diseases have not recurred at all..."

"You know I'm awesome..."


While the two were talking sweetly, a faint cry for help suddenly came from the seaside. Gu Hongyu quickly asked: "Xiao Ning, did you hear someone calling for help?"

"Where is it? Where is it?" Mei Ning was confused.

At this moment, Gu Hongyu suddenly realized that Mei Ning's hearing was not as sensitive as his. The cry for help that came from the sea just now was drowned by the waves of sea water.

Just as Gu Hongyu let go of Mei Ning and ran toward the seaside, suddenly a louder voice screamed: "Help, someone was swimming in the sea and got caught by something."

Until then, many people chatting and relaxing rushed to the beach. However, among the group of people, Gu Hongyu arrived the fastest and quickly asked the person who had just called for help: "What is the situation? What happened?"

The person calling for help from the shore was a white woman with a plump and sexy figure. Wearing a revealing bra and small panties, the two turbulent peaks seemed to be gushing out. At this moment, she looked panicked, and her long golden hair was still dripping with seawater. At a glance, she knew that it was just now. Get up from the sea.

"Sir, please help my husband. We were swimming in the sea just now. When we were about to go ashore, he suddenly felt something in the water tripping him. His hands and feet suddenly seemed to be cramped. I didn't catch him. Look at the distance between him and me. The shore is getting farther and farther. The whole person is about to sink. Please save him..."

After listening to the blond woman's panicked description, Gu Hongyu also roughly knew what was going on. He had never had any trouble in this shallow sea since he came here. This emergency situation must be solved perfectly. He thought Here Gu Hongyu jumped into the sea with a splash.

The Australian seawater didn't feel cold at all this season. Gu Hongyu swam hard towards the man who was already drifting with the seawater. Looking at the other person's posture, he was exhausted. The sooner he got there, the greater his confidence would be. Save the other person's life.

However, just when Gu Hongyu was about to swim to the rescuer, his mental consciousness suddenly noticed that there were some creatures surrounding the rescuer, but he could hardly see them with his naked eyes. Bit was injured by these sea creatures.

"Hey, why don't you go over to save this person? Seeing that the person is about to sink into the sea, you committed a naked murder this time!" A strong Australian man also swam to a place not far from Gu Hongyu and watched. Seeing Gu Hongyu staying in the sea without making any movement, he said loudly.

Gu Hongyu ignored the words of the strong man, but used his mental power to detect the rescuer and the situation in the sea. The rescuer was fine. The sea was originally very calm. Now he was lying on his back on the water. Although he looked motionless, he could not sink in a short time.

However, the other party was already in a coma. According to Gu Hongyu's mental power, the man's calf was cut by an unknown creature in the water. Fortunately, the cut was not too big, but some blood was slowly soaked into the sea water, and the unknown creature was sucking the blood dissolved in the sea water.

In a flash, the Australian strong man behind him had swam to his side in the extreme time observation. He snorted beside Gu Hongyu and immediately swam towards the drowning person. Gu Hongyu hurriedly said: "Hey, don't rush over, there is danger over there..."

However, the other party was unmoved and continued to swim to the rescuer.

At this moment, when the strong man was about to leave with the person who called for help, the strong man seemed to have cramps, trembling all over and lying on his back in the water like the person who called for help. He was still twitching at first, and finally the movement gradually became stiff.

At this time, several rescuers swam to Gu Hongyu's side and happened to see this scene. As a result, no one went to save him directly.

ps: 2016.01.31 Thanks to the book friends "Li Family Young Master", "Nineteen Square Meters", "638.540.53", "Yong Yi Travels the World" for their praise and support, and thanks to "Old Bookworm 337", "yu0421", "Happy Luoba", "yjydfcpi", "Good Luck Brother", "Tian Lang Xiao Tian Zhan", "Brother Chicken 2010" for their monthly ticket support!

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