Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 725 Deadly Jellyfish

"Damn, what's going on?"

"What's wrong with John? He's so watery that he couldn't have had a cramp just now!"

"What is there in this sea water? What happened to him?"

"Oh my God, this is unbelievable. What should we do now?"

"Gu Ban, you came here first, and you must have discovered something if you didn't go over there?" A tourist who knew Gu Hongyu asked quickly.

Gu Hongyu said calmly at this time: "If I read it correctly just now, the earliest caller for help and the person who rashly went to save people were stung by jellyfish. Now there are many jellyfish swimming around them. ”

"Ah, jellyfish, God, how should we go and rescue them?"

"Gu Ban, this should be your fishing ground area. Please call the ship over immediately." The person who knew Gu Hongyu suggested again.

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "If we call the ship, it will be too late..."

"Then what should we do? Are we just going to watch them die? Seeing their appearance, those jellyfish are very poisonous!" Gu Hongyu was interrupted by someone before he finished speaking.

After hearing these words, Gu Hongyu said again: "Now the jellyfish is swimming toward us. You should leave quickly. I will handle it here."

In Gu Hongyu's mental perception, what was swimming towards them in the sea water was a seemingly box-shaped jellyfish with four obvious sides and about twenty centimeters long, and this was not the most important thing. , dragging many long tentacles behind this body, and the jellyfish venom is stored in those tentacles.

This was a sea wasp. Gu Hongyu was inexplicably surprised. This jellyfish is the most venomous jellyfish known in the world, a transparent killer in the Australian ocean.

This jellyfish is a type of jellyfish that lives in Australia and northern New Guinea, the Philippines and Vietnam.

They are responsible for countless injuries or deaths to humans around the world. Considered the deadliest jellyfish.

This jellyfish is only about 16 inches long and has 24 eyes in total. Thousands of stinging cells that store venom grow on the tentacles of box jellyfish. Not only malicious attacks, but also inadvertent scratches on shells or skin can irritate these tiny stingers. It will frantically inject anyone or anything with the most potent neurotoxins known to anyone who dares to mess with it.

There was not much movement among the two people who were stung on the sea. After learning about this kind of jellyfish, Gu Hongyu was very anxious, because he also knew that after being stung by this kind of jellyfish, if he did not receive timely treatment within two to five minutes, the person who was stung was destined to die. die.

This sea area is Gu Hongyu's fishing ground. He must not watch the death of people caused by jellyfish in his fishing ground. Not to mention how much compensation will be paid to the deceased if the tourist dies. It is such a bad impact on Gu Hongyu. Yu couldn't bear it. Now that it was at a critical juncture, he was ready to take a gamble.

Quietly, some space spring water was released ten meters away from him.

not bad. These space springs indeed attracted the nearby box jellyfish. Gu Hongyu rushed to the side of the two injured people as quickly as possible. He was now the only one in the sea water. All the rescuers who came here just now were scared away by the jellyfish. .

There was no one else around, and Gu Hongyu couldn't care less now. He held the body of the first victim, pried open the other person's closed lips with one hand, and took out a vial from the Xianyuan space. There was an anti-venom pill inside, and each person was given four or five pills. Then some space spring water was released and poured into them.

In just a moment, the box jellyfish finished sucking up the space spring water in the surrounding waters. It seemed to be affected by the space spring water that Gu Hongyu fed the victim just now, and began to swim towards Gu Hongyu again.

Seeing this situation, Gu Hongyu once again released a lot of space spring water in the water ten meters away from him, and he quickly picked up the two of them and swam towards the coast as fast as possible.

Waiting for him to arrive at the beach, the beach was already crowded with people. People applauded in excitement and started talking at the same time.

"Are they all okay?"

“The ancient board is amazing!”

"How did you save them from the jellyfish swarm?"

"Superman, he can swim so fast with two people supported. I think he can compete in the Olympics."


"Okay, please give in, these two have to continue rescuing." A series of methods in the sea did not seem to have much effect. The only thing that made Gu Hongyu feel relieved was that neither of the two people in his hands died.

"Yes, yes, call an ambulance quickly."

"Isn't there a hospital in the farm here? Send them to the hospital first."

There is no one in the community hospital late at night, because usually the farm employees rarely get sick, and the doctors spend more time studying traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, the doctors all live in the community, so it is very easy for anyone to get sick. You'll be there soon.

It just so happened that Gu Hongyu knew the structure of the hospital and had the authority to open the hospital. After entering the ward with the two patients, he politely invited the other person out. After that, he observed the situation of the two people and added the detoxification pill and space. The spring water must have had an effect, as the two men still maintained their vital signs.

However, the two men still did not regain consciousness, and the calf wounds caused by the jellyfish tentacles turned pale due to excessive bleeding.

Next, Gu Hongyu pressed his hands on the chest of one person and used all his Qi to enter the other person's body.

He immediately felt that the nerves in the other person's body were blocked, but there was no trend of further spread. The toxicity of jellyfish is neurotoxin. Judging from the current situation, this should be the effect of the space spring water and detoxification pill.

However, Gu Hongyu still spent some Qi to help the two people control the toxins in their bodies near the calf wound.

Not long after, the door of the ward was opened. It was the wife of the first injured person, the plump blonde woman, who rushed into the ward and asked anxiously: "Sir, how is my husband?"

Gu Hongyu scratched his head: "It should be fine. The whole person's breathing is very stable. Next, watch the ambulance take the patient away to treat them."

"Sir, thank you so much..."

Gu Hongyu interrupted the other party's thanks: "You're welcome. Speaking of this matter, our farm has a great responsibility. We didn't notice when a group of jellyfish ran into the sea water. We are deeply sorry for the trouble we have caused you. Sorry. "

After a while, the emergency ambulance came. When the doctor heard that the patient was stung by a jellyfish, he was surprised. But when they checked the patient's condition, they were even more surprised: "The patient's condition looks very good, but they don't look like they were stung by jellyfish, because after such a long time, the patient's condition is completely different from the jellyfish sting. "

Gu Hongyu's heart moved, and only he knew the process of his rescue of these two patients. Others would not understand the effects of the detoxification pill and the space spring water, and would not understand that he used his true energy to help these two people comb their bodies.

But it's not bad to have such a result. Wait for him to control the jellyfish in the fishery immediately, and then other tourists can swim freely, and there will be no negative impact on the farm.

"When I rushed to rescue them, the visibility in the sea was not high. Maybe I saw it wrong, but as long as they are fine, it is a blessing. Their condition will depend on you to rescue them next!" Gu Hongyu said to the doctor who came with the ambulance.

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