Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 763 Sunfish Arrives at the Fishing Ground

The birthday party ended not long after Taotao chose the gold ingot. When his father invited Mei's father to go and see their favorite things, he heard his father shouting loudly: "Taotao, this must be done by little Taotao. Such a small child has great destructive power. No, this time we must teach him a lesson..."

Gu Hongyu knew that something bad was going to happen and had already fled. According to the usual results, Taotao would not be punished, and Gu Hongyu would find the best orchids and other potted plants for his father and others. Who gave him this magical ability!

Taotao, who turned one year old, has completely become a little bully in the villa. Except for Lele and Haidongqing, who can fly, other cute pets in the family will go around him when they see him from a distance.

You can always hide if you can't afford to offend. This idea is the countermeasure taken by all the cute pets in the family.

The plant hall was destroyed by Taotao and was protected by his father and father Mei. An iron gate was installed in the corridor leading to the plant hall. It was locked with a big lock when no one was there on weekdays. This was also to prevent Taotao from making trouble!

Fortunately, the villa is very large, and there are many places for Taotao to play, such as the lawn, garden, and hot spring swimming pool near the bottom of the building. These places can basically allow the active Taotao to stay for half a day.


In the afternoon of early autumn, Gu Hongyu, who was lying on the lawn to collect the gentle sunshine, suddenly rang his mobile phone.

Picking up the phone before Taotao was crawling towards the phone, Gu Hongyu looked at the incoming call. The call was from the second cousin: "Second brother, is there something going on at the fishery now?"

"Hehe, you are taking care of the children again. I said you are too idle all day except taking care of the children. Come to the fishery quickly. Xiao Liu just observed the seabed near the island. It seems that a big guy has come into the fishery." The second cousin said excitedly.

Big guy? Gu Hongyu kept muttering in his heart. Because of the variety of creatures in the fishery, it often attracts large predators in the ocean. However, these guys generally refer to dolphins, whales, wild large tuna, and occasionally giant jellyfish and squid.

But looking at the mysterious look of the second cousin, what is different about the guy who entered the fishery this time?

"What big guy entered our fishery?" Gu Hongyu asked on the phone.

"Sunfish, we just watched the video playback, and they were two adult sunfish. The weight is at least more than one ton." The second cousin said decisively.

"Well, okay, I'll go to the fishery right away, and you can keep an eye on the movements of the sunfish at any time." Gu Hongyu hung up immediately after speaking to the phone. Xiao Taotao on the side stretched out his little hand and touched the phone. This guy who can make sounds aroused his curiosity.

Gu Hongyu smiled and stuffed the phone into Taotao's hand, then hugged him and said, "Taotao, I'll send you to grandma to play, and dad will be back soon after he finishes his work, okay?"

"Yeah, okay, I'll play with grandma, it's not fun to play with dad!" Taotao pouted and said cutely.

This reply made Gu Hongyu laugh and cry, and gently scratched Taotao's little nose: "You really don't know what's good for you. Whose father stays at home with his children all day, and now he doesn't even remember my kindness at all."

Came to the big living room at the bottom of the villa. Mei's mother went to the community school. If her mother was in Australia, she would usually be here, accompanying some employees' families who came from China. They knitted sweaters, chatted about family matters, and occasionally played cards, leisurely and relaxed.

Gu Hongyu told his mother the purpose of his visit. His mother, who was playing cards, immediately put down the mahjong tiles in her hand and asked another woman of similar age to take over. She picked up little Taotao and kept muttering: "Go and do your work. Taotao is fine here. We will take care of it."

Crossing the crowded beach, Gu Hongyu found a rubber boat and broke through the calm sea.

The water in this offshore area is clear and transparent, with a depth of several meters. Many tourists like to swim in it or rent a rubber boat to wander in the calm bay.

However, most people would not rely on a rubber boat without mechanical power to paddle to an island several kilometers away. Today, seeing Gu Hongyu relying on the power of his arms to paddle across the sea at a very fast speed, he immediately received whistles and cheers from other tourists.

"Hi, great!"

"That gentleman has great stamina, he paddled the rubber boat from the shore almost non-stop."

"Haha, guess what I found, the person paddling the rubber boat just now turned out to be the boss of this farm, Gu, he is an oriental Chinese, so I can see it very clearly."


Gu Hongyu didn't care about the exclamations of other tourists on the sea, paddled the rubber boat from the shore to one of the islands, then threw the boat to an employee of the island and said a few words to him and walked towards the duty room built on the island.

"Hey, have you tracked the movement of the sunfish now?" Gu Hongyu asked, looking at his second cousin and several other employees in the duty room.

The second cousin smiled and said: "It has always been under our control, it's really thanks to you that you set up many underwater cameras in the fishery."

"Then show me the pictures and videos of the sunfish, I haven't really seen this big guy yet!" Gu Hongyu said.

Sunfish (scientific name: mola mola), also known as sunfish, manbo fish, and head fish, is a general term for three species of oceanic fish in the class of bony fish, family Molidae. Distributed in tropical and subtropical oceans. Also found in temperate or cold oceans.

Sunfish is a large oceanic fish with a maximum body length of 3.0 to 5.5 meters and a weight of 1400 to 3500 kg. Swimming alone or in pairs, sometimes in groups of more than ten, small fish are more active and often jump out of the water, while large fish move slowly, often lying on their side on the water surface, or with their dorsal fins exposed, and can also dive into water more than 100 meters deep.

They feed on seaweed, mollusks, jellyfish, floating crustaceans and small fish.

They carry a large number of eggs, up to 300 million, which is the largest number of eggs among fish. The young fish are covered with tumor-like spines, which gradually disappear with age. The body becomes oval.

Sunfish are giant relatives of the pufferfish family and the heaviest of all bony fish, weighing up to 3,000 kilograms.

As early as the 1930s, Gu Ge, an ichthyologist at the American Museum of Natural History, had studied sunfish and declared that the giant sunfish was the growth champion in the animal kingdom. Their juveniles are only 0.25 cm long, but when they grow to adult fish, they can reach 3 meters long, and their weight has increased by 60 million times compared to juveniles.

At this time, the employees also found a video of sunfish entering the fishery. In the video, Gu Hongyu clearly saw that the two sunfish that entered the fishery were indeed very large.

The entire boundary line of the fishery here is almost isolated from the open sea by fishing nets. I can't imagine how these two giant sunfish found this passage between the islands.

"These two guys are big enough. I think they weigh at least one ton. Hongyu, what do you think we should do if they enter our fishery?" asked the second cousin.

Gu Hongyu thought for a while and said, "Although the sunfish are very big, they are very gentle. They mainly eat jellyfish and zooplankton. They also eat crustaceans, jellyfish, and seaweed. They don't have much impact on our fishery. I think we should just leave them in the fishery."

"Alas. I thought I would have a chance to taste the meat of the sunfish this time. I don't know if the meat is good with such a huge size!" An employee said regretfully after hearing Gu Hongyu's words.

"Eat, eat, eat, you only know how to eat. I know that there are not enough things in the fishery. You dive when you have nothing to do. You don't eat enough scallops, lobsters, and crabs on the bottom of the fishery!" The second cousin said with a smile and scolded.

Gu Hongyu also laughed. These employees are all foodies. Gu Hongyu often turns a blind eye to their occasional diving to catch some fish, shrimps, and crabs in the fishery. Anyway, the employees who stick to the island usually have boring work. Besides, how much would they lose if they ate some seafood? All kinds of creatures in the whole fish farm grow too fast. Even if they don't eat other large fish, they will kill the fish, shrimps and crabs at the bottom of the food chain.

Several employees were embarrassed by what their second cousin said and lowered their heads silently. Gu Hongyu looked at this situation and laughed again. It seems that his second cousin is still very authoritative in management!

So he said on the side: "Let's go and see what the sunfish is doing in the fish farm. You still have a chance to eat sunfish in the future, because two sunfish came this time, maybe many will come back in the future!"

"Yes, our fish farm is so good now, there are many annoying jellyfish in it now, which is the favorite of sunfish. Sunfish will definitely be attracted by jellyfish!" Observer Xiao Liu was immediately happy.

Before seeing the sunfish in person, Gu Hongyu still had no specific concept of what kind of fish weighed several tons.

When everyone drove a motorboat to find the two sunfish in the fishing ground, it was not until this moment that Gu Hongyu realized how huge the sunfish was. They had been lying lazily on the water before, like a huge piece of driftwood floating on the sea.

At this time, a lot of information about the sunfish emerged in Gu Hongyu's mind. Because the body of the sunfish is as flat as that of a pomfret, it can use its flat body to lie leisurely on the sea surface and swallow air to reduce its weight. If it encounters an enemy, it will dive deep and use its flat body to split a waterway and escape.

In good weather, sometimes you can see these fish lying flat on their backs like they are sleeping on the sea surface, drifting with the waves. People who are not familiar with them will think they are dead, just like what they see now.

Adult sunfish are generally larger.

However, although the meat of this fish looks white and delicate, and the liver contains useful fat, the only drawback is that the cooked fish tastes bad and even disgusting. Therefore, the sunfish is not an ideal food for humans. Of course, this also depends on the cooking skills of the foodies. Foodies with superb cooking skills will have an absolute advantage in handling ingredients.

The sunfish can emit a strange light. At night, all parts of its body sparkle, making people mistake it for fire or some kind of luminous object.

After research and analysis, some people believe that this is due to the slight swing of its body and fins, which causes the light of a layer of luminescent insects surrounding it in the water.

At night on the sea, its shining body surface seems to be the moon reflected on the sea surface, so people call it "moonfish". It is also because it often turns its body over and lies on its side on the sea surface and drifts with the wind, so people call it a sunfish.

Perhaps the approach of Gu Hongyu and his team made the two sunfish feel uneasy. Before the motorboat approached, the two fish erected their flat bodies and broke through the sea water and dived, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Alas, they escaped. They are really two big guys." The second cousin took a few photos with his mobile phone and said regretfully.

Gu Hongyu smiled gently: "It's okay. There is abundant food in the fishery. These two big guys will definitely be happy after they come. This will be their home in the future. I'm afraid they won't think of leaving!"

Coincident with Gu Hongyu's thoughts, these two adult sunfish really plan to settle down in the fishery.

In the days that followed, employees and tourists of the fishery occasionally saw the figures of sunfish. Sometimes these two guys jumped out of the water, sometimes they chased the jellyfish in the fishery, and sometimes they were like a large piece of floating objects floating on the surface of the sea to bask in the sun.

As time went by, the sunfish actually became a beautiful landscape in the fishery. Not only did many tourists come to visit, but even some reporters from TV stations and websites came with equipment to record the life of the sunfish in the fishery.

Gu Hongyu did not expect that the appearance of the sunfish would bring such good news to the farm.

Not only that, although many leatherback turtles were introduced to eliminate jellyfish in the fishery, the reproductive capacity of jellyfish is really strong. Although dozens of leatherback turtles ate enough jellyfish in the fishery, the previously small size actually grew several times larger, but the number of jellyfish decreased rapidly after the arrival of the sunfish.

Time has been slowly passing, and no one in the entire fishery can see any changes.

However, on this day, Gu Hongyu, who has been paying attention to the fishery, used his spiritual sense to discover the secret of the sunfish in the fishery.

In a seawater in the fishery, there were countless small fish behind two sunfish, and those small fish were actually small sunfish with a length of only a few centimeters.

Led by two big fish, the small sunfish shuttled through the seawater full of seaweed. However, the two big sunfish flapped their fins at the surrounding water from time to time, because some other fish in the seaweed bushes took the small sunfish as prey.

Until this moment, Gu Hongyu knew that the reason why the two big sunfish came to the fishing ground was because they regarded it as a place to breed their offspring.

Although their offspring may be killed by groupers and tuna in the fishing ground, compared with the outside world, Gu Hongyu's fishing ground has abundant food and calm water, and the number of small sunfish that can survive will be much greater.

ps: 2016.02.26 Thanks to the book friend "Li Family Young Master" for his praise and support, and thanks to "The King of Heaven and Earth", "The God of Painting Has Always Been Beautiful", and "Books on Heaven" for their monthly ticket support!

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