Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 762 Naughty Taotao turns one year old

The Chinese tourists stayed at Xianyuan Farm in Australia for three days before they dispersed one after another. Go online if you like.

Some people also want to visit other places in Australia, and all foodies are completely captured by the ultimate deliciousness of Xianyuan Farm. Staying at the farm is out of control. After eating all kinds of delicious vegetables, and then eating Xianyuan Farm again Source fruits, delicious poultry and livestock, as well as seafood, abalone, lobster, sea crab...

There are not only delicious things to eat on the farm, but also fun things.

Sunbathing, diving and surfing, yachting, and sea fishing, it doesn't matter if you don't like any of these. Just next to the farm community, there is a huge open-air hot spring bath center suitable for everyone.

If you still feel that it is not too tough, not far from the farm is the Gold Coast. For the sake of these domestic netizen tourists, Gu Hongyu gave up the bus in the farm and took a group of excited tourists to the Gold Coast for free. Came for a day trip.

The tourists felt comfortable, and Gu Hongyu did not suffer at all.

And when many tourists uploaded pictures of farm visits to their Moments and Xianyuan website one by one, Gu Hongyu’s Xianyuan Farm in Australia suddenly became famous. The reputation of the gold cup and silver cup was not as good as that of netizens, and many people did not know him. People I know know about the situation of Australian farms from the tourists who come to the farm. It seems that in the near future, Australia's Xianyuan Farm will welcome another wave of domestic tourists*.

"It's so wonderful. That Australian farm doesn't really have such a beautiful view, does it?"

"I'm also doubtful. It's just a farm, not a scenic spot. The pictures uploaded are not photoshopped, right?"

"No, I can guarantee that my friend will never lie to me in this regard. Besides, the place he went to this time was an old farm. I believe all this is true, because he used to A place has been developed. That is Honghu Village, maybe many people have been there!”

"Ah. Honghu Village is actually a project developed by Guban. It was really good there at first, but now I heard it is in decline!"

"The scenery over there is actually pretty good now, but a lot of planning and construction has been temporarily suspended. I heard it has something to do with the departure of Guban. However, a folk street in Honghu Village is still pretty good now, because the food there is better than any other in the country. You can’t taste it anywhere, I just went there with a group of friends last week!”

"Haha. Speaking of which, there is an inside story. In fact, the food in the restaurants on the street ahead is not very good. In the second half of last year, I heard that Guban went back to Honghu Village to look at the food at that time. The villagers were very worried about the situation, and later they specially transported Australian specialty vegetables and agricultural products back to Honghu Village, otherwise the food street there would have long ceased to exist.”

"Ah, there's also this one. From what you guys tell me, this story is quite legendary!"

"I have decided that even if I don't go to Australia this time, I will go to the Red Lake Village you mentioned. See if there is a special food street there like you said, and try all the exquisite delicacies there."

"I still plan to go to the Australian farm. I didn't make it this time. Do you have any friends who want to go? Let's go there as a group. Doesn't this look organized and impressive?"


There are different opinions on the website. Those who have a better financial situation still yearn for the scenery of Australian farms, while some netizens who have no money and time actually choose to go to Honghu Village again. Taking advantage of this east wind, the folk street in Honghu Village actually has signs of becoming popular again. .

Autumn in Australia lasts from March to May in China. At this time this year, Taotao is about to celebrate his first birthday.

Time flies so fast. Gu Hongyu and his family spent one year in Australia so fulfillingly and happily.

Their farm has developed rapidly during the year, and now the entire farm has a total number of nearly 2,000 employees, regardless of Chinese employees or Australian employees.

Most of these people live in farm communities, and some Australian employees drive their private cars to get off work.

The wages and benefits on the farm are now very good. Many local Australian citizens are also proud to work on farms. Their wages can allow their whole family to live a good life. Driving a car is a very easy thing for farm employees.

"Xiaoyu, where did this child Taotao go? Today is his birthday, and we haven't seen this child yet!" On the rooftop terrace of the villa, Gu Hongyu and his family were all sitting around.

Gu Hongyu said cheerfully: "Taotao is running up and downstairs everywhere, how can I keep watching?"

"Whether you watch it or not, you have to watch it. Don't let this kid get into trouble if he gets into trouble." Mother muttered.

Gu Hongyu still responded with a smile: "Mom, we are making delicious food here. That boy will definitely show up later. This boy has the sharpest nose. Besides, what kind of trouble can he make in the entire villa? The golden lion at home The silver lion and other pets are watching for me. As long as this kid doesn't cause any damage, thank God!"

Mei Ning was already pregnant again. She sat quietly next to Gu Hongyu. Looking at her expression, both parents were particularly stingy. She had paid a lot for the Gu family to flourish.

But what made the whole family even more concerned about her was that when Mei Ning was taking the color ultrasound, the doctor was very happy to tell them that Mei Ning was pregnant with twins this time, and they were a boy and a girl. When they heard the news, the whole family They were all so happy.

This Bu Mei Ningquan has become a national treasure of the family.

And Gu Hongyu's status in the family is even more important. Apart from the cute pets at home, he ranks last among all family members.

This is not good. After not seeing Taotao for a while, Mei Ning also said: "Brother Yu, go and see what Taotao is doing. Today, the whole family is missing this little master to celebrate his birthday."

"Yes, Madam!" Gu Hongyu saluted in a funny way.

"This kid is about to be the father of three children, and he is still so impatient in doing things!" Seeing Gu Hongyu's behavior, his mother laughed and scolded indignantly.

"Hehe, Xiaoyu and Xiaoning get along well like this. Look at them getting married for more than two years. How good it is that they don't quarrel or make trouble and are in harmony." Generally, when Gu Hongyu is treated unfairly, it is often his mother-in-law Mei Ma who speaks for him!

At this time, if there are other people around. For example, the eldest cousin, the second cousin or Uncle Aza will also praise Gu Hongyu, which makes his mother happy, and the whole family will start to talk about other things. In fact, the mother had no idea of ​​blaming Gu Hongyu. In that scene, she was eager for others to praise her son to satisfy her vanity!

Arriving at the second floor of the villa. Gu Hongyu continued to look for the little ancestor Taotao.

Soon he heard the humming of the golden lion and the silver lion and the sound of Taotao laughing. What was he playing so happily?

Unexpectedly, when Gu Hongyu saw the scene at that time, he really wanted to pick up Taotao and spank him hard, but after thinking about the reaction of his grandparents, he still didn't dare to do it after thinking for a long time.

"Taotao, my little ancestor, why did you pull out the orchids planted by your father? It's fine to pull them out, but you also crushed the orchid leaves and threw them into the big fish tank!"

The hall where Taotao was staying was on the second floor of the villa, which was specially used to breed various precious plants and pets. Since there was such a high-end and classy villa, Gu Hongyu certainly collected a lot of precious flowers and plants and precious pets everywhere.

There are orchids, precious potted plants, gardening, and flowers in the plant collection, and the animals raised are some fish and turtles, including big golden dragon fish and golden turtles. If these things were left outside and discovered by some fans, it would be no problem for a fish or a potted plant to be sold for millions, but now they have been ruined by Taotao.

It’s not that he feels sorry for the economic value of the bonsai and flowers in this hall. Gu Hongyu just silently mourns for the two golden dragon fish in the big fish tank. The two big golden dragon fish are the descendants of the real dragon fish, and they were brought back from Tianchi. I didn’t expect that they were destroyed by little Taotao.

Using his spiritual sense to send an apology to the golden dragon fish, Gu Hongyu sighed: "You guy, you are not so naughty at ordinary times, but you are so bold today?"

Little Taotao looked at Gu Hongyu and was calm. There was no sense of doing anything wrong: "Dad, Taotao saw that grandpa was not here today, so I helped him feed the fish. Do you think grandpa will praise me later?"

"Praise you. If your grandpa knew that you had ruined his orchid, it would be unrealistic to beat you up, but I would definitely feel sorry for you!" Gu Hongyu didn't tell Xiao Taotao about these thoughts in his heart, but only said on the surface: "Well, your grandpa and grandma love you the most, and they will definitely praise you for doing the right thing."

Let the parents worry about it today. Gu Hongyu quickly took out the orchid leaves and some flower stems thrown into the fish tank, and then took care of the damaged flowers and plants in the hall. He also secretly released some space water to compensate for it, hoping that these living potted plants would repair themselves!

"Xiaoyu. It took you so long to come up like this?" Seeing Gu Hongyu holding Taotao and walking up from downstairs, the mother asked unsatisfiedly.

Gu Hongyu handed Taotao to his mother without answering. There was no need to tell the people at the scene what Taotao had just done, lest his father heard the grief in his heart. In fact, it was not just his father. Gu Hongyu just observed the extent of the damage in the plant hall. Even the small-leaf red sandalwood potted plant that Mei's father liked had several branches broken. If he told him, Mei's father would also be sad.

Today is Taotao's first birthday. Don't tell them about such bad things!

I don't know if it's good to educate children like this, but there are two queens who control the government. Gu Hongyu feels helpless and has no one to talk to!

It was already 10 o'clock in the afternoon, and Taotao's birthday party officially began.

In fact, it was just a rich lunch. Most of the dishes were still produced on the farm, but the chef was borrowed from the resort center hotel. Not to mention the quality of the food he made, Gu Hongyu sighed that he was inferior just by the appearance and the combination of various ingredients.

The farm now produces a wide variety of dishes. Vegetables include tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, beans, green vegetables, baby cabbages, loofahs, pumpkins, bitter melons, squashes, as well as chives, garlic sprouts, celery, leeks, etc.

It is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, and the fruits in the orchard are also on the market in large quantities, including late-ripening strawberries, peaches, plums, and peak-season watermelons, pears, bayberries, loquats, lychees, and grapes.

The poultry and livestock in the ranch include beef, goats, native chickens, ducks, and domestic geese, and sometimes a lot of game can be caught.

In addition, the fishery is another gift from nature. Gu Hongyu mainly breeds tuna and grouper, and he also raises a lot of fish, shrimps, and crabs in the 20-square-kilometer fishery, such as cod, herring, abalone, sea cucumbers, scallops, clams, lobsters, and crabs.

In addition to these living animals, Gu Hongyu also planted many different varieties of seaweed in the fishery. Because of the use of Green and Xianyuan space spring water, it also attracted many marine creatures that were raised in the fishery from time to time.

These creatures include jellyfish, dolphins, wild tuna, sharks, and whales. However, those large predatory fish will be expelled by Gu Hongyu as long as they enter the fishery, or they will be tempted by the space spring water to become the patron saint of the fishery.

In short, the output of Gu Hongyu's farm and the fishery is very rich now. Slowly, the dishes on several tables are self-sufficient except for some condiments. Gu Hongyu is proud of this.

However, today is not to highlight the dishes on the table. The protagonist today is Taotao, who is one year old.

After the sumptuous lunch, the family took out a lot of things and threw them on the terrace covered with blankets.

The mother came to the blanket with Taotao, who was struggling with the food. It was the same again. The family meant to watch what Taotao chose from the blanket.

After the week-long and month-long celebrations, now it is the year-old celebration?

Gu Hongyu didn't know if there was such a custom in China, but the whole family seemed to like watching Taotao's performance. I remember that Taotao grabbed a pen the first time, but he was much smarter the second time. He took whatever he could get in front of everyone's astonishment. I don't know if he will sweep away all the gifts this time.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Taotao finally gave up the crab claw in his hand. In Gu Hongyu's eyes, this kid will definitely be a real foodie when he grows up.

The scene shifted, and Taotao in the blanket was very calm. He looked at this and that. Among the various exquisite gifts on the carpet, such as pens, inkstones, official seals, guns, etc., Taotao quickly chose one thing.

Yes, this time he didn't grab everything, but everyone laughed when they saw what he was holding.

Taotao was holding a big gold ingot in his hand. In today's society, you can buy anything as long as you have money.

"This kid is really smart, but is he a little too direct?" The father asked doubtfully after looking at the eliminated choice.

But the mother immediately said: "This is where my good grandson is smart. He knows the importance of money at such a young age. He will definitely not be a spendthrift when he grows up. This is a good choice!"

ps: 2016.02.25 Thanks to the book friends "Li Jia Da Shao Ye", "Nerve? Finger" for their praise and support, and thanks to the book friends "Angel 093", "yu0421", "Li Xiaogou" and other monthly ticket support!


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