Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 881 Take you to see the fairy

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"According to our reporter, recently a charity foundation called Xianyuan has solved a large-scale drinking water problem for Dasheng Township in our county. When the reporter interviewed the local people, the masses gave a thumbs up to the charity foundation’s approach. However, when interviewing the foundation staff, they were rejected by the other party..."

On this day, the Jin County News Channel inserted a piece of news that surprised the audience who had been paying attention to the news program for a long time, especially Shen Guohua, a network news editor in Jin County, who sneered at the report.

In his opinion, the charity foundation’s refusal to interview is a show. Waiting for the media to ferment for a while, the foundation will take the initiative to jump out. This practice has been common. For the county news to broadcast such news, he estimated that the Propaganda Department must have a trick with the charity foundation, and it might be another gray transaction.

However, after a few days, Jin County’s news report on the charity foundation came to an end!

This was completely unexpected by Shen Guohua. It was totally out of the ordinary. If it was based on the past development rules, the county news should have followed up. The foundation's charity activities in Jin County were a complete success. But there has been no news about this for so long!

Could it be that the charity foundation's publicity strategy has taken a different approach?

Recalling the name of the foundation, Shen Guohua searched online, and finally found a bright spot after very careful efforts. That is, Xianyuan Charity Foundation is a charity organization that was established not long ago and is non-public fundraising and non-commercial. `

It is a big project to control the drought in the entire township. The investment is at least tens of millions, otherwise it will not achieve the effect at all. In the news, many people interviewed said that the charity foundation was good. Could it be that the charity foundation really took out so much real money, or was it just a show staged by the people?

After thinking for a while, Shen Guohua thought that this must be the latter. It is impossible for an unknown charity foundation to go to a remote village and invest such a huge amount of money for no reason. Secondly, if a foundation came with a huge amount of money, it would have been welcomed by the city leaders and would not be so unknown.

As a righteous person, Shen Guohua decided to expose this fake news on the spot, so that those organizations or individuals who pretended to be charitable would let more people see their true colors.

That day, Shen Guohua asked the editor-in-chief for a few days off. He did not tell his immediate boss about this matter, because he felt that this matter involved some department leaders and superiors in Jin County, and he now had the most real situation. Even if the editor-in-chief did not broadcast his news materials. He could use the power of the Internet to condemn these hypocritical people and dereliction of duty bureaucrats who did not really do practical things for the people and made empty shows all day long.

Driving a 70% new BYD F3 sedan bought at a used car market for 20,000 yuan, he first went from the highway to the national highway, then the provincial highway, and finally to the rural mechanized farming road. The whole car was almost broken into pieces by the bumps. Along the way, Shen Guohua expressed his grief for the inaction of the transportation department.

Following the map, he came to Dasheng Village, Dasheng Township, Jin County, a remote place. The climate was already very dry, and the air was filled with a layer of sand and dust like thick fog, especially the dust raised by the passing cars was scattered everywhere with the occasional violent monsoon. `

In such a harsh environment, Shen Guohua, who came to Dasheng Village, found that there were quite a few villagers in this village, and many villagers dressed up to welcome him when he visited. Many people held suona, gongs, and waist drums in their hands. There was even a team of villagers dressed in uniform holding a long dragon on their heads. There were more people around these villagers, and they had smiles on their faces. There were also children playing among the crowd.

What's going on?

Did it happen that I met villagers praying for rain today?

Shen Guohua parked his BYD car far away, walked into the lively crowd, caught an elderly person who was watching the excitement, took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag, took out a cigarette and handed it to the other person, and said with a smile: "Old man, what's going on with you?"

The old man took the cigarette and looked at it and actually recognized it: "Hey, the cigarette is good, you are also from the city, you are different from those from big cities."

"What big city is it..." Shen Guohua laughed at himself and immediately pointed to the jubilant crowd and said: "Uncle, let's talk about what's going on!"

"What else can it be, our village has encountered a happy thing, and every time there is a good thing in the village, everyone will do it once." The old man seemed not to understand what Shen Guohua meant by asking. He spoke in general terms.

Shen Guohua was not discouraged and asked again: "Happy events in the village, whether it's an old man's birthday or someone's family welcoming a bride, or..."

"Haha, you are really funny. Since you are pleasing to the eye, I will tell you that today is the day when every household in our village has running water. All the villagers in the village should be happy." The old man smiled as he spoke, and the wrinkles on his face piled up like the bark of a tree that has been through wind, frost, snow and rain.

Looking at the dry environment around, Shen Guohua nodded: "It is indeed worth everyone's joy to have running water in such a place. In order to have running water, you must have invited a professional drilling team. This must cost a lot of money, right?"

The old man shook his head: "Haha, this time we have a great benefactor to help the villagers without spending a penny. I really thank the charity foundation, especially the beautiful girl who looks like a fairy."

"Charitable foundation?" Shen Guohua's head was struck as if he had been punched, causing him a deep dizziness.

Are the previous news reports true?

This is impossible!

He has a deep understanding of the Xianyuan Foundation. The nature of this little-known foundation is non-public and non-commercial. Are they imitating Lei Feng to do good deeds without leaving a name? There are still such companies or individuals in modern society. ?

How much investment does this require, how wealthy is the person who founded this foundation, and how much courage does it take to achieve such an initiative?

"Haha, you must be shocked!" The old man continued with a familiar expression: "We have had some charity foundations here before, but after seeing the environment in the village, most of them left directly, and a few We left some funds and left. Only this foundation saw the situation in our village and insisted on digging more than ten deep wells for us to supply thousands of villagers in the village. This is truly a good deed, but such charity However, the company refused to accept media reports. It is said that they had notified the province and were accompanied by local government leaders. They conducted on-the-spot inspections and supervised the construction in person when doing charity work. Now our village has no water shortage at all. This is something I never dreamed of before. things.”

"Have the staff of the charity foundation left?" Shen Guohua was particularly interested in such a low-key charity foundation. He was not thinking about exposing social injustice or dark inside stories at the moment. He wanted to introduce this foundation to everyone. , because this is a truly charitable foundation!

Looking at Shen Guohua's appearance, the old man smiled again: "Haha, they originally wanted to come after the well was dug, but they were all stopped by the big guys. Today's grand event in our village is specially held for them, let's go I’ll take you to see the fairy from the foundation!”

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Qian Kongfang", "The Young Master of the Li Family", "Wanting Fantasy Love", "Sheep Type", "Lonely Tears Flying", "Handsome Fish~Put~Put", "Book Friends" "Appreciate the support, thank "yuo421", "Book Friends", "Yangzhong", "Qingkongli", "Little Wind from the West", "Taixu Eclipse", "Loulan Ancient Sword", "Flying Tiger Bookworm" , "huanghuzia", ​​"Yangqing Feng Shui", "A hundred practices make a pig", "Out of sight is out of sight", "Double offset paper", "Wheat sprouts", "No man's sea", "Forest sky", " fennd" monthly ticket support!

May is a new beginning, and I wish all book friends a happy May Day. I hope you will work together to support subscribing to genuine novels. Thank you very much! xh13


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