Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 882 The most beautiful back

Mei Ning was a little anxious at the moment. Dasheng Village was just one of the villages that held the charity event this time. There were several other villages that had many things that needed to be dealt with urgently. However, Dasheng Village held a village event specifically for her. She was going to visit this village because it was a highly respected one. The village party secretary was so excited that he knelt down to persuade Mei Ning to stay in Dasheng Village.

The event in Dasheng Village has a traditional charm. The villagers sang and danced, and the waist drums, suonas, gongs, and shouts filled the sky. They were just waiting for the finale of the dragon dance performance. Mei Ning could leave here, but at this moment, the villagers However, the old branch secretary came with a man who was obviously dressed differently from the villagers.

After some contact with Shen Guohua, the old party secretary learned his name and immediately introduced him to Mei Ning with a smile: "Manager Mei, this is Xiao Shen. He should be a reporter who came here specifically to interview you. You should vigorously publicize the good things you have done. You were busy with work and refused, but now that the drinking water project here is completed, you should show your face!"

Mei Ning chatted politely with Shen Guohua, but the other party was shocked. Firstly, the old man he was chatting with was actually the old branch secretary of Dasheng Village. Secondly, why did the other party know his identity and introduce him to the foundation with confidence? Chief, what exactly is going on?

The old party secretary looked at Shen Guohua's expression and felt very proud. He wanted to hide this from his sharp eyes. Dasheng Village is located in a remote place. In the past, even an ant would not come. Recently, news reporters have come to interview one after another. Before Several waves of reporters were dressed very similar to Shen Guohua. They wore a vest with many pockets and a digital device hanging around their neck. When they arrived in the village, they asked about this and that, and so the scene of dealing with Shen Guohua before happened.

"Ahem..." Shen Guohua finally came to his senses after the deliberate reminder from the old party secretary, and said to Mei Ning hurriedly: "Hello, Manager Mei. I am Shen Guohua, the news editor of the Xunlang website. I saw you guys by accident last time. Charitable foundation, I will come over and prepare to interview you."

Mei Ning said calmly: "No, these things are what our charity foundation should do. Our charity foundation employees will not be interviewed. I am very sorry for this."

Being rejected made Shen Guohua very embarrassed. The old party secretary of Dasheng Village smoothed things over and said: "Manager Mei, your kind deeds should be publicized. Only by spreading the traditional virtues of China can more people learn from it."

Facing the enthusiastic old party secretary Mei Ning, she smiled and said: "Old man, our foundation truly solves the practical difficulties of disadvantaged groups. We don't do any reporting or publicity. We don't want to gain fame. Please forgive me. That's it. I Now I have to rush to another village, there are still things waiting for me there! "

"This is the real charity!" Seeing Mei Ning and several employees walking away quietly in the lively atmosphere, Shen Guohua looked at their backs and couldn't help but take out his digital camera. Take a photo of this situation.

On the car leaving Dasheng Village. Gu Hongyu, a non-staff member, was caught as a driver. After all, those who followed Mei Ning were all delicate young girls. For a period of time, he was stationed abroad to survey and dig wells, handling and coordinating all aspects of things, so that everyone except Gu Hongyu could do it. Everyone else is exhausted.

On the way to Jinhong Township, Gu Hongyu winked at Mei Ning and said with a smile: "Manager Mei, is an employee like me still competent?"

"It's okay, but you have to work harder, or your salary will be deducted!" Mei Ningjiao responded with a smile. That capable way of speaking as a strong woman made Gu Hongyu feel another kind of charm.

While Mei Ning continued her charity work, they didn't know that Shen Guohua in Jin County had already uploaded photos of their backs to the website. He also explained the origin of the photo and wrote a note next to the photo.

This photo was originally taken unintentionally, but when the camera was clearing its memory, Shen Guohua suddenly discovered the unique charm of this back view.

Behind the roar of gongs and drums and the cheering of the villagers, several heroic and beautiful figures were walking in the opposite direction. Their long hair was flowing, and one of the girls looked back. Show a genuine smile.

Seeing such a picture, Shen Guohua had an impulse in his heart. He planned to add notes to this picture to explain the unknown contributions of these most lovely women.

In one of the comments, Shen Guohua said: They spent their youth sweating in the new era and went to the front lines of impoverished mountainous areas just to provide the local villagers with real life needs. In Dasheng Village, Jin County, on behalf of a charity, they drilled more than ten deep water wells for the villagers there, solving the drinking water problem for the whole village. They refused to be interviewed, and when the villagers were celebrating, they were assigned to go to another place. Continuing with the charity work, I was lucky enough to take a photo of their backs, but I think their backs should be the most beautiful ones.

After a personal visit to Dasheng Village, Shen Guohua's impression of the Xianyuan Charity Foundation suddenly changed, from initial doubt to final belief, and he cheered for the Xianyuan Foundation's feats.

It was already very late when he compiled this picture and the explanation and uploaded it to a website forum. After finishing all this, Shen Guohua went to bed to rest, but the picture slowly fermented at night, waiting for him to get up the next day. I found that this topic has been pushed to the top, the post with the most beautiful back has over 10,000 clicks, and the number of netizens’ replies has exceeded 1,000, which is a big deal in a forum that is not very popular.

There are many comments from netizens, many likes, and many meaningful comments.

"If what the poster said is true, I can only describe the figures of these women as boundless love and flawless backs. They deserve to be called the most beautiful backs."

"The above analysis is very accurate, but from my personal point of view, the women who show their backs are not very old. Look at the charming eyes of one of the beautiful girls who turned around and looked back. I believe that the other women are not bad either. After all, we have to believe in the old saying that birds of a feather flock together."

"Like for the beautiful girls who show their love. I really hope to make friends with the beautiful girls with love above."

"That one is flawless What is the name of the charity foundation that privately drills wells for villagers? Judging from the meaning of the poster's remarks, this charity foundation has solved the problem of drinking water difficulties for more than one village. It's too **! "

"I also want to join the ranks of charity. Is this charity foundation recruiting volunteers? I must be so excited to spend time with my beautiful sister!"

"I also want to find this charity foundation. I want to donate money to show some love to those poor people."


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Thanks to book friends "Su Xiaoyue", "Li Family Young Master", "Xiang Huanai", "Book Friends" for their praise and support, and thanks to "Songhai ゲ Yunyan", "Buy Code People", "yjydfcpi" for their monthly ticket support!

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