Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 901 Plane Fusion (Part 2)

When the old monster put a top-quality spiritual stone on the ground that had not been eroded by the lava, an almost transparent line connected all the spiritual stones to form a very large pattern. ♦

This pattern looks very complicated, and the light pillars intertwined with everything slowly become brighter and brighter from being transparent at the beginning, until they finally release bright light towards the surroundings.

Gu Hongyu immediately closed his eyes after being illuminated by the dazzling light, and at this moment the old monster's voice rang beside him: "Boy, follow me quickly to where we are in this plane."


The thundering sound suddenly covered up the sound of lava flowing, causing the majestic mountain peak to topple.

When Gu Hongyu fled in a hurry, the lava not far away seemed to be completely angered by the awakening giants. They actually formed huge waves and surged in all directions. The remaining vegetation and creatures on the plain were just like this. The lava actually swallowed it.

The vibration this time exceeded everyone's expectations. The entire land in the area of ​​the plane teleportation array was shaking. Some of the surrounding land was cracked open and fell into the lava before disappearing.

Gu Hongyu ran quickly. At this moment, he was fighting for his life.

Even though he was not out of the range of the protective shield of the old monster's structure, he had no reason to worry that the protective shield would suddenly disappear when he thought about how the lava splashed up when it hit the rock wall and made contact with the protective shield. Lose.

Fortunately, none of this happened. When the old monster took him to the teleportation array, Qingniao and Qiongqi were also waiting here in embarrassment.

"Old man, hurry up and get the teleportation array ready so we can get out. I think this plane is about to completely collapse." Qiongqi urged anxiously from the side.

The old monster didn't speak at this time, and focused on the teleportation array in the plane. Cleaning up the dust that had accumulated over the years on the teleportation array, Qiongqi wanted to scream but was immediately stopped by Qingniao. Now it was time to work slowly and carefully, and haste makes waste. If you make a mistake while busy, everything might be over.

The sound of collapse between heaven and earth seemed to be getting closer and closer to the teleportation array. The energy in the old monster's whole body was flying up and down around him, and for a while, colorful lights brightened. For a moment, the light all over his body seemed to be restrained again.

Finally, seeing that the solid rock walls on the periphery were being swallowed up by lava, there was only a space of less than a hundred meters around the teleportation array, and the center of the teleportation array was finally filled with light.

"Okay, everyone, hurry in." The old monster said weakly.

Returning to the Snake Cave, where the fishy smell still filled the entire cave, Gu Hongyu and the others felt extremely lucky. First, the teleportation array in the plane space was successfully activated, and secondly, the Snake Cave was not collapsed by the previous earthquake. The formation on this side The Fa is also very complete, and they must all come out in full.

But Gu Hongyu didn't wait until he could take a breath. The old monster still said weakly: "Boy, please temporarily remove your space artifact. If you want to merge the plane that is about to collapse into the fairy source space, you put the space artifact in the center of this ancient formation. , controls the full opening of the space Dao device, and expands as big as it can, without having to worry about anything..."

Coming out of the plane teleportation array just now consumed the old monster's energy. At this moment, the old monster's whole body has almost no radiance. His expression became very weak, and at this time he was still telling Gu Hongyu what to do. This made him almost more injured.

Gu Hongyu also concentrated all his energy at this moment. The mark of the fairy source space turned into a ball of fluorescence and fell at the center of the formation. Then he tried his best to open the excuse of the fairy source space to the outside world, and suddenly a light gate was formed in the middle of the formation. , this light door is still rotating.

"Master, is this okay now?" Gu Hongyu has improved his control of the Xianyuan space to the extreme.

The old monster looked weak. But at this moment he actually smiled: "Yes, this is very good. Even though he is not big, there is no limit to the items that can be absorbed by this kind of light gate. At this time, the plane that is facing collapse will hopefully be integrated by the fairy source space. ”

Just as the old monster was talking. I don't know what he did, and then I saw that the Snake Cave cave immediately began to vibrate again, and the large and small gravels at the top of the cave began to fall down again.

"Boy, don't worry about anything in the surroundings. Focus on the Xianyuan space. You must maintain the overall expansion of the space. I will let Qiongqi and Qingniao handle the stones that fall around." The old monster's voice spoke again. Gu Hongyu's ears rang.

Qiongqi still wanted to play tricks in such a dangerous situation. He complained and shouted: "I lost this time. I didn't get anything and I still have to wipe this kid's ass. If I had known that this kind of behavior would make the space weapon There are a few more wild beasts in the cave, and it won’t be a problem for them to hold it.”

"Okay, don't worry, be careful not to affect the kid's ability to perform his skills. This is the most critical time." Qingniao seemed unusually calm no matter what the situation was.

The old monster nodded in agreement: "The success or failure of this time ultimately depends on the boy!"

Perhaps the entire Viper Island is shaking at this moment. The vibrations in the snake cave have not stopped. At first, only small pieces of gravel fell down, and then tons of boulders also fell down. At first, Qiongqi was very easy to deal with it. , in the end, when this guy faced the boulder, he could only use his skills to guide the whereabouts of the boulder elsewhere. A noble wild beast was now as tired as a dog. Of course, this was Gu Hongyu's inner thought, and he would not do it. Speak up.

The falling rocks made Qiongqi and Qingniao exhausted. Although the old monster looked weak, he continued to explain to Gu Hongyu what needed to be done. Gu Hongyu was the most relaxed person in the snake cave.

It was not difficult for Gu Hongyu to do his best to maintain the expansion of the fairy source space. The things that the old monster told him to do were not beyond his ability. When he felt that his body had reached its limit while circulating his true energy, the fairy source space that was closely related to him would actually return some spiritual energy to his body.

However, Gu Hongyu's good luck ended here.

The light gate formed by the fairy source space had been rotating in disorder, but with a bang, a burst of energy was suddenly released from the ancient formation. Except for Gu Hongyu, Qiongqi, Qingniao, even the old monster and the roof of the entire snake cave were overturned and thrown into the sky by this energy.

However, Gu Hongyu was not feeling well either. At this moment, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his internal organs seemed to be hit by a truck.

But the facts told him that now was not the time to retreat. He had already felt that the strange plane space had been slowly pulled by the Xianyuan space, and there was a sign of gradual fusion from the unknown plane. If he retreated, he would immediately fail.

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Phantom Kiss", "I want to love", and "6 Baishui" for their praise and support, and thanks to "Phantom Kiss" and "I don't cry" for their monthly ticket support!

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