Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 902 Comprehensive Evolution

I don’t know how long it took, but after everything was calm, Gu Hongyu was still standing there stupidly.

“Wake up, wake up”

“Boy, say something, has the plane been fused by the space device?” Qiongqi’s temper started again, but Gu Hongyu just stood there and ignored him.

“Oh my god, this kid really thinks he has me. If I don’t show my power, he really thinks I’m a sick cat.” At first glance at Qiongqi’s current condition, the fur on his body is very messy, and there are several cuts on it. It looks like a stray cat or dog. With its violent appearance, it can’t show its former majesty no matter what.

“Okay, can you be quiet now? Didn’t you notice this human kid? He seems to have entered a state of emptiness at the moment. If you really disturb him, the old man will definitely not let you go.” Qingniao observed for a while and said slowly.

However, the old monster did not respond at this moment. He no longer had the energy to reply. Even if he returned to the original snake cave, it was Qiongqi and Qingniao who worked together to bring him back. He was already very weak, and was blown away by a sudden explosion. It was good enough for the old monster to survive.

Two wild beasts and a weak energy body were quietly surrounding Gu Hongyu at this moment.

After being scolded by Qingniao, Qiongqi also discovered Gu Hongyu's condition. After being in contact with Gu Hongyu for a period of time, he had some feelings for this human. Although he had a bad temper, he also had to see if the timing was right. When Gu Hongyu could not be disturbed, this guy could only climb onto a big rock and count the stars with his head tilted.

The island was very quiet at night, except for the venomous snake island. Qingniao and Qiongqi were blown away by the explosion wave and were also injured. They all restrained the breath of the wild beasts and regulated their true qi to recover from their injuries. The old monster did the same. He used all his strength to sit cross-legged on a not very flat stone mountain, with his eyes slightly closed and his breath weak.

Perhaps without the breath that frightened the venomous snakes, many of them gradually approached the snake cave that had been completely changed.

"Damn, is there any justice in the world? Even these little reptiles dare to go against me." Qiongqi whispered to himself, and then exuded its wild beast breath again, and the sound of venomous snakes moving away was heard in the bushes.

"Hehe, are you scared now?" Qiongqi laughed complacently. But soon it became distressed again: "It's over, the true energy that I finally gathered has been disrupted again, no, I must make him look good when the human boy wakes up."

Gu Hongyu, who was discussed by Qiongqi and Qingniao, is now in a very delicate state.

After a difficult confrontation, the strange plane was swallowed by the Xianyuan space. Gu Hongyu thought it would take a long time, but in that instant, the plane disappeared in a flash, and the area of ​​the Xianyuan space increased a lot. Even Gu Hongyu, who had the dominance of dozens of kilometers in the Xianyuan space, almost fell into that vast area.

After some exploration, Gu Hongyu was shocked to find that the area of ​​the Xianyuan space had increased by thousands of square kilometers, and this was just the area that had been revealed. There were still many areas covered by a thick fog, but Gu Hongyu could feel that the remaining areas might appear at any time.

Even if the Xianyuan space did not find the remaining fragments, it did benefit a lot this time. It can be said that it has completely evolved in an all-round way.

In the newly added area of ​​thousands of square kilometers. The scene of the end of the plane completely disappeared, replaced by patches of red land and bare hills. It was as if the plane was reborn. I am afraid that there will be living creatures in the near future.

However, the next scene made Gu Hongyu dumbfounded, because the scene in front of him once again exceeded his expectations. A change that could be seen by the naked eye was taking place on the new red land.

On the red soil plains and red soil hills that were originally empty, some unknown vegetation emerged from the soil. They stretched their branches and leaves rapidly upward or toward the surroundings. In a short while, there were many tall trees, low shrubs, and green lawns on the red soil. If Gu Hongyu hadn't seen this scene with his own eyes, anyone who first came here would have thought that this was the way it was.

Moreover, the spiritual energy in this newly added area was as rich as that in the Xianyuan space. Gu Hongyu even noticed that the spiritual energy in the Xianyuan space seemed to have not decreased from now on, even though there were many creatures in it that kept consuming the spiritual energy in it. On the contrary, the spiritual energy was still growing inadvertently.

Could this be the opportunity that Master and Qiongqi were talking about? After the Xianyuan space swallowed up the strange plane, the Hongmeng tree in the Xianyuan space could give the plane facing collapse a new life again.

The changes were too drastic.

After the Xianyuan Space opened up a new area, many creatures that used to live in the Xianyuan Space spontaneously ran in, especially in low-lying areas, where the river water in the Xianyuan Space flowed in. The new area quickly formed rivers and streams, and the aquatic creatures that came with the river water kept jumping out of the water in this new space, as if cheering.

"Human boy, you really succeeded." Firebirds and other wild beasts such as elk also entered the new area of ​​the Xianyuan Space, looking at Gu Hongyu and asking in disbelief.

Gu Hongyu waved his hand and pointed to the land under him: "Well, the reality is in front of you, do I need to say this?"

The elk smiled awkwardly, looked around and changed the subject: "Hey, why didn't you see Lord Bluebird, Qiongqi, and that old human man?"

This reminded Gu Hongyu that he had been checking the changes in the space and almost forgot about his master, the old monster.

However, he was stunned the next moment. His body had always been outside the space, but his consciousness was no different from the entity in the space.

This, could it be that all this was due to the new function of the Xianyuan space swallowing the plane? In this way, he would not have to enter the space to do many things that were difficult to do before. For example, the old monster had been asking him to learn the knowledge of cultivation in the stone tablet. Then he would do other things outside and keep a little consciousness in the Xianyuan space. Wouldn't that mean he could take care of both sides? This was a bit like an incarnation.

Not only did the Xianyuan space evolve comprehensively when it swallowed the plane, but even he himself who participated in this matter had such a change. Moreover, Gu Hongyu believed that what he had just discovered was definitely not all. There were many changes that he didn't know about that would be slowly discovered in the future. It was really incredible. To be continued.

ps: The second update is here. It's a bit late. Please forgive me.


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