Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 94 Good news (please recommend and collect)

It wasn't until the sun set in the west that Gu Hongyu ended his day's practice. After being exposed to the sun for a day, he couldn't see any signs of fatigue. The only change from the morning was that there was a little more dust on his body. That was because he was covered in dust while he was practicing. Brought by wind and sand.

The more he practiced the technique, the more subtle it was, and Gu Hongyu discovered it. Now that his fire skills had increased a little, he naturally felt in his heart that as long as he succeeded in practicing the five elements, it would bring him more unexpected benefits. .

When he returned to the wooden house, Gu Hongyu was still immersed in his thoughts about practicing. Unexpectedly, he was suddenly startled. It turned out that Uncle Aza was lying on the rocking chair on the wooden house platform. He might have been waiting for a long time and looked at Gu Hongyu looked a little excited when he came back.

"Uncle, what do you want to see me for?" Yesterday's wages have been paid, and it is not time to pay wages yet. Gu Hongyu is a little confused as to the purpose of Uncle Aza's visit.

Uncle Aza felt a little embarrassed when Gu Hongyu asked him, but he still asked eagerly: "Xiao Gu, have those vegetables been sold? Is the price really what you said?"

It turns out that he has always been concerned about vegetables. Gu Hongyu somewhat understands Uncle Aza's eagerness. If there is no problem with vegetable sales, then Gu Hongyu will be able to make a profit in the future, and the villagers will naturally be able to continue working for Gu Hongyu to make money. In this way The good situation can continue. If Gu Hongyu's vegetables are not easy to sell, it will be difficult to say in the future.

Gu Hongyu really couldn't laugh or cry when he thought about this. Uncle Aza was so conscientious as a party secretary of a small village. Maybe he was afraid of poverty. He was very concerned about all the hope Gu Hongyu brought to them.

With a laugh, Gu Hongyu eased Uncle Aza's mood and then said: "Uncle, the vegetables may have just arrived at Xiangjiang. I'll see next time, give the villagers who come with the car a mobile phone so that you can Stay on top of this situation! ”

"Ah, that doesn't mean we won't know the news until tomorrow!" Uncle Aza's face was obviously disappointed.

Seeing this, Gu Hongyu hurriedly said: "I'll ask about the situation over there later, and I'll call your home as soon as I have any news."

Uncle Aza is one of the few people in the village who has installed a landline phone. This is done by the town in order to keep abreast of the following situation. It is half-sold and half-delivered. There seem to be only one or two households in the village who have installed telephones, and very few have mobile phones. There are not many. In short, this small village does have little contact with the outside world.

"Then... that's all we can do. The village is still waiting for me to bring news back!" Uncle Aza sighed.

At this moment, Gu Hongyu's cell phone rang. He took it and saw that it was Lin Yuantao who was calling. He quickly stopped Uncle Aza who was walking back. Gu Hongyu asked into the phone: "Yuantao, what's wrong with the vegetables?" Have you arrived?"

"It's here, it's here at 4 o'clock this afternoon..." Lin Yuantao was very excited on the phone.

Before he could finish speaking, Gu Hongyu was puzzled: "I checked on the Internet, doesn't it take a day to get from our place to yours? It's only just one day now, how come we're here now?"

"You don't know this, right? All you are looking for is old news. A recently built expressway can save you the journey to Xiangjiang, so I arrived early." After saying this, Lin Yuantao changed the topic and got back to the topic: " Well, let me tell you good news!"

"Aren't vegetables easy to sell?" Gu Hongyu said without thinking.

Lin Yuantao on the other end of the phone spoke in an exaggerated voice: "Let me tell you, these vegetables are not only easy to sell, I have never seen such a looting scene..."

It turned out that the vegetables were surrounded by customer representatives as soon as they arrived at the delivery place. Lin Yuantao was immediately ready to ask the villagers following the truck to unload the vegetables, but things started to happen after only a few boxes of fresh and delicate vegetables were moved out of the truck.

One customer picked up the red tomato without being too dirty, wiped it twice, and then took a big bite. The plump and juicy tomato immediately overflowed with juice, and a refreshing fragrance wafted out. The rest of the customers did the same. In the same way, some picked up a cucumber, and some simply put beans, green vegetables, and peppers into their mouths.

After a while, no one doubted the deliciousness of the vegetables. However, the clever customers saw that there was only one cart of vegetables and it was obvious that there was too much for them, so they came to seize the vegetables that were being carried on the cart, and some immediately bribed the people who carried the vegetables. Villagers, some even got into their cars and started carrying the goods themselves.

This time, the load of vegetables was only 5,000 kilograms. Seeing this, Lin Yuantao couldn't help but offered to share it equally with each customer. He also explained anxiously that this batch of vegetables was just the first batch of leftovers and would be shipped soon.

After hearing the rush, the customer representatives slowly stopped, but then they surrounded Lin Yuantao and planned to reserve the quantity of vegetables, while promising to pay a deposit in advance.

In the end, with the cooperation of Lin Yuantao, Shen Fengzhu and a group of employees, 5,000 kilograms of vegetables were sold out in less than half an hour, and the price of vegetables also increased by 20% on the original basis.

Among those who have been purchasing agricultural and sideline products for a long time, who is not a monkey expert? After seeing the quality of the vegetables grown by Gu Hongyu and the test reports given by Lin Yuantao and others in the early stage, I tasted the taste of the vegetables again today, and I still don’t know this. Growing vegetables will soon become the darling of the market.

In this way, the price of the vegetables that had just arrived was basically twice the price of ordinary vegetables on the market. The customer representatives also planned to reach a supply agreement with Lin Yuantao and the others. This made Lin Yuantao overjoyed, so Lin Yuantao immediately I called Gu Hongyu to ask for his opinion.

The planting area of ​​greenhouse vegetables is 50 mu. Looking at the growth of vegetables in the greenhouse today, the average yield of one mu of vegetables is far more than 3,000 kilograms of normal greenhouse vegetables. Even if the average yield of one mu is 7,000 kilograms, it is 350,000 kilograms. According to the average price of 7 yuan sold for the first batch of vegetables today, it is more than 2 million yuan.

Although it cannot be compared with precious medicinal materials and precious flowers such as ginseng and orchids, planting vegetables is only one season. If it is planted all year round, it can be planted for 4 seasons, which is tens of millions of wealth!

Now that vegetables are on the market, Gu Hongyu calmly calculated the yield of vegetables and said: "The total yield in the greenhouse is more than 300,000 kilograms. You can discuss the situation over there with Fengzhu and how much to ship. Call me after you have discussed it!"

"Okay, then I'll hang up. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with here!" Lin Yuantao was also straightforward and hung up the phone after speaking.

Uncle Azha was just being held back by Gu Hongyu, and couldn't hear the content of the call clearly, but seeing Gu Hongyu's happy face, he wanted to know the result even more. Seeing that he finally hung up the phone, he hurriedly asked: "Xiao Gu, is there any result over there?"

"Yes, the vegetables were sold out as soon as they arrived!" Gu Hongyu said happily.

"Really, this is great, it's really great, now the villagers can finally have a stable job to continue!" Seeing Gu Hongyu's strange expression, he immediately changed his words and said: "Congratulations to Xiao Gu for the hot sales of vegetables, but how much are those vegetables per pound?"

"The wholesale price is 7 yuan now!" Gu Hongyu didn't intend to hide it and said directly. Anyway, the villagers who followed the car must know the price. Even if he didn't say it now, it wouldn't take long for the whole village to know it.

"Ah, okay, I'll tell the rest of the village right away!" Uncle Azha was shocked, but he was still prepared in his heart, but he walked quickly towards the village again.

Gu Hongyu looked at Uncle Azha's figure and smiled silently.

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